Merge setfork branch.

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2009-12-22 14:42:07 -08:00
commit 4fdad15915

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
[leiningen.deps :only [deps]])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compile])
( Environment$Variable Path)))
(defn namespaces-to-compile
@ -28,6 +29,53 @@
(filter #(.endsWith (.getName %) ".jar")
(file-seq (file (:library-path project)))))
(defn get-by-pattern
"Gets a value from map m, but uses the keys as regex patterns,
trying to match against k instead of doing an exact match."
[m k]
(m (first (drop-while #(nil? (re-find (re-pattern %) k))
(keys m)))))
(def native-names
{"Mac OS X" :macosx
"Windows" :windows
"Linux" :linux
"SunOS" :solaris
"amd64" :x86_64
"x86_64" :x86_64
"x86" :x86
"i386" :x86
"arm" :arm
"sparc" :sparc})
(defn get-os
"Returns a keyword naming the host OS."
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "")))
(defn get-arch
"Returns a keyword naming the host architecture"
(get-by-pattern native-names (System/getProperty "os.arch")))
(defn find-native-lib-path
"Returns a File representing the directory where native libs for the
current platform are located."
(let [osdir (name (get-os))
archdir (name (get-arch))
f (file "native" osdir archdir)]
(if (.exists f)
(defn get-jvm-args
"Returns a seq of strings with the arguments sent to this jvm instance."
(-> (ManagementFactory/getRuntimeMXBean)
(defn make-path
"Constructs an ant Path object from Files and strings."
[& paths]
@ -42,11 +90,21 @@
with the java task right before executing if you need to customize any of its
properties (classpath, library-path, etc)."
[project form & [handler]]
(let [java (Java.)]
(let [java (Java.)
native-path (or (:native-path project)
(find-native-lib-path project))]
(.setProject java lancet/ant-project)
(.addSysproperty java (doto (Environment$Variable.)
(.setKey "clojure.compile.path")
(.setValue (:compile-path project))))
(when native-path
(.addSysproperty java (doto (Environment$Variable.)
(.setKey "java.library.path")
(.setValue (cond
(= (class native-path))
(.getAbsolutePath native-path)
(fn? native-path) (native-path)
:default native-path)))))
(.setClasspath java (apply make-path
(:source-path project)
(:test-path project)
@ -54,6 +112,10 @@
(:resources-path project)
(find-lib-jars project)))
(.setFailonerror java true)
(when (or (= :macosx (get-os)) native-path)
(.setFork java true)
(doseq [arg (get-jvm-args)]
(.setValue (.createJvmarg java) arg)))
(.setClassname java "clojure.main")
(.setValue (.createArg java) "-e")
(.setValue (.createArg java) (prn-str form))