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# Leiningen Core
This library provides the core functionality of Leiningen. This
consists of the task execution implementation, project configuration,
and helper functions. The built-in tasks and the launcher scripts are
kept in the main `leiningen` project.
More detailed [API reference](https://leiningen.org/reference.html) is
## Namespaces
* **leiningen.core.main** contains the `-main` entry point along with
task handling functions like `apply-task` and `resolve-task`.
* **leiningen.core.project** has `read` and `defproject` for getting a
project map from `project.clj` files. It also handles applying
profiles to the project map and loading plugins.
* **leiningen.core.classpath** is where the project's classpath is
calculated. It handles Maven dependencies as well as checkout
* **leiningen.core.eval** houses the `eval-in-project` function which
implements the isolation of project code from Leiningen's own code.
2012-01-17 22:58:02 +00:00
* **leiningen.core.user** just has a handful of functions which handle
user-level configuration.
## Running Tasks
When Leiningen is invoked, it first reads the `project.clj` file and
applies any active profiles to the resulting project map. (See
Leiningen's own readme for a description of how profiles work.) Then
it looks up the task which was invoked. Tasks are just functions named
after the task they implement and defined in the `leiningen.the-task`
namespace. They usually take a project map as their argument, but can
also run outside the context of a project. See the
[plugin guide](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/doc/PLUGINS.md)
for more details on how tasks are written. The `apply-task` function
looks up the task function, checks to make sure it can be applied to
the provided arguments, and then calls it.
## Project Isolation
When you launch Leiningen, it must start an instance of Clojure to
load itself. But this instance must not affect the project that you're
building. It may use a different version of Clojure or other
dependencies from Leiningen itself, and Leiningen's code should not be
visible to the project's functions.
Leiningen currently implements this by launching a sub-process using
`leiningen.core.eval/eval-in-project`. Any code that must execute
within the context of the project (AOT compilation, test runs, repls)
needs to go through this function. Before the process is launched, the
project must be "prepped", which consists of running all the tasks
named in the project's `:prep-tasks` key. This defaults to `javac` and
`compile`, but `defproject` or profiles may add additional tasks as
necessary. All prep tasks must be cheap to call if nothing has changed
since their last invocation.
The sub-process (referred to as the "project JVM") is an entirely new
invocation of the `java` command with its own classpath calculated
from functions in the `leiningen.core.classpath` namespace. It can
even use a different version of the JVM from Leiningen if the
`:java-cmd` key is provided. It can only communicate with Leiningen's
process via the file system, sockets, and its exit code.
The exception to this rule is when `:eval-in-leiningen` in
`project.clj` is true, as is commonly used for Leiningen plugins.
Since Leiningen plugins are intended to be used inside Leiningen
itself, there's no need to enforce this isolation.
## License
2017-05-29 22:56:01 +00:00
Copyright © 2011-2017 Phil Hagelberg and
2016-01-02 23:43:46 +00:00
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.