Unmemoize in order to fix tests.

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2017-06-04 09:38:00 -07:00
parent ad6c4bd290
commit 63305fcccd
6 changed files with 77 additions and 67 deletions

View file

@ -252,70 +252,71 @@
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *dependencies-session*
"This is dynamic in order to avoid memoization issues.")
(def ^:private get-dependencies-memoized
(fn [dependencies-key managed-dependencies-key
{:keys [repositories local-repo offline? update
checksum mirrors] :as project}
{:keys [add-classpath?] :as args}]
{:pre [(every? vector? (get project dependencies-key))
(every? vector? (get project managed-dependencies-key))]}
((if add-classpath?
:repository-session-fn *dependencies-session*
:local-repo local-repo
:offline? offline?
:repositories (->> repositories
(map add-repo-auth)
(map (partial update-policies update checksum)))
:managed-coordinates (get project managed-dependencies-key)
:coordinates (get project dependencies-key)
:mirrors (->> mirrors
(map add-repo-auth)
(map (partial update-policies update checksum)))
(bound-fn [e]
(let [{:keys [type resource error]} e]
(let [{:keys [repository name size trace]} resource]
(let [aether-repos (if trace (.getRepositories (.getData trace)))]
(case type
(if-let [repo (first (filter
#(or (= (.getUrl %) repository)
;; sometimes the "base" url
;; doesn't have a slash on it
(= (str (.getUrl %) "/") repository))
(locking *err*
(warn "Retrieving" name "from" (.getId repo)))
;; else case happens for metadata files
:proxy (get-proxy-settings))
(catch DependencyResolutionException e
;; Cannot recur from catch/finally so have to put this in its own defn
(print-failures e)
(warn "This could be due to a typo in :dependencies, file system permissions, or network issues.")
(warn "If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable.")
(throw (ex-info "Could not resolve dependencies" {:suppress-msg true
:exit-code 1} e)))
(catch Exception e
(let [exception-cause (root-cause e)]
(if (and (or (instance? java.net.UnknownHostException exception-cause)
(instance? java.net.NoRouteToHostException exception-cause))
(not offline?))
(get-dependencies-memoized dependencies-key managed-dependencies-key
(assoc project :offline? true) args)
(throw e))))))))
(defn- get-dependencies*
[dependencies-key managed-dependencies-key
{:keys [repositories local-repo offline? update
checksum mirrors] :as project}
{:keys [add-classpath?] :as args}]
{:pre [(every? vector? (get project dependencies-key))
(every? vector? (get project managed-dependencies-key))]}
((if add-classpath?
:repository-session-fn *dependencies-session*
:local-repo local-repo
:offline? offline?
:repositories (->> repositories
(map add-repo-auth)
(map (partial update-policies update checksum)))
:managed-coordinates (get project managed-dependencies-key)
:coordinates (get project dependencies-key)
:mirrors (->> mirrors
(map add-repo-auth)
(map (partial update-policies update checksum)))
(bound-fn [e]
(let [{:keys [type resource error]} e]
(let [{:keys [repository name size trace]} resource]
(let [aether-repos (if trace (.getRepositories (.getData trace)))]
(case type
(if-let [repo (first (filter
#(or (= (.getUrl %) repository)
;; sometimes the "base" url
;; doesn't have a slash on it
(= (str (.getUrl %) "/") repository))
(locking *err*
(warn "Retrieving" name "from" (.getId repo)))
;; else case happens for metadata files
:proxy (get-proxy-settings))
(catch DependencyResolutionException e
;; Cannot recur from catch/finally so have to put this in its own defn
(print-failures e)
(warn "This could be due to a typo in :dependencies, file system permissions, or network issues.")
(warn "If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable.")
(throw (ex-info "Could not resolve dependencies" {:suppress-msg true
:exit-code 1} e)))
(catch Exception e
(let [exception-cause (root-cause e)]
(if (and (or (instance? java.net.UnknownHostException exception-cause)
(instance? java.net.NoRouteToHostException exception-cause))
(not offline?))
(get-dependencies* dependencies-key managed-dependencies-key
(assoc project :offline? true) args)
(throw e))))))
(def ^:private get-dependencies-memoized (memoize get-dependencies*))
(defn ^:internal get-dependencies [dependencies-key managed-dependencies-key
project & args]
(let [ranges (atom []), overrides (atom [])
trimmed (select-keys project [dependencies-key managed-dependencies-key
:repositories :checksum :local-repo
:offline? :update :mirrors])
:offline? :update :mirrors :memoize-buster])
deps-result (binding [*dependencies-session* (pedantic/session
project ranges overrides)]
(get-dependencies-memoized dependencies-key

