Move leiningen.util.ns to leiningen.core.ns.

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2011-11-20 13:46:36 -08:00
parent 74fcb25976
commit 8488b22764

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(ns leiningen.core.ns
"Inspired by clojure.contrib.find-namespaces, but trimmed down to
just what Leiningen needs."
(:require [ :as io])
(:import (java.util.jar JarFile)
( File BufferedReader PushbackReader InputStreamReader)))
;; The contrib version has a couple issues: it searches the whole
;; classpath rather than allowing you to specify a prefix, which means
;; you can't use it in (for example) my $HOME dir, where ~/src is over
;; 50 GB. Also it never looks past the first form to find a namespace
;; declaration.
(def classpath-files
(for [f (.split (System/getProperty "java.class.path")
(System/getProperty "path.separator"))]
(io/file f)))
(defn clj? [f]
(.endsWith (.getName f) ".clj"))
(defn jar? [f]
(and (.isFile f) (.endsWith (.getName f) ".jar")))
(defn read-ns-form [r f]
(let [form (try (read r false ::done)
(catch Exception e ::done))]
(if (and (list? form) (= 'ns (first form)))
(when-not (= ::done form)
(recur r f)))))
(defn find-ns-form [f]
(when (and (.isFile (io/file f)) (clj? f))
(read-ns-form (PushbackReader. (io/reader f)) f)))
(defn namespaces-in-dir [dir]
(sort (for [f (file-seq (io/file dir))
:let [ns-form (find-ns-form f)]
:when ns-form]
(second ns-form))))
(defn ns-in-jar-entry [jarfile entry]
(with-open [rdr (-> jarfile
(.getInputStream (.getEntry jarfile (.getName entry)))
(read-ns-form rdr jarfile)))
(defn namespaces-in-jar [jar]
(let [jarfile (JarFile. jar)]
(for [entry (enumeration-seq (.entries jarfile))
:when (and (not (.isDirectory entry))
(clj? entry))]
(if-let [ns-form (ns-in-jar-entry jarfile entry)]
(second ns-form)))))
(defn namespaces-matching [prefix]
(concat (mapcat namespaces-in-dir
(for [dir classpath-files
:when (.isDirectory dir)]
(io/file dir (.replaceAll prefix "\\." "/"))))
(filter #(and % (.startsWith (name %) prefix))
(mapcat namespaces-in-jar (filter jar? classpath-files)))))