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This commit is contained in:
Paul deGrandis 2012-03-07 12:59:25 -05:00
commit 2501143914
4 changed files with 45 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
(if (not ?x) ?y ?z) (if-not ?x ?y ?z)
(when (not ?x) . ?y) (when-not ?x ?y)
(if true ?x . ?y) ?x
(when true ?x) ?x})
(when true ?x) ?x}) ; Maybe this should be (do ?x)

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@ -4,23 +4,13 @@
[clojure.string :as string]
[jonase.kibit.arithmetic :as arith]
[jonase.kibit.control-structures :as control]
[jonase.kibit.misc :as misc]))
[jonase.kibit.misc :as misc])
(:import [clojure.lang LineNumberingPushbackReader]))
(def all-rules (merge control/rules
(defn src [path]
(if-let [res (io/resource path)]
(clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader. (io/reader res))
(throw (RuntimeException. (str "File not found: " path)))))
(defn source-file [ns-sym]
(-> (name ns-sym)
(string/replace "." "/")
(string/replace "-" "_")
(str ".clj")))
(defn read-ns [r]
(let [form (read r false ::eof)
@ -28,41 +18,38 @@
(when-not (= form ::eof)
(cons (with-meta form {:line line-num}) (read-ns r))))))
(defn unify [expr rule]
(let [[r s] (#'logic/prep rule)
alt (first (logic/run* [alt]
(logic/== expr r)
(logic/== s alt)))]
(when alt
{:expr expr
:rule rule
:alt (seq alt)
:line (-> expr meta :line)})))
(defn check-form
(check-form expr all-rules))
([expr rules]
(for [rule rules
; See if a rule is broken, if it is, show a unified alternative
:let [[_ alt :as unified-rule] (logic/unifier rule [expr '?alt])
rule-broke (not (nil?
(and (sequential? expr)
:when rule-broke]
{:expr expr
:alt alt
:rule rule
:unified-rule unified-rule
:line (-> expr meta :line)})))
(defn check
"This is a presentation version of check-form,
used to print broken-rules to stdout"
(check expr all-rules))
([expr rules]
(doseq [{:keys [line alt expr]} (check-form expr rules)]
(printf "[Kibit:%s] Consider %s instead of %s\n" line (reverse (into '() alt)) expr))))
(when (sequential? expr)
(loop [expr expr
alt-map nil]
(if-let [new-alt-map (some #(unify expr %) rules)]
(recur (:alt new-alt-map)
(defn expr-seq [expr]
(tree-seq sequential?
(defn check-ns
([ns-sym rules]
(with-open [reader (-> ns-sym source-file src)]
(doseq [form (mapcat expr-seq (read-ns reader))]
(check form rules))))
(check-ns ns-sym all-rules)))
(defn check-file
(check-file reader all-rules))
([reader rules]
(keep check-form
(mapcat expr-seq (read-ns (LineNumberingPushbackReader. reader))))))

View file

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
"Suggest idiomatic replacements for patterns of code."
(let [paths (or (:source-paths project) [(:source-path project)])
namespaces (apply concat (for [path paths]
(clj-ns/find-namespaces-in-dir (io/file path))))]
(doseq [ns-sym namespaces]
(println "==" ns-sym "==")
(kibit/check-ns ns-sym)
(catch RuntimeException e (println ns-sym "not found.")))
(println "done."))))
source-files (mapcat #(-> % io/file clj-ns/find-clojure-sources-in-dir)
(doseq [source-file source-files]
(printf "== %s ==\n"
(or (second (clj-ns/read-file-ns-decl source-file)) source-file))
(with-open [reader (io/reader source-file)]
(doseq [{:keys [line expr alt]} (kibit/check-file reader)]
(printf "[%s] Consider %s instead of %s\n" line alt expr)))

View file

@ -11,10 +11,11 @@
;; Please ensure that new rules generate fully expected results across all
;; rule sets.
(deftest control-structures
(helper/check-form-test '(if true (println "X")) ['(println "X")])
(helper/check-form-test '(if true (println "X") nil) ['(when true (println "X"))
'(println "X")])
(helper/check-form-test '(if test nil else) ['(when-not test else)])
(helper/check-form-test '(if test then nil) ['(when test then)]))
(deftest control-structures-are
(are [expected-alt-form test-form]
(= expected-alt-form (:alt (kibit/check-form test-form)))
'(println "X") '(if true (println "X") nil)
'(println "X") '(if true (println "X"))
'(when-not test else) '(if test nil else)
'(when test then) '(if test then nil)))