Pom: refactor write-scm-tag and make-git-scm

Makes it to return plain maps for all values of :scm to use xmlify and
xml-tags in all cases. Apart from easier to read code, it will make it
easy to implement merging values from git and from project map when
(= "git" scm)
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Berger 2017-09-19 00:33:06 -03:00
parent 1cebb9a93b
commit 1937e561d2
2 changed files with 31 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -86,19 +86,15 @@
:dev-clone (str "ssh://git@github.com/" user "/" repo ".git")
:browse (str "https://github.com/" user "/" repo)}))
(defn- make-git-scm [git-dir]
(defn- make-git-scm-map [git-dir]
(let [origin (read-git-origin git-dir)
head (read-git-head git-dir)
urls (github-urls origin)]
(and (:public-clone urls)
[:connection (str "scm:git:" (:public-clone urls))])
(and (:dev-clone urls)
[:developerConnection (str "scm:git:" (:dev-clone urls))])
(and head
[:tag head])
[:url (:browse urls)]])
(cond-> {:url (:browse urls)}
(:public-clone urls) (assoc :connection (str "scm:git:" (:public-clone urls)))
(:dev-clone urls) (assoc :developerConnection (str "scm:git:" (:dev-clone urls)))
head (assoc :tag head)))
(catch java.io.FileNotFoundException _)))
(def disclaimer
@ -128,15 +124,20 @@
(map #(xml-tags (first %) (second %)) scm))
(defn- make-project-scm-map [project]
(select-keys (:scm project) [:url :connection
:tag :developerConnection]))
(defn- write-scm-tag
"Write the <scm> tag for pom.xml.
Retains backwards compatibility without an :scm map."
[scm project]
(if (= "auto" scm)
(make-git-scm (resolve-git-dir project))
(xml-tags :scm (xmlify (select-keys (:scm project)
[:url :connection
:tag :developerConnection])))))
(->> (case scm
"auto" (make-git-scm-map (resolve-git-dir project))
; else
(make-project-scm-map project))
(xml-tags :scm)))
(defmethod xml-tags :default
([tag value]

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns leiningen.test.pom
(:use [clojure.test]
[clojure.java.io :only [file delete-file]]
[leiningen.pom :only [make-pom pom snapshot?]]
[leiningen.pom :as pom :only [make-pom pom snapshot?]]
[leiningen.core.user :as user]
:only [sample-project sample-profile-meta-project
@ -49,6 +49,21 @@
([project name profile]
(project/merge-profiles (with-profile project name profile) [name])))
(deftest test-pom-scm-auto
(with-redefs [pom/parse-github-url (constantly ["techno" "lein"])
pom/read-git-head (constantly "the git head")]
(let [project (with-profile-merged sample-project
^:leaky {:scm {:name "auto"
:dir "." ;; so resolve-git-dir looks for lein project .git dir, not the sample
:connection "https://example.org/ignored-url"
:url "https://github.com/this-is/ignored"}})
pom (make-pom project)
xml (xml/parse-str pom)]
(is (= "scm:git:git://github.com/techno/lein.git" (first-in xml [:project :scm :connection])))
(is (= "scm:git:ssh://git@github.com/techno/lein.git" (first-in xml [:project :scm :developerConnection])))
(is (= "https://github.com/techno/lein" (first-in xml [:project :scm :url])))
(is (= "the git head" (first-in xml [:project :scm :tag]))))))
(deftest test-pom-default-values
(let [xml (xml/parse-str (make-pom sample-project))]
(is (= "nomnomnom" (first-in xml [:project :groupId]))