2019-08-04 15:10:57 +02:00

245 lines
11 KiB

;;; keybase-chat --- Keybase chat implementation in Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
(require 'cl)
(defvar keybase--markup-allow-nl nil)
(defvar keybase--custom-parser-1 nil)
(defvar keybase--custom-parser-2 nil)
(defvar keybase--custom-parser-3 nil)
(defun keybase--trim-blanks-and-newlines (s)
(string-trim s))
(cl-defmacro keybase--when-trimmed-not-empty ((sym string) &body body)
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((trimmed (gensym)))
`(let ((,trimmed (keybase--trim-blanks-and-newlines ,string)))
(when (plusp (length ,trimmed))
(let ((,sym ,trimmed))
(cl-defun keybase--split-with-regexp (regexp string &key empty)
(loop with pos = 0
with length = (length string)
with result = nil
while (< pos length)
do (let ((match-start (string-match regexp string pos)))
(if match-start
(let ((match-end (match-end 0)))
(when (or (< pos match-start) empty)
(push (subseq string pos match-start) result))
(setq pos match-end))
;; ELSE: No more matches, collect the last paragraph
(push (subseq string pos length) result)
(setq pos length))))
finally (return (reverse result))))
(defun keybase--find-reg-starts-ends ()
(loop for i from 1
for start = (match-beginning i)
while start
collect start into sindex
collect (match-end i) into eindex
finally (return (list sindex eindex))))
(defun keybase--process-regex-parts (regexp string match-fn no-match-fn)
(loop with length = (length string)
with start = 0
while (< start length)
do (let ((match-start (string-match regexp string start)))
(if match-start
;; Match found, possibly call the no-match function for the segment before the match
(let ((match-end (match-end 0)))
(destructuring-bind (reg-starts reg-ends)
(when (> match-start start)
(funcall no-match-fn start match-start))
(funcall match-fn reg-starts reg-ends)
(setq start match-end)))
;; ELSE: No match, call the no-match function for the last segment
(funcall no-match-fn start length)
(setq start length))))))
(defun keybase--markup-from-regexp (regexp string callback &optional plain-string-markup-fn)
(cl-flet ((markup-string (s)
(if plain-string-markup-fn
(funcall plain-string-markup-fn s)
(list s))))
(loop with length = (length string)
with start = 0
while (< start length)
append (let ((match-start (string-match regexp string start)))
(if match-start
;; Some highlighted text was found
(let ((match-end (match-end 0)))
(destructuring-bind (reg-starts reg-ends)
(let* ((highlight (funcall callback reg-starts reg-ends))
(old-start start))
(setq start match-end)
(if (> match-start old-start)
;; There is some unmatched text before the match
(append (markup-string (subseq string old-start match-start))
(list highlight))
;; ELSE: The match is at the beginning of the string
(list highlight)))))
;; ELSE: No match, copy the last part of the text and finish the loop
(let ((old-start start))
(setq start length)
(markup-string (subseq string old-start))))))))
(defun keybase--strip-indentation-char (string)
(with-output-to-string (out)
(process-regex-parts "(?ms)^> *([^\\n]*)" string
(lambda (reg-starts reg-ends)
(princ (subseq string (aref reg-starts 0) (aref reg-ends 0)) out))
(lambda (start end)
(princ (subseq string start end) out)))))
(defun keybase--markup-indent (string)
(keybase--markup-from-regexp "\\n?\\(\\(?:^>[^\\n]*\\)\\(?:\\n>[^\\n]*\\)*\\)\\n?" string
(lambda (reg-starts reg-ends)
(let ((text (keybase--strip-indentation-char (subseq string (aref reg-starts 0) (aref reg-ends 0)))))
(list (cons :quote (keybase--markup-paragraphs-inner text)))))))
(defun keybase--markup-codeblocks (string)
(loop with result = nil
with state = :normal
with current-language = nil
with length = (length string)
with pos = 0
while (< pos length)
if (eq state :normal)
do (let ((start (string-match "^```[ ]*\\([^\\n\\r ]*\\)[ ]*$" string pos)))
(if start
(let ((end (match-end 0))
(s (match-beginning 1))
