apply middleware whenever project profiles are modified

This can happen in merge-profiles, unmerge-profiles or in the newly
added reset-profiles. All three rebuild the project map from scratch
using `(:without-profiles (meta project))`. This prevents middleware
from being applied twice to the same project map.

We also have to call apply-middleware explicitly in init-project because
we want to load-plugins before applying middleware in this case only. An
alternative would be to load plugins every time project profiles are
modified. @technomancy, what do you think of that option?

Issue #401

This commit is contained in:
Justin Balthrop 2012-07-25 19:15:33 -07:00
parent ddc2ca0321
commit 84c93a28b3
4 changed files with 52 additions and 56 deletions

View file

@ -212,8 +212,7 @@ or by executing \"lein upgrade\". ")
(verify-min-version project))
(when-not project
(let [default-project (project/merge-profiles project/defaults
[:user :default])]
(let [default-project (project/merge-profiles project/defaults [:default])]
(project/load-certificates default-project)
(project/load-plugins default-project)))
(warn-chaining task-name args)

View file

@ -228,15 +228,12 @@
We check Leiningen's defaults, the profiles.clj file in ~/.lein/profiles.clj,
the profiles.clj file in the project root, and the :profiles key from the
project map.
Any profile can also be a composite profile. If the profile value is a vector,
then the specified profiles will be combined using combine-profiles."
[project profiles-to-apply]
project map."
[project profiles]
(let [profiles (merge @default-profiles (user/profiles)
(:profiles project) (project-profiles project))]
(map (partial lookup-profile profiles) profiles-to-apply)))
(let [profile-map (merge @default-profiles (user/profiles)
(:profiles project) (project-profiles project))]
(map (partial lookup-profile profile-map) profiles)))
(defn ensure-dynamic-classloader []
(let [thread (Thread/currentThread)
@ -267,7 +264,7 @@
(defn- plugin-middleware [project]
(for [ns (plugin-namespaces project 'middleware)]
(symbol (name ns) "wrap")))
(symbol (name ns) "project")))
(defn- load-hooks [project & [ignore-missing?]]
(doseq [hook-ns (concat (:hooks project)
@ -282,10 +279,9 @@
(defn apply-middleware
(with-meta (reduce apply-middleware project
(concat (:middleware project)
(plugin-middleware project)))
{:without-middleware project}))
(reduce apply-middleware project
(concat (plugin-middleware project)
(:middleware project))))
([project middleware-name]
(when-let [m-ns (namespace middleware-name)]
(require (symbol m-ns)))
@ -299,8 +295,40 @@
context (ssl/make-sslcontext (into (ssl/default-trusted-certs) certs))]
(ssl/register-scheme (ssl/https-scheme context))))
(defn- apply-profiles
"Look up and merge the given profiles into the project map."
[project profiles]
(let [merged (combine-profiles project (profiles-for project profiles))]
(vary-meta (normalize merged) merge
{:without-profiles (normalize (:without-profiles (meta project) project))
:included-profiles (concat (:included-profiles (meta project)) profiles)})))
(defn reset-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with the specified profiles active
and the appropriate middleware applied."
[project profiles]
(-> (:without-profiles (meta project) project)
(apply-profiles profiles)
(defn merge-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with the given profiles merged into
list of active profiles and the appropriate middleware applied."
[project profiles]
(reset-profiles project
(concat (:included-profiles (meta project))
(defn unmerge-profiles
"Compute a fresh version of the project map with the given profiles unmerged from
list of active profiles and the appropriate middleware applied."
[project profiles]
(reset-profiles project
(remove (set profiles)
(:included-profiles (meta project)))))
(defn init-project
"Initializes a project: loads plugins, then applies middleware, then loads hooks.
"Initializes a project: loads plugins, then applies middleware, and finally loads hooks.
Adds dependencies to Leiningen's classpath if required."
(load-certificates project)
@ -308,18 +336,8 @@
(doseq [path (classpath/get-classpath project)]
(pomegranate/add-classpath path)))
(load-plugins project)
(let [project (apply-middleware project)]
(load-hooks project)
(defn merge-profiles
"Look up and merge the given profile names into the project map."
[project profiles-to-apply]
(let [merged (combine-profiles project (profiles-for project profiles-to-apply))]
(vary-meta (normalize merged) merge
{:without-profiles (normalize (:without-profiles (meta project) project))
:included-profiles (concat (:included-profiles (meta project))
(doto (apply-middleware project)
(defn ^{:deprecated "2.0.0-preview3"} conj-dependency
"Add a dependency into the project map if it's not already present. Warn the
@ -343,17 +361,6 @@
[:profiles] merge
(defn unmerge-profiles
"Given a project map, return the project map you would have if the specified
profiles had never been merged into it. Expects a list of profiles, where
each element is either the name of a profile in the :profiles key of the
project, or the map of the profile itself."
[project profiles-to-unmerge]
(let [result-profiles (filter (comp not (into #{} profiles-to-unmerge))
(:included-profiles (meta project)))]
(merge-profiles (:without-profiles (meta project) project)
(defn read
"Read project map out of file, which defaults to project.clj."
([file profiles]
@ -367,6 +374,6 @@
(throw (Exception. "project.clj must define project map.")))
;; return it to original state
(ns-unmap 'leiningen.core.project 'project)
(merge-profiles @project profiles))))
(apply-profiles @project profiles))))
([file] (read file [:default]))
([] (read "project.clj")))

View file

@ -263,12 +263,9 @@
(defmethod xml-tags ::project
([_ project]
(let [{:keys [without-profiles included-profiles]} (meta project)
test-project (-> (or without-profiles project)
(concat [:dev :test :default]
(let [test-project (-> project
(project/merge-profiles [:dev :test :default])
[:project {:xsi:schemaLocation ""
:xmlns ""
@ -306,16 +303,10 @@
"\nFreeze snapshots to dated versions or set the"
"LEIN_SNAPSHOTS_IN_RELEASE environment variable to override.")))
(defn- remove-profiles [project profiles]
(let [{:keys [included-profiles without-profiles]} (meta project)]
(project/merge-profiles (or without-profiles project)
(remove #(some #{%} profiles)
(defn make-pom
([project] (make-pom project false))
([project disclaimer?]
(let [project (remove-profiles project [:user :dev :test :default])]
(let [project (project/unmerge-profiles project [:user :dev :test :default])]
(check-for-snapshot-deps project)

View file

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
"Apply the given task with a comma-separated profile list."
[project profiles task-name & args]
(let [profiles (map keyword (.split profiles ","))
project (update-in (project/merge-profiles project profiles)
[:aliases] (fnil dissoc {}) task-name)
project (-> (project/reset-profiles project profiles)
(update-in [:aliases] (fnil dissoc {}) task-name))
task-name (main/lookup-alias task-name project)]
(main/apply-task task-name project args)))
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ To list all profiles or show a single one, see the show-profiles task.
For a detailed description of profiles, see `lein help profiles`."
[project profiles task-name & args]
(let [profile-groups (seq (.split profiles ":"))
project (:without-profiles (meta project) project)
failures (atom 0)]
(doseq [profile-group profile-groups]
(binding [main/*exit-process?* false]