Simplified change to use existing code

This commit is contained in:
Max Barnash 2014-05-26 10:20:59 +04:00
parent 8741938311
commit 0f779b06a0

View file

@ -64,13 +64,11 @@
(defn- insignificant? [loc]
(let [{:keys [tag]} (zip/node loc)]
(#{:comment :whitespace} tag)))
(#{:comment :whitespace :newline} tag)))
(defn- newline? [loc]
(if loc
(let [{:keys [tag]} (zip/node loc)]
(= :newline tag))
(let [{:keys [tag]} (zip/node loc)]
(= :newline tag)))
(defn- find-defproject [loc]
(->> loc
@ -86,29 +84,22 @@
(filter (comp pred zip/node))
(defn- line-contents [loc]
(defn- find-key [loc key]
(->> loc
(iterate zip/right)
(drop-while #(or (newline? %) (insignificant? %)))
(take-while (comp not newline?))
(remove insignificant?)))
(defn- find-key [line-start key]
(let [[potential-key & value] (line-contents line-start)
key-node (zip/node potential-key)
next-line (-> value last zip/right)]
(if (and (= :keyword (:tag key-node))
(= key (sjacket->clj key-node)))
(when next-line
(recur next-line key)))))
(take-while (comp not nil?))
(remove insignificant?)
(partition 2)
(map first)
(filter (comp #{key} sjacket->clj zip/node))
(defn- next-value [loc]
(->> loc
(iterate zip/right)
(take-while (comp not nil?))
(drop 1)
(remove (comp #{:whitespace :comment} :tag zip/node))
(remove insignificant?)
(defn- parse-project [project-str]
@ -168,7 +159,9 @@
[:group-id] (update-name proj #(set-group-id (f (get-group-id %)) %))
[:artifact-id] (update-name proj #(set-artifact-id
(f (get-artifact-id %)) %))
(update-setting proj path f)))))
; moving to the right to move past defproject to get nice key-value pairs
; whitespaces and project name and version are filtered out later
(update-setting (zip/right proj) path f)))))
(defn change
"Rewrite project.clj with f applied to the value at key-or-path.