(e (match-end 1)))
(when (> start pos)
(keybase--when-trimmed-not-empty (trimmed (subseq string pos start))
(push trimmed result)))
(setq state :code)
(setq current-language (if (> e s) (subseq string s e) nil))
(setq pos end))
(keybase--when-trimmed-not-empty (trimmed (subseq string pos length))
(push trimmed result))
(setq pos length))))
else if (eq state :code)
do (let ((start (string-match "^```[ ]*$" string pos)))
(if start
(let ((end (match-end 0)))
(when (> start pos)
(keybase--when-trimmed-not-empty (trimmed (subseq string pos start))
(push (list (list :code-block current-language trimmed)) result)))
(setq state :normal)
(setq current-language nil)
(setq pos end))
(keybase--when-trimmed-not-empty (trimmed (subseq string pos length))
(push trimmed result))
(setq pos length))))
finally (return (reverse result))))
(defun keybase--select-blocks (string fn next-fn)
(loop for v in (funcall fn string)
append (if (stringp v)
(funcall next-fn v)
(defun keybase--markup-highlight (string)
(let ((pos 0)
(length (length string))
(result nil))
(cl-labels ((collect-part (v) (when (< pos v) (setq result (append result (keybase--markup-custom-3 (subseq string pos v)))))))
(loop while (< pos length)
do (let ((match-start (string-match "\\(?:^\\|\\W\\)\\([*_]\\)\\(.+?\\)\\(\\1\\)\\(?:$\\|\\W\\)" string pos)))
(if match-start
(let ((scode-s (match-beginning 1))
(ecode-e (match-end 3))
(s (match-beginning 2))
(e (match-end 2)))
(collect-part scode-s)
(let ((code (aref string scode-s)))
(setq result (append result (list (cons (cond ((eql code ?*)
((eql code ?_)
(error "Unexpected code")))
(keybase--markup-custom-3 (subseq string s e)))))))
(setq pos ecode-e))
;; ELSE: No more matches
(collect-part length)
(setq pos length)))))
(defun keybase--markup-custom-1 (string)
(if keybase--custom-parser-1
(funcall keybase--custom-parser-1 string #'keybase--markup-maths)
(keybase--markup-maths string)))
(defun keybase--markup-custom-2 (string)
(if keybase--custom-parser-2
(funcall keybase--custom-parser-2 string #'keybase--markup-highlight)
(keybase--markup-highlight string)))
(defun keybase--markup-custom-3 (string)
(if keybase--custom-parser-3
(funcall keybase--custom-parser-3 string (lambda (v) (list v)))
(list string)))
(defun keybase--markup-url (string)
(keybase--markup-custom-2 string))
(defun keybase--markup-maths (string)
;; Maths needs to be extracted before anything else, since it can
;; contain a mix of pretty much every other character, and we don't
;; want that to mess up any other highlighting.
(let ((pos 0)
(length (length string))
(result nil))
(cl-labels ((collect-part (v)
(when (< pos v)
(setq result (append result (keybase--markup-url (subseq string pos v)))))))
(loop while (< pos length)
do (let ((match-start (string-match "\\(?:^\\|\\W\\)\\(`[^`]+`\\)\\(?:$\\|\\W\\)" string pos)))
(if match-start
;; We don't do maths markup right now, but once we do, it should be done here
(let ((s (match-beginning 1))
(e (match-end 1)))
(collect-part s)
(setq result (append result (list (cons :code (subseq string (1+ s) (1- e))))))
(setq pos e))
;; ELSE: No more matches
(collect-part length)
(setq pos length)))))
(defun keybase--markup-string (string)
(if keybase--markup-allow-nl
(loop for line in (keybase--split-with-regexp "\n" string :empty t)
for first = t then nil
unless first
append '((:newline))
unless (equal line "")
append (keybase--markup-custom-1 line))
(keybase--markup-custom-1 string)))
(defun keybase--markup-paragraphs-inner (string)
for v in (keybase--split-with-regexp "\n\\{2,\\}" string)
when (plusp (length v))
collect (cons :paragraph (keybase--markup-string v))))
(cl-defun keybase--markup-paragraphs (string &key allow-nl)
(let ((keybase--markup-allow-nl allow-nl))
(keybase--select-blocks string #'keybase--markup-codeblocks
(lambda (s)
(keybase--select-blocks s #'keybase--markup-indent #'keybase--markup-paragraphs-inner)))))
(provide 'keybase-markup)