Document profile merge logic a bit.

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2012-08-22 11:41:04 -07:00
parent 00ee950ef9
commit 8e15d2ded5
2 changed files with 22 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
project (and project (update-in project [:aliases] (fnil dissoc {})
(or task-alias task-name)))
task (resolve-task task-name)]
;; TODO: this breaks when using with-profile
(when-not (or project (:no-project-needed (meta task)))
(abort "Couldn't find project.clj, which is needed for" task-name))
(when-not (matching-arity? task args)

View file

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
(:import (clojure.lang DynamicClassLoader)
( PushbackReader)))
;; # Project definition and normalization
(defn- unquote-project
"Inside defproject forms, unquoting (~) allows for arbitrary evaluation."
@ -146,6 +148,8 @@
"Normalize project map to standard representation."
(comp normalize-repos normalize-deps absolutize-paths remove-aliases))
;; # Profiles: basic merge logic
(def default-profiles
"Profiles get merged into the project map. The :dev and :user
profiles are active by default."
@ -230,6 +234,8 @@
(merge @default-profiles (user/profiles)
(:profiles project) (project-profiles project)))
;; # Lower-level profile plumbing: loading plugins, hooks, middleware, certs
(defn ensure-dynamic-classloader []
(let [thread (Thread/currentThread)
cl (.getContextClassLoader thread)]
@ -253,10 +259,10 @@
(.getResources "leiningen/wagons.clj")
[hint factory] (read-string (slurp wagon-file))]
(aether/register-wagon-factory! hint (eval factory))))
(aether/register-wagon-factory! hint (eval factory)))
([project] (load-plugins project :plugins)))
(defn- plugin-namespaces [project sub-ns]
(filter utils/ns-exists?
(for [[plugin] (:plugins project)]
@ -265,10 +271,6 @@
(defn- plugin-hooks [project]
(plugin-namespaces project 'hooks))
(defn- plugin-middleware [project]
(for [ns (plugin-namespaces project 'middleware)]
(symbol (name ns) "project")))
(defn- load-hook [hook-ns]
(when-let [hook (try (utils/require-resolve (name hook-ns) "activate")
(catch Throwable e
@ -279,9 +281,14 @@
(utils/error "problem activating" hook-ns "hook")
(throw e)))))
(defn- load-hooks [project & [ignore-missing?]]
(defn load-hooks [project & [ignore-missing?]]
(doseq [hook-ns (concat (plugin-hooks project) (:hooks project))]
(load-hook hook-ns)))
(load-hook hook-ns))
(defn- plugin-middleware [project]
(for [ns (plugin-namespaces project 'middleware)]
(symbol (name ns) "project")))
(defn apply-middleware
@ -319,6 +326,8 @@
;; # High-level profile operations
(defn merge-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with the given profiles merged
into list of active profiles and the appropriate middleware applied."
@ -337,9 +346,11 @@
(remove (set profiles) included-profiles)
(concat excluded-profiles profiles))))
;; TODO: unify with reset-profiles above
(defn init-project
"Initializes a project: loads plugins, then applies middleware, and finally
loads hooks. Adds dependencies to Leiningen's classpath if required."
"Initializes a project: loads certificates, loads plugins, then applies
middleware, and finally loads hooks. Adds dependencies to Leiningen's
classpath if required."
(load-certificates project)
(when (= :leiningen (:eval-in project))