View file

@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
;; :plugins and will also be available to deploy to.
;; Add ^:replace (:repositories ^:replace [...]) to only use repositories you
;; list below.
:repositories [["java.net" "http://download.java.net/maven/2"]
["sonatype" {:url "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases"
:repositories [["java.net" "https://download.java.net/maven/2"]
["sonatype" {:url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases"
;; If a repository contains releases only setting
;; :snapshots to false will speed up dependencies.
:snapshots false
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
;; Credentials for repositories should *not* be stored
;; in project.clj but in ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg instead,
;; see `lein help deploying` under "Authentication".
["snapshots" "http://blueant.com/archiva/snapshots"]
["releases" {:url "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal"
["snapshots" "https://blueant.com/archiva/snapshots"]
["releases" {:url "https://blueant.com/archiva/internal"
;; Using :env as a value here will cause an
;; environment variable to be used based on
;; the key; in this case LEIN_PASSWORD.

View file

@ -136,3 +136,6 @@
(def #^{:macro true} with-system-out-str #'utils/with-system-out-str)
(def #^{:macro true} with-system-err-str #'utils/with-system-err-str)
(defn unmemoize [v underlying]
(alter-var-root v (constantly underlying)))

View file

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
[clojure.java.io :only [file]]))
(deftest ^:online test-install
(unmemoize #'leiningen.core.classpath/get-dependencies-memoized
(delete-file-recursively (m2-dir "nomnomnom" "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT") true)
(install sample-project)
(is (not (empty? (.listFiles (m2-dir "nomnomnom" "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"))))))
(def jdom-dir (file local-repo "jdom" "jdom" "1.0"))
(def tricky-m2-dir (file local-repo "org" "domain" "tricky-name" "1.0"))
(deftest ^:online test-tricky-name-install

View file

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
[leiningen.core.utils :refer [platform-nullsink]]
[leiningen.test.helper :as helper]
[robert.hooke :as hooke]
[leiningen.javac :as javac])
[leiningen.javac :as javac]
[leiningen.test.helper :refer [unmemoize]])
(:use [clojure.test]
@ -92,6 +93,8 @@
"jar produces two jar files")))
(deftest ^:online test-no-deps-jar
(unmemoize #'leiningen.core.classpath/get-dependencies-memoized
(let [[coord jar-file] (first
(jar (dissoc helper/sample-project
:dependencies :main)))]

View file

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[clojure.java.io :refer [delete-file]]
[clojure.java.shell :refer [sh]]
[clojure.xml :as xml]
[leiningen.test.helper :refer [sample-no-aot-project
[leiningen.test.helper :refer [unmemoize
@ -68,6 +69,8 @@
(is (= 0 (:exit (sh "java" bootclasspath "-jar" filename))))))
(deftest test-uberjar-managed-dependencies
(unmemoize #'leiningen.core.classpath/get-dependencies-memoized
(doseq [[proj jarfile] [[managed-deps-snapshot-project
(str "test_projects/managed-deps-snapshot/target/"
@ -77,4 +80,4 @@
(uberjar proj)
(let [uberjar-file (File. jarfile)]
(is (= true (.exists uberjar-file))
(format "File '%s' does not exist!" uberjar-file)))))
(format "File '%s' does not exist!" uberjar-file)))))