moving 2 functions from utils to helper

merged all commits to date which required adding "dev-resources" so a
test wouldn't fail
`bin\lein test` tested under windows (currently 2 failures and 1 error)
This commit is contained in:
AtKaaZ 2013-05-15 02:39:23 +03:00
parent 6c34ce7e6f
commit 3521a21a9d
8 changed files with 45 additions and 48 deletions

View file

@ -256,7 +256,6 @@
(defn- normalize-path [root path]
(let [f (io/file path)]
(.getAbsolutePath (cond
;(.isAbsolute f) f
(or (.isAbsolute f) (.startsWith (.getPath f) "\\")) f
(io/file root path)))))

View file

@ -93,29 +93,3 @@
(defn fix-path-delimiters [input-str]
(clojure.string/replace input-str "/"
;so paths would work under windows too which adds a drive letter and changes path separator
(defn pathify
pass only absolute paths, will throw if not
because if not absolute then .getAbsolutePath will resolve them relative to current directory
(cond (or
(nil? in-str-or-file)
(not (or
(.startsWith in-str-or-file "/")
(>= (.length in-str-or-file) 3)
(= ":\\" (.substring in-str-or-file 1 3))
(throw (new RuntimeException (str "bad usage, passed: `" in-str-or-file "`")))
(.getAbsolutePath (io/as-file in-str-or-file))))

View file

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.set :as set]
[leiningen.core.user :as user]
[leiningen.core.project :as project]
[leiningen.core.utils :as utils]))
[leiningen.test.helper :as lthelper]
[leiningen.core.project :as project]))
(use-fixtures :once
(fn [f]
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
[ring/ring-core "1.0.0"
:exclusions [commons-codec]]]
:checkout-deps-shares [:source-paths :resource-paths
:compile-path #(utils/pathify (str (:root %) "/foo"))]
:compile-path #(lthelper/pathify (str (:root %) "/foo"))]
:repositories project/default-repositories
:root "/tmp/lein-sample-project"
:target-path "/tmp/lein-sample-project/target"
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
(dependency-hierarchy :dependencies project))))
(def directories
(vec (map utils/pathify
(vec (map lthelper/pathify
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
(.mkdirs d1)
(spit (io/file d1 "project.clj")
(pr-str '(defproject hello "1.0")))
(is (= (for [path ["src" "resources" "target/classes" "foo"]]
(utils/pathify (format "/tmp/lein-sample-project/checkouts/d1/%s" path)))
(is (= (for [path ["src" "dev-resources" "resources" "target/classes" "foo"]]
(lthelper/pathify (format "/tmp/lein-sample-project/checkouts/d1/%s" path)))
(#'leiningen.core.classpath/checkout-deps-paths project)))
;; can't recur from finally

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
(:require [leiningen.core.user :as user]
[leiningen.core.classpath :as classpath]
[leiningen.core.test.helper :refer [abort-msg]]
[leiningen.test.helper :as lthelper]
[leiningen.core.utils :as utils]
[ :as io]))
@ -54,11 +55,11 @@
(is (= v (k actual))))
(doseq [[k path] paths
:when (string? path)]
(is (= (utils/pathify (str (:root actual) "/" path))
(is (= (lthelper/pathify (str (:root actual) "/" path))
(k actual))))
(doseq [[k path] paths
:when (coll? path)]
(is (= (for [p path] (utils/pathify (str (:root actual) "/" p)))
(is (= (for [p path] (lthelper/pathify (str (:root actual) "/" p)))
(k actual))))))
;; TODO: test omit-default
@ -267,14 +268,14 @@
(merge @test-profiles (:profiles p))))]
(is (= (vec (map utils/fix-path-delimiters ["/etc/myapp" "test/hi" "blue-resources" "resources"]))
(is (= (vec (map lthelper/fix-path-delimiters ["/etc/myapp" "test/hi" "blue-resources" "resources"]))
(-> (make
{:resource-paths ["resources"]
:profiles {:blue {:resource-paths ["blue-resources"]}}}))
(merge-profiles [:blue :tes :qa])
(is (= (vec (map utils/fix-path-delimiters ["/etc/myapp" "test/hi" "blue-resources"]))
(is (= (vec (map lthelper/fix-path-delimiters ["/etc/myapp" "test/hi" "blue-resources"]))
(-> (make
{:resource-paths ^:displace ["resources"]

