First cut at better doc strings

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Enlund 2012-03-09 14:58:28 +02:00
parent ce34ad1295
commit 3f20f320c9

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns jonase.kibit.core
"Kibit's core functionality uses core.logic to suggest idiomatic
replacements for patterns of code and remove general code lint"
replacements for patterns of code."
(:require [clojure.core.logic :as logic]
[ :as io]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
@ -17,20 +17,31 @@
;; For more information, see: [rule](#jonase.kibit.rules) namespace
(def all-rules core-rules/all-rules)
;; Parsing the lines/forms
;; -----------------------
;; Unification
;; -----------
;; The unifier compares a form/line against a single rule.
;; The unification generates a map.
;; `unify` takes an expression and a `rule`. A rule is a pair
;; consisting of
;; The `:rule` is a vector of the matching rule/alt pair that was used
;; to produce the `:alt`, the ideal alternative.
;; The line number (`:line`) is extracted from the metadata of the line,
;; courtesy of LineNumberingPushbackReader (See `read-ns` and `check-file`)
;; * a pattern expression (e.g. `(+ ?x 1)`)
;; * a substitution expression (e.g. `(inc ?x)`
;; If the pattern matches the expression the substitution expression
;; is used to build an alternative expression. For example, given the
;; expression `(+ (f x) 1)` and the rule `[(+ ?x 1) (inc ?x)]`, the
;; expression `(inc (f x))` is built. This is all handled by
;; `core.logic`.
;; Finally, if unification succeeds, a map containing the original
;; expression (`:expr`), the line where it appeared in the source file
;; (`:line`), the rule which was used (`rule`) and the suggested
;; alternative built by `core.logic` (`:alt`) is returned. If the
;; unification failed `nil` is returned.
(defn unify
"TODO jonas"
"Attempts to unify expr with rule. On success a map is returned
containing :rule, :expression, :line and :alt (suggested
alternative) keys. Returns nil if unification fails"
[expr rule]
(let [[r s] (#'logic/prep rule)
alt (first (logic/run* [alt]
@ -44,33 +55,38 @@
:line (-> expr meta :line)})))
;; Loop over the rule set.
;; The `check-form` function does a linear search over the rules and
;; returns the map created by the first successful unification with
;; expr.
(defn check-form
"Given an expression/line/form, return a map containing the alternative suggestion info, or `nil`"
"Returns the first successful unification for expr against the
rules. Returns nil if no rule unifies with expr"
(check-form expr all-rules))
([expr rules]
(when (sequential? expr)
(some #(unify expr %) rules))))
(declare expr-seq)
;; This walks across all the forms within a seq'd form/expression, checking each inner form
;; We have to restore `:expr` because it gets munged in the tree/expr walk
;; This walks across all the forms within a seq'd form/expression,
;; checking each inner form. We have to restore `:expr` because it
;; gets munged in the tree/expr walk
(defn check-expr
"Given a full expression/form-of-forms/form, a map containing the alternative suggestion info, or `nil`"
"Given a full expression/form-of-forms/form, a map containing the
alternative suggestion info, or `nil`"
(if-let [new-expr (walk/walk #(or (-> % check-form :alt) %) check-form expr)]
(assoc new-expr :expr expr)
;; Building the parsable forms
;; ---------------------------
;; Reading source files
;; --------------------
;; We treat each line as a single form, since logic will match any form sequence on the line
;; The line numbers are added to the lines/forms' to metadata, `^{:line}`
;; `read-ns` reads a Clojure source file and returns a sequence of the
;; top level forms. Line numbers are added as `:line` metadata to the
;; forms.
(defn read-ns
"Generate a lazy sequence of top level forms from a [`LineNumberingPushbackReader`]( )."
"Generate a lazy sequence of top level forms from a
(let [form (read r false ::eof)
@ -78,18 +94,34 @@
(when-not (= form ::eof)
(cons (with-meta form {:line line-num}) (read-ns r))))))
;; `Expr-seq` takes an expression and returns a lazy sequence of the
;; expression itself and all its sub-expressions in a depth-first
;; manner:
;; user=> (expr-seq '(if (pred? x) (inc x) x))
;; ((if (pred? x) (inc x) x)
;; if
;; (pred? x)
;; pred?
;; x
;; (inc x)
;; inc
;; x
;; x)
(defn expr-seq
"Returns a lazy (depth-first) sequence of expr and its children"
"Returns a lazy (depth-first) sequence of expr and all its
(tree-seq sequential?
(defn check-file
"TODO jonas, just a quick one"
"Checks every expression (including sub-expressions) in a clojure
source file against the rules and returns a lazy sequence of the
result of unification"
(check-file reader all-rules))
([reader rules]
(keep check-form
(mapcat expr-seq (read-ns (LineNumberingPushbackReader. reader))))))