Fix for issue #2156

Usage of with-out-str with eval/sh should be replaced by utils/with-system-out-str
as eval/sh is writing output to System/out.
This commit is contained in:
Eduardo Seabra Silva 2016-06-10 01:28:58 -03:00
parent 66c7f9a8ea
commit 674eb86498
3 changed files with 31 additions and 28 deletions

View file

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
[ :as sh])
(:import ( RevivableInputStream)
(clojure.lang LineNumberingPushbackReader)
( File FileDescriptor FileInputStream InputStreamReader)
( ByteArrayOutputStream PrintStream File FileDescriptor
FileOutputStream FileInputStream InputStreamReader)
( URL)))
(def rebound-io? (atom false))
@ -234,3 +235,25 @@
hypothetical-descendant (.getCanonicalPath (io/file b))]
(and (.startsWith hypothetical-descendant hypothetical-ancestor)
(not (= hypothetical-descendant hypothetical-ancestor)))))
(defmacro with-system-out-str
"Like with-out-str, but for System/out."
[& body]
`(try (let [o# (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(System/setOut (PrintStream. o#))
(.toString o#))
(-> FileDescriptor/out FileOutputStream. PrintStream.)))))
(defmacro with-system-err-str
"Like with-out-str, but for System/err."
[& body]
`(try (let [o# (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(System/setErr (PrintStream. o#))
(.toString o#))
(-> FileDescriptor/err FileOutputStream. PrintStream.)))))

View file

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
(:require [ :as io]
[bultitude.core :as b]
[leiningen.core.eval :as eval]
[leiningen.core.main :as main]))
[leiningen.core.main :as main]
[leiningen.core.utils :as utils]))
;; TODO: make pom task use this ns by adding a few more methods
@ -79,11 +80,9 @@
(defmethod assert-committed :git [project]
(binding [eval/*dir* (:root project)]
(when (re-find #"Changes (not staged for commit|to be committed)"
(with-out-str (eval/sh-with-exit-code "Couldn't get status" "git" "status")))
(utils/with-system-out-str (eval/sh-with-exit-code "Couldn't get status" "git" "status")))
(main/abort "Uncommitted changes in" (:root project) "directory."))))
(defn- not-found [subtask]
(partial #'main/task-not-found (str "vcs " subtask)))

View file

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
(ns leiningen.test.helper
(:require [leiningen.core.project :as project]
[leiningen.core.user :as user]
[leiningen.core.utils :as utils]
[leiningen.core.test.helper :as helper]
[ :as io])
(:import ( ByteArrayOutputStream PrintStream FileDescriptor
[ :as io]))
;; TODO: fix
(def local-repo (io/file (System/getProperty "user.home") ".m2" "repository"))
@ -118,24 +117,6 @@
(binding [*err* (]
(defmacro with-system-out-str
"Like with-out-str, but for System/out."
[& body]
`(try (let [o# (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(System/setOut (PrintStream. o#))
(.toString o#))
(-> FileDescriptor/out FileOutputStream. PrintStream.)))))
(def #^{:macro true} with-system-out-str #'utils/with-system-out-str)
(defmacro with-system-err-str
"Like with-out-str, but for System/err."
[& body]
`(try (let [o# (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(System/setErr (PrintStream. o#))
(.toString o#))
(-> FileDescriptor/err FileOutputStream. PrintStream.)))))
(def #^{:macro true} with-system-err-str #'utils/with-system-err-str)