View file

@ -53,3 +53,27 @@ Raise an exception if any deletion fails unless silently is true."
(doseq [child (.listFiles f)]
(delete-file-recursively child silently)))
(io/delete-file f silently)))
(defn fix-path-delimiters [input-str]
(clojure.string/replace input-str "/"
;so paths would work under windows too which adds a drive letter and changes the path separator
(defn pathify
pass only absolute paths, will throw if not
because if not absolute then .getAbsolutePath will resolve them relative to current directory
(cond (or
(nil? in-str-or-file)
(not (or
(.startsWith in-str-or-file "/")
(>= (.length in-str-or-file) 3)
(= ":\\" (.substring in-str-or-file 1 3))
(throw (new RuntimeException (str "bad usage, passed: `" in-str-or-file "`")))
(.getAbsolutePath (io/as-file in-str-or-file))))

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
(:use clojure.test
(:require [leiningen.test.helper :refer [abort-msg]]
(:require [leiningen.test.helper :refer [abort-msg] :as lthelper]
[leiningen.core.user :as user]
[leiningen.core.utils :as utils]
[ :as io])
(:import [ File]))
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@
(is (= (multi-segment "multi.segment" "last") "multi.segment")))
(deftest paths
(is (= (name-to-path "foo-bar.baz") (utils/fix-path-delimiters "foo_bar/baz"))))
(is (= (name-to-path "foo-bar.baz") (lthelper/fix-path-delimiters "foo_bar/baz"))))
(deftest renderers
(is (.contains (abort-msg (renderer "my-template") "boom" {})

View file

@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
[ :only [file delete-file]]
[leiningen.pom :only [make-pom pom]]
[leiningen.core.user :as user]
[leiningen.test.helper :only [sample-project]])
[leiningen.test.helper :only [sample-project] :as lthelper])
(:require [ :as xml]
[leiningen.core.project :as project]
[leiningen.core.utils :as utils]
[leiningen.core.main :as main]))
(use-fixtures :once (fn [f]
@ -93,11 +92,11 @@
(map #(first-in % [:testResource :directory])
(deep-content xml [:project :build :testResources])))
"test resource directories use :dev :default and :test profiles")
(is (= "target/" (first-in xml [:project :build :directory]))
(is (= (lthelper/fix-path-delimiters "target/") (first-in xml [:project :build :directory]))
"target directory is included")
(is (= nil (first-in xml [:project :build :extensions]))
"no extensions")
(is (= (utils/fix-path-delimiters "target/classes") (first-in xml [:project :build :outputDirectory]))
(is (= (lthelper/fix-path-delimiters "target/classes") (first-in xml [:project :build :outputDirectory]))
"classes directory is included")
(is (= ["org.clojure" "rome" "ring" "org.clojure" "clojure-complete"]
(map #(first-in % [:dependency :groupId])
@ -276,7 +275,7 @@
(first-in [:project :classifier])))))
(deftest test-pom-adds-java-source-paths
(is (= (vec (map utils/fix-path-delimiters ["java/src" "java/another"]))
(is (= (vec (map lthelper/fix-path-delimiters ["java/src" "java/another"]))
(-> (make-pom (with-profile sample-project
{:java-source-paths ["java/src" "java/another"]}))

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns leiningen.test.repl
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[leiningen.repl :refer :all]
(leiningen.core [user :as user] [project :as project] [utils :as utils])))
[leiningen.test.helper :as lthelper]
(leiningen.core [user :as user] [project :as project])))
(deftest test-merge-repl-profile
(is (= (-> {:repl-options {:ack-port 4}}
@ -61,13 +62,13 @@
"http://localhost:20" "http://localhost:20"))
(deftest test-options-for-reply
(is (= (utils/fix-path-delimiters "/home/user/.lein-repl-history")
(is (= (lthelper/fix-path-delimiters "/home/user/.lein-repl-history")
(:history-file (options-for-reply {:root "/home/user"}))))
(let [prompt-fn (fn [ns] "hi ")]
[in exp]
(= (merge
{:history-file (utils/pathify (str (user/leiningen-home) "/repl-history"))
{:history-file (lthelper/pathify (str (user/leiningen-home) "/repl-history"))
:input-stream System/in}
(let [[prj-k prj-v arg-k arg-v] in]