add recipe for Maven Central deployment to

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Chas Emerick 2012-08-16 07:12:55 -04:00
parent c41871c5b7
commit 8e0fe8e108

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@ -110,6 +110,77 @@ appropriately, you can deploy to it:
$ lein deploy [repository-name]
If the project's current version is a SNAPSHOT, it will default to
If the project's current version is a `SNAPSHOT`, it will default to
deploying to the `snapshots` repository; otherwise it will default to
## Deploying to Maven Central
Deploying your libraries and other artifacts to [Maven
Central]( is often desirable. Most tools that
use the Maven repository format (including Leiningen, Gradle, sbt, and
Maven itself) include Maven Central or one of its mirrors as a default
repository for resolving project dependencies. So, deploying your
libraries to Maven Central offers the widest distribution, especially if
your users are likely to be in languages other than Clojure.
Thankfully, Leiningen can deploy your libraries to Maven Central, with
a few additional bits of configuration. All of the guidance about
deploying to private repositories laid out above applies; but, here's a
step-by-step recipe from start to finish:
1. Register an account and groupId on ``; refer to
for details on how to get registered (you can ignore most of the info on
that page regarding configuring Maven and/or ant, since we'll not be
touching those tools). Note that all artifacts you deploy to OSS will
need to use the groupId(s) you choose, so your project coordinates
should be set up to match; e.g.:
(defproject "x.y.z" ...)
2. Add your credentials for `` to your
`~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg` file. Something like this will do:
{:username "username" :password "password"}}
Refer to the instructions earlier on this page for how to encrypt a
plain-text `credentials.clj` using GPG.
3. Add the OSS deployment repository endpoints to your project.clj, e.g.:
:deploy-repositories {"releases" {:url ""
:creds :gpg}
"snapshots" {:url ""
:creds :gpg}}
4. Conform to OSS' requirements for uploaded artifacts' `pom.xml` files;
all you need to do is make sure the following slots are populated
properly in your `project.clj`:
Examples of OSS-acceptable values for these entries can be seen in this
Note that all of them should be appropriate for *your* project; blind
copy/paste is not appropriate here.
5. Run `lein deploy`. Leiningen will push all of the files it would
otherwise send to Clojars or your other private repository to the proper
OSS repository (either releases or snapshots depending on whether your
project's version number has `-SNAPSHOT` in it or not).
6. If you're deploying a release, log in to ``, and
close and release/promote your staged repository. (This manual step
will eventually be automated through the use of a plugin.) The release
will show up in OSS' releases repository immediately, and sync to Maven
Central on the next cycle (~ 1-4 hours usually).