Initial refactor

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Enlund 2012-03-23 23:21:03 +02:00
parent 4860b24789
commit 40dd12fd62
4 changed files with 104 additions and 179 deletions

src/kibit/check.clj Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
(ns kibit.check
(:import [clojure.lang LineNumberingPushbackReader])
(:require [kibit.core :as core]))
;; ### Important notes
;; Feel free to contribute rules to [kibit's github repo](
;; Reading source files
;; --------------------
;; `read-file` is intended to be used with a Clojure source file,
;; read in by a LineNumberingPushbackReader. Expressions are
;; extracted using the clojure reader (ala `read`).
;; Line numbers are added as `:line` metadata to the forms.
(defn read-file
"Generate a lazy sequence of top level forms from a
[^LineNumberingPushbackReader r]
(let [form (read r false ::eof)]
(when-not (= form ::eof)
(cons form (read-file r))))))
;; `tree-seq` returns a lazy-seq of nodes for a tree.
;; Given an expression, we can then match rules against its pieces.
;; This is like using `clojure.walk` with `identity`:
;; user=> (expr-seq '(if (pred? x) (inc x) x))
;; ((if (pred? x) (inc x) x)
;; if
;; (pred? x)
;; pred?
;; x
;; (inc x)
;; inc
;; x
;; x)`
(defn expr-seq
"Given an expression (any piece of Clojure data), return a lazy (depth-first)
sequence of the expr and all its sub-expressions"
(tree-seq sequential?
(defn- build-result-map [expr simplified-expr]
(merge {:expr expr
:line (-> expr meta :line)}
(when (not= expr simplified-expr)
{:alt simplified-expr})))
(defn check-toplevel-forms [reader rules]
(for [expr (read-file (LineNumberingPushbackReader. reader))
:let [simplified-expr (core/simplify expr rules)]]
(build-result-map expr simplified-expr)))
(defn check-subforms [reader rules]
(for [expr (mapcat expr-seq (read-file (LineNumberingPushbackReader. reader)))
:let [simplified-expr (core/simplify-one expr rules)]]
(build-result-map expr simplified-expr)))

