Fallback to the original behaviour on any error invoking git plumbing

This commit is contained in:
Richo Healey 2013-07-15 11:38:22 -07:00
parent 5dfa542f8f
commit 4fc9e61fdd

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@ -37,15 +37,24 @@
(.trim (slurp ref))
(defn- read-git-head-file
"Reads the current value of HEAD by attempting to read .git/HEAD, returning
the SHA1 or nil if none exists"
(let [head (.trim (slurp (str (io/file git-dir "HEAD"))))]
(if-let [ref-path (second (re-find #"ref: (\S+)" head))]
(read-git-ref git-dir ref-path))))
(defn- read-git-head
"Reads the value of HEAD and returns a commit SHA1, or nil if no commit
(:out (sh/sh "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD" :dir git-dir))
(catch IOException e (let [head (.trim (slurp (str (io/file git-dir "HEAD"))))]
(if-let [ref-path (second (re-find #"ref: (\S+)" head))]
(read-git-ref git-dir ref-path))))))
(let [git-ref (sh/sh "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD" :dir git-dir)]
(if (= (:exit git-ref) 0)
(:out git-ref)
(read-git-head-file git-dir)))
(catch IOException e (read-git-head-file git-dir))))
(defn- read-git-origin
"Reads the URL for the remote origin repository."