Keep hooks on the task function itself, genius.

Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2010-06-06 16:51:02 -07:00
parent c725770182
commit 4ff7dab7eb
2 changed files with 15 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -38,17 +38,15 @@ alias->task-name mappings on to the leiningen.core/aliases atom:
You can modify the behaviour of built-in tasks to a degree using
hooks. Inspired by clojure.test's fixtures functionality, hooks are
functions which wrap tasks and may alter their behaviour by using
binding, altering the functions arguments or return value, only
running the function conditionally, etc.
binding, altering the return value, only running the function
conditionally, etc. The add-hook function takes a var of the task it's
meant to apply to:
(defn skip-integration-hook [task]
(binding [clojure.test/test-var (test-var-skip :integration)]
(add-hook 'test skip-integration-hook)
The add-hook function takes a symbol for which task it's meant to
apply to. You can also pass in :all to have it apply to every task.
(add-hook #'leiningen.test/test skip-integration-hook)
Hooks compose, so be aware that your hook may be running inside
another hook. Hooks are loaded by looking for all namespaces under

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@ -66,10 +66,13 @@
(catch e
(def hooks (atom {}))
(defn- hookize [v]
(when-not (::hooks (meta @v))
(alter-var-root v vary-meta assoc ::hooks (atom []))))
(defn add-hook [task f]
(swap! hooks update-in [task] conj f))
(defn add-hook [task-var f]
(hookize task-var)
(swap! (::hooks (meta @task-var)) conj f))
(defn- load-hooks [task]
(doseq [n (sort (find-namespaces-on-classpath))
@ -85,10 +88,11 @@
(defn run-task
"Run the given task with its hooks activated."
[task args]
(load-hooks task)
((join-hooks (concat (@hooks (symbol task)) (@hooks :all)))
#(apply (resolve-task task) args)))
[task-name args]
(let [task (resolve-task task-name)]
(load-hooks task-name)
((join-hooks @(::hooks (meta @task)))
#(apply task args))))
(defn ns->path [n]
(str (.. (str n)