# kibit *There's a function for that!* `kibit` is a static code analyzer for Clojure which uses the [`core.logic`](https://github.com/clojure/core.logic) unifier to search for patterns of code for which there might exist a more idiomatic function or macro. For example if kibit finds the code (if (some test) (some action) nil) it will make the suggestion to use the `when` macro instead of `if`. ## Usage Add `[jonase/kibit "0.0.1"]` to your `:plugins` vector in your `:user` profile (Leiningen 2) or if you are using Leiningen 1: $ lein plugin install jonase/kibit 0.0.1 Then you can run $ lein kibit to analyze your namespaces. ## Contributing It is very easy to write new patterns for `kibit`. Take a look at [`control-structures.clj`](https://github.com/jonase/kibit/blob/master/src/jonase/kibit/control_structures.clj) to see how new patterns are created. If you know of a recurring pattern of code that can be simplified, please consider sending me a pull request. Bugs can be reported using the github bug tracker. ## Contributors * Jonas Enlund * Phil Hagelberg * Alan Malloy * Paul deGrandis ## TODO * Rules for function definitions (make this more of a lint tool) * Rules for collection lookup; "2 is a bad smell" [see this blog post](http://tech.puredanger.com/2011/10/12/2-is-a-smell/) * Extract the "when to use" rules from [Joy of Clojure](http://joyofclojure.com/) * gh-pages of the Marginalia docs as done [here](http://www.maybetechnology.com/2011/08/literate-programming-with-marginalia.html) * Leiningen project.clj setting for rule exclusion * Leiningen project.clj setting for a directory of rules to include * More rules * Remove reflection warnings (how?) * Can core.logic be used to its full potential? * Analyse ClojureScript files? ## License Copyright © 2012 Jonas Enlund Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.