#!/usr/bin/env zsh normaluser=$1 (( $# < 1 )) && { print -- "usage: ${0:t} \$USER" >&2 exit 1 } userhome="$(sudo -u $normaluser echo $HOME)" echo $userhome if [[ -e $userhome/.cabal ]]; then print -- "Moving your ~/.cabal to ~/old.cabal" sudo -u $normaluser mv $HOME/{,old}.cabal fi if [[ -e $userhome/.ghc ]]; then print -- "Moving your ~/.ghc to ~/old.ghc" sudo -u $normaluser mv $HOME/{,old}.ghc fi ghcversion="7.8.3" cabalversion="" archi=$(uname -m) if [[ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ]]; then os="apple-darwin" cabalos="apple-darwin-mavericks" else cabalversion="" os="unknown-linux-deb7" cabalos="unknown-linux" # ------------------------- # apt-get install libgmp-dev fi tmpdir=/tmp/install-haskell mkdir -p $tmpdir cd $tmpdir ghctar=ghc-${ghcversion}-${archi}-${os}.tar.xz if [[ ! -e $ghctar ]]; then echo "Downloading GHC..." curl -O http://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/${ghcversion}/$ghctar else echo "Using already downloaded GHC ($tmpdir)..." fi echo "Installing GHC..." tar xJf $ghctar cd ghc-${ghcversion} ./configure && make install cd $tmpdir echo "Downloading cabal..." cabaltar=cabal-${cabalversion}-${archi}-${cabalos}.tar.gz [[ $cabalos = "unknown-linux" ]] && cabaltar=cabal-${archi}-${cabalos}.tar.gz if [[ ! -e $cabaltar ]]; then curl -O http://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/cabal-install-$cabalversion/$cabaltar else echo "Using already downloaded cabal ($tmpdir)..." fi tar xzf $cabaltar echo "Installing cabal..." if [[ -e ./cabal ]]; then mv cabal /usr/local/bin else mv ./dist/build/cabal/cabal /usr/local/bin fi echo "Init cabal..." sudo -u $normaluser cabal info >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Using Stackage build for GHC 7.8, 2014-08-17 exclusive..." stackageurl="stackage:http://www.stackage.org/stackage/44dd460d063f344de0da3bfe984e1ac816f18469" # use exclusive snapshot by default. sudo -u $normaluser perl -pi.bak -e 's#^remote-repo: .*$#remote-repo: '$stackageurl'#' $HOME/.cabal/config sudo -u $normaluser cabal update echo "Install useful binaries" sudo -u $normaluser cabal install -j alex happy echo "Update your PATH in .profile for cabal binaries" sudo -u $normaluser echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.profile echo "[Stackage build] " echo $stackageurl echo echo "If some package are missing, that means they are not considered stable." echo "Ask gently the package maintainer to add its package to stackage." echo print -P -- "You could also use an %Binclusive%b build." echo "Packages not in exclusive build aren't be garanteed to build thought." echo echo "================" echo "Congratulations\!" echo "================" echo echo "You should start using Haskell like a pro now" echo "You shouldn't use cabal sandbox except if you know what you are doing." echo "So if you follow a tutorial that use cabal sandbox, don't use it." echo "Unless you don't mind killing some white bear and waiting a lot." echo