View file

@ -1,28 +1,8 @@
(ns kibit.core
"Kibit's core functionality uses core.logic to suggest idiomatic
replacements for patterns of code."
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.core.logic :as logic]
[kibit.rules :as core-rules]
[kibit.reporters :as reporters])
(:import [clojure.lang LineNumberingPushbackReader]))
;; ### Important notes
;; Feel free to contribute rules to [kibit's github repo](
;; The rule sets
;; -------------
;; Rule sets are stored in individual files that have a top level
;; `(defrules rules ...)`. The collection of rules are in the `rules`
;; directory.
;; Here, we logically prepare all the rules, by substituting in logic vars
;; where necessary.
;; For more information, see: [rules](#jonase.kibit.rules) namespace
(def all-rules (map logic/prep core-rules/all-rules))
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.core.logic :as logic]))
;; Building an alternative form
;; ----------------------------
@ -36,150 +16,22 @@
(guard-fn expr))
(check-guards expr rest)))
(defn simplify-one
(simplify-one expr all-rules))
([expr rules]
(first (logic/run* [q]
(logic/fresh [pat guards alt]
(logic/membero [pat guards alt] rules)
(logic/== pat expr)
(check-guards expr guards)
(logic/== q {:expr expr
:alt alt
:line (-> expr meta :line)}))))))
(defn simplify-multipass
(simplify-multipass expr all-rules))
([expr rules]
(loop [expr expr
simplify-map nil]
(if-let [new-simplify-map (simplify-one expr rules)]
(recur (:alt new-simplify-map)
;; Guarding `simplify` allows for fine-grained control over what
;; gets passed to a reporter. This allows those using kibit
;; as a library or building out tool compatibility to shape
;; the results prior to reporting.
;; Normally, you'll only want to report an alternative form if it differs
;; from the original expression form. You can use `identity` to short circuit
;; the guard.
;; Simplify-guards take a map and return a map or nil
(defn unique-alt? [simplify-map]
(let [{:keys [expr alt line]} simplify-map]
(when-not (= alt expr)
;; This walks across all the forms within an expression,
;; checking each inner form. The outcome is a potential full alternative.
;; We check to see if there is indeed a difference in the alternative,
;; and if so, return a full simplify-map. See *Guarding simplify* above
;; We build the simplify-map at the end because
;; Clojure 1.3 munges the metadata in transients (so also in clojure.walk).
(defn simplify
(simplify expr all-rules unique-alt?))
([expr rules]
(simplify expr rules unique-alt?))
([expr rules simplify-guard]
(let [line-num (-> expr meta :line)
simp-partial #(simplify-multipass %1 rules)
alt (walk/postwalk #(or (-> % simp-partial :alt) %) expr)]
{:expr expr
:alt alt
:line line-num}))))
;; Reading source files
;; --------------------
;; `read-file` is intended to be used with a Clojure source file,
;; read in by a LineNumberingPushbackReader. Expressions are
;; extracted using the clojure reader (ala `read`).
;; Line numbers are added as `:line` metadata to the forms.
(defn read-file
"Generate a lazy sequence of top level forms from a
[^LineNumberingPushbackReader r]
(let [form (read r false ::eof)]
(when-not (= form ::eof)
(cons form (read-file r))))
(catch Exception e
(println "A form was skipped because it relies on active parsing/evaluating - issue #14")))))
;; `tree-seq` returns a lazy-seq of nodes for a tree.
;; Given an expression, we can then match rules against its pieces.
;; This is like using `clojure.walk` with `identity`:
;; user=> (expr-seq '(if (pred? x) (inc x) x))
;; ((if (pred? x) (inc x) x)
;; if
;; (pred? x)
;; pred?
;; x
;; (inc x)
;; inc
;; x
;; x)`
(defn expr-seq
"Given an expression (any piece of Clojure data), return a lazy (depth-first)
sequence of the expr and all its sub-expressions"
(tree-seq sequential?
;; The reader is converted into a LineNumberingPushbackReader.
;; Optional rule sets and verbosity can be set with keyword args,
;; :rules, :verbose -
;; `(check-via-reader my-reader :rules rule-set :verbose true)`
;; Verbosity will report all the sub-expression substituions individually,
;; in addition to reporting them all on the top-level form. This is an
;; an ideal way to carefully inspect your code.
(defn check-via-reader
"Simplifies every expression (including sub-expressions) read in from
a reader and returns a lazy sequence of the result of unification
(`simplify` function)."
([reader & kw-opts]
(let [{:keys [rules simplify-guard verbose]
:or {rules all-rules
simplify-guard unique-alt?
verbose false}} (apply hash-map kw-opts)]
(if verbose
(keep #(simplify-one % rules)
(mapcat expr-seq (read-file (LineNumberingPushbackReader. reader))))
(keep #(simplify % rules simplify-guard) (read-file (LineNumberingPushbackReader. reader)))))))
;; The results from simplify get passed to a `reporter`.
;; A reporter can be any function that expects a single map.
;; TODO - talk about optional args
;; The entire sequence of simplify-maps from a given `source-file`
;; are processed with `doseq`, since reporting is side-effect action.
;; For more information on reporters, see: [reporters](#jonase.kibit.reporters) namespace
(defn check-file
"Checks every expression (including sub-expressions) in a clojure
source file against the rules and processes them with a reporter"
([source-file & kw-opts]
(let [{:keys [rules simplify-guard verbose reporter]
:or {rules all-rules
simplify-guard unique-alt?
verbose false
reporter reporters/cli-reporter}} (apply hash-map kw-opts)]
(with-open [reader (io/reader source-file)]
(doseq [simplify-map (check-via-reader
reader :rules rules :verbose verbose :simplify-guard simplify-guard)]
(reporter simplify-map))))))
;; Performs the first simplification found in the rules. If no rules
;; apply the original expression is returned. Does not look at
;; subforms.
(defn simplify-one [expr rules]
(let [alts (logic/run* [q]
(logic/fresh [pat guards alt]
(logic/membero [pat guards alt] rules)
(logic/== pat expr)
(check-guards expr guards)
(logic/== q alt)))]
(if (empty? alts) expr (first alts))))
;; Simplifies expr according to the rules until no more rules apply.
(defn simplify [expr rules]
(->> expr
(iterate (partial walk/postwalk #(simplify-one % rules)))
(partition 2 1)
(drop-while #(apply not= %))

View file

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
[kibit.rules.collections :as coll]
[kibit.rules.equality :as equality]
[kibit.rules.performance :as perf]
[kibit.rules.misc :as misc]))
[kibit.rules.misc :as misc]
[clojure.core.logic :as logic]))
;; More information on rules
;; -------------------------
@ -36,5 +38,4 @@
;; TODO: Consider a refactor for this into a function
;; `(defn rules-for-ns [& namespaces])`
(def all-rules (apply concat (vals rule-map)))
(def all-rules (map logic/prep (apply concat (vals rule-map))))

View file

@ -1,16 +1,27 @@
(ns leiningen.kibit
(:require [ :as clj-ns]
[ :as io]
[kibit.core :as kibit]))
[kibit.check :as kibit]
[kibit.rules :as rules]
[kibit.reporters :as reporters]))
(defn kibit
"Suggest idiomatic replacements for patterns of code."
[project & opts]
(let [paths (or (:source-paths project) [(:source-path project)])
source-files (mapcat #(-> % io/file clj-ns/find-clojure-sources-in-dir)
source-files (mapcat #(-> % io/file clj-ns/find-clojure-sources-in-dir) paths)
kw-opts (apply hash-map (map read-string opts))
verbose (or (:verbose kw-opts) false)
check (if verbose kibit/check-subforms kibit/check-toplevel-forms)]
(doseq [source-file source-files]
(printf "== %s ==\n"
(or (second (clj-ns/read-file-ns-decl source-file)) source-file))
(kibit/check-file source-file)
(with-open [reader (io/reader source-file)]
(printf "== %s ==\n" (or (second (clj-ns/read-file-ns-decl source-file)) source-file))
(->> (check reader rules/all-rules)
(filter #(contains? % :alt))
(map reporters/cli-reporter)
(catch Exception e
(println "Check failed -- skipping rest of file")
(when verbose (.printStackTrace e))))))))