Remove plugin task.

This commit is contained in:
Phil Hagelberg 2012-01-10 22:09:12 -08:00
parent c2b40834e0
commit 464e631bef
2 changed files with 0 additions and 120 deletions

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@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
(ns leiningen.plugin
"Manage user-level plugins."
(:use [leiningen.core :only [read-project abort]]
[leiningen.uberjar :only [write-components]]
[leiningen.deps :only [deps]]
[leiningen.jar :only [local-repo-path extract-jar
[leiningen.util.file :only [tmp-dir delete-file-recursively]]
[leiningen.util.paths :only [leiningen-home]]
[ :only [file]])
(:require [leiningen.install]
(:import ( ZipOutputStream)
( File FileOutputStream)))
(def plugins-path (file (leiningen-home) "plugins"))
(defn plugin-standalone-filename [group name version]
(str (if group (str group "-") nil) name "-" version ".jar"))
(defn extract-name-and-group [project-name]
((juxt name namespace) (symbol project-name)))
(defn uninstall
"Delete the plugin jarfile
Syntax: lein plugin uninstall [GROUP/]ARTIFACT-ID VERSION"
[project-name version]
(let [[name group] (extract-name-and-group project-name)
jarfile (file plugins-path
(plugin-standalone-filename group name version))]
(if (.exists jarfile)
(if (.delete jarfile)
(println (format "Uninstalled %s %s." project-name version))
(abort (format "Failed to delete \"%s\"." (.getAbsolutePath jarfile))))
(abort (format "Plugin \"%s %s\" doesn't appear to be installed."
project-name version)))))
(defn- uninstall-old [project-name]
(doseq [plugin (.list plugins-path)
:let [pat (re-pattern (format "^\\Q%s\\E-.*\\.jar$" project-name))]
:when (re-find pat plugin)]
(.delete (file plugins-path plugin))))
;; TODO: extract shared behavior between this and the install task
(defn install
"Download, package, and install plugin jarfile into ~/.lein/plugins
Syntax: lein plugin install [GROUP/]ARTIFACT-ID VERSION
You can use the same syntax here as when listing Leiningen
[project-name version]
(uninstall-old project-name)
(leiningen.install/install project-name version)
(.mkdirs plugins-path)
(let [[name group] (extract-name-and-group project-name)
temp-project (file tmp-dir (str "lein-" (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
jarfile (-> (local-repo-path (or group name) name version)
(.replace "$HOME" (System/getProperty "user.home")))
_ (extract-jar (file jarfile) temp-project)
project (read-project (str (file temp-project "project.clj")))
standalone-filename (plugin-standalone-filename group name version)]
(deps (dissoc project :dev-dependencies :native-dependencies
(with-open [out (-> (file plugins-path standalone-filename)
(let [deps (->> (.listFiles (file (:library-path project)))
(filter #(.endsWith (.getName %) ".jar"))
(cons (file jarfile)))]
(write-components project deps out)))
(delete-file-recursively temp-project)
(println "Created" standalone-filename)))
(defn ^{:doc "Manage user-level plugins."
:help-arglists '([subtask project-name version])
:subtasks [#'install #'uninstall]}
([] (println ( "plugin")))
([_] (plugin))
([_ _] (plugin))
([subtask project-name version]
(case subtask
"install" (install project-name version)
"uninstall" (uninstall project-name version)

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@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
(ns leiningen.test.plugin
(:use [leiningen.plugin]
[leiningen.util.file :only [unique-lein-tmp-dir
[leiningen.core :only [read-project defproject]]
[leiningen.test.helper :only [sample-project]]
[ :only [file]]))
(deftest test-plugin-standalone-filename
(is (= (plugin-standalone-filename "tehgroup" "tehname" "0.0.1")
(is (= (plugin-standalone-filename nil "tehname" "0.0.1")
(deftest test-extract-name-and-group
(is (= (extract-name-and-group "tehgroup/tehname")
["tehname" "tehgroup"]))
(is (= (extract-name-and-group "tehname")
["tehname" nil])))
(deftest test-help-mentions-subtasks
(let [out (with-out-str (plugin "help"))]
(is (re-find #"install" out))
(is (re-find #"uninstall" out))))
(deftest test-install
(leiningen.install/install sample-project)
(binding [plugins-path (unique-lein-tmp-dir)
leiningen.install/install (constantly nil)]
(install "nomnomnom" "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT")
(is (.exists (file plugins-path "nomnomnom-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar")))
(delete-file-recursively plugins-path))))
(doseq [[_ var] (ns-publics *ns*)] (alter-meta! var assoc :busted true))