Mention lein deps in the tutorial.

Describe how to use lein to actually install and use a dependency.
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Alex Coventry 2013-10-17 23:45:58 -04:00
parent b89ede9c23
commit 3e1d5fbe51

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@ -159,7 +159,20 @@ stable version of the `clj-http` library, one in Leiningen format
shown above and one in Maven format. We'll skip the Maven one for now,
though you'll need to learn to read it for Java libraries from
[Central]( You can copy the Leiningen version
directly into the `:dependencies` vector in `project.clj`.
directly into the `:dependencies` vector in `project.clj`. So for
instance, if you change replace the `:dependencies` line in the example
`project.clj` above to
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[clj-http "0.5.5"]]
`lein` will automatically download the `clj-http` jar and make sure it
is on your classpath when your project code is run under future `lein`
invocations. If you want to explicitly tell lein to download new
dependencies, you can do so with `lein deps`, but it will happen
automatically if you don't.
Within the vector, "clj-http" is referred to as the "artifact id".
"0.5.5" is the version. Some libraries will also have "group ids",