Merge pull request #1095 from mtopolnik/delete-dup

Delete duplicate code in core/main
This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2013-03-23 17:12:02 -07:00
commit 82bb6a4c93

View file

@ -7,43 +7,6 @@
[clojure.string :as string]
[bultitude.core :as b]))
(def ^:dynamic *debug* (System/getenv "DEBUG"))
(defn debug
"Print if *debug* (from DEBUG environment variable) is truthy."
[& args]
(when *debug* (apply println args)))
(def ^:dynamic *info* true)
(defn info
"Print unless *info* has been rebound to false."
[& args]
(when *info* (apply println args)))
(def ^:dynamic *exit-process?*
"Bind to false to suppress process termination." true)
(defn exit
"Exit the process. Rebind *exit-process?* in order to suppress actual process
exits for tools which may want to continue operating. Never call
System/exit directly in Leiningen's own process."
(if *exit-process?*
(do (shutdown-agents)
(System/exit exit-code))
(throw (ex-info "Suppressed exit" {:exit-code exit-code}))))
([] (exit 0)))
(defn abort
"Print msg to standard err and exit with a value of 1.
Will not directly exit under some circumstances; see *exit-process?*."
[& msg]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(when (seq msg)
(apply println msg))
(exit 1)))
(def aliases {"-h" "help", "-help" "help", "--help" "help", "-?" "help",
"-v" "version", "-version" "version", "--version" "version",
"überjar" "uberjar",