Update recommendation so that it is activated in the user profile.

This commit is contained in:
Paul Stadig 2014-06-27 13:52:43 -04:00
parent 2aea768281
commit e448315e72

View file

@ -3,82 +3,85 @@
This library does two things:
1. Test output is pretty printed.
2. Equality assertions are also diffed.
To use this library, include it in your dev profile:
: [pjstadig/humane-test-output "0.6.0"]
To activate it you will need to call ~pjstadig.humane-test-output/activate!~.
The preferred way to do this with Leiningen is to use an injection in the dev
profile for your project:
: (defproject foo/bar "0.1.0"
: ...
: :profiles {...
: :dev {:injections [(require 'pjstadig.humane-test-output)
: (pjstadig.humane-test-output/activate!)]}
: ...
The preferred way to do this with Leiningen is to use an injection in
the :user profile in your ~/.lein/profiles.clj:
{:user {:dependencies [[pjstadig/humane-test-output "0.6.0"]]
:injections [(require 'pjstadig.humane-test-output)
This test output formatting works great with Emacs and when running Leiningen
in a console. However, some IDEs are also bashing in their own versions of
test formatting. If you are on a mixed team and some members need to disable
humane test output, they can define the ~INHUMANE_TEST_OUTPUT~ environment
variable, though again it's better for each user to enable it in their own
Once humane-test-output is activated, instead of this:
: FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:7)
: FIXME, I fail.
: expected: (= {:foo :bar, :baz :quux, :something "a long string?", :another-key "and another value"} {:fo :bar, :baz :quux, :something "a long string?", :another-key "and another value"})
: actual: (not (= {:another-key "and another value", :foo :bar, :something "a long string?", :baz :quux} {:another-key "and another value", :something "a long string?", :fo :bar, :baz :quux}))
: FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:11)
: FIXME, I fail.
: expected: (= {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:fo :bar, :baz :quux})
: actual: (not (= {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:fo :bar, :baz :quux}))
: FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:14)
: FIXME, I fail.
: expected: (list? foo)
: actual: (not (list? {:another-key "and another value", :foo :bar, :something "a long string?", :baz :quux}))
FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:7)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: (= {:foo :bar, :baz :quux, :something "a long string?", :another-key "and another value"} {:fo :bar, :baz :quux, :something "a long string?", :another-key "and another value"})
actual: (not (= {:another-key "and another value", :foo :bar, :something "a long string?", :baz :quux} {:another-key "and another value", :something "a long string?", :fo :bar, :baz :quux}))
FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:11)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: (= {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:fo :bar, :baz :quux})
actual: (not (= {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:foo :bar, :baz :quux} {:fo :bar, :baz :quux}))
FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:14)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: (list? foo)
actual: (not (list? {:another-key "and another value", :foo :bar, :something "a long string?", :baz :quux}))
You get this:
: FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:7)
: FIXME, I fail.
: expected: {:another-key "and another value",
: :foo :bar,
: :something "a long string?",
: :baz :quux}
: actual: {:fo :bar}
: diff: - {:baz :quux,
: :something "a long string?",
: :foo :bar,
: :another-key "and another value"}
: + {:fo :bar}
: FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:10)
: FIXME, I fail.
: expected: {:foo :bar, :baz :quux}
: actual: {:fo :bar, :baz :quux}
: diff: - {:foo :bar}
: + {:fo :bar}
: FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:13)
: FIXME, I fail.
: expected: (list? foo)
: actual: (not
: (list?
: {:another-key "and another value",
: :foo :bar,
: :something "a long string?",
: :baz :quux}))
FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:7)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: {:another-key "and another value",
:foo :bar,
:something "a long string?",
:baz :quux}
actual: {:fo :bar}
diff: - {:baz :quux,
:something "a long string?",
:foo :bar,
:another-key "and another value"}
+ {:fo :bar}
FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:10)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: {:foo :bar, :baz :quux}
actual: {:fo :bar, :baz :quux}
diff: - {:foo :bar}
+ {:fo :bar}
FAIL in (a-test) (humane_test_output_test.clj:13)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: (list? foo)
actual: (not
{:another-key "and another value",
:foo :bar,
:something "a long string?",
:baz :quux}))
A test containing ~(is (= oops-i-only-gave-one-argument))~ will throw an exception.
A test containing ~(is (= oops-i-only-gave-one-argument))~ will throw an
** License
: Copyright © Paul Stadig and Outpace Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
: Some small bits of code were taken from clojure.test and modified, and are
: Copyright © Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
: Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
** Acknowledgements
I am grateful for design and implementation assistance from Bryce Covert.