code cleanup, better random quality for short

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2018-09-04 14:21:25 +02:00
parent d2a03a9125
commit 75f8064aaf
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
5 changed files with 90 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see:
-- hash: 9c3e37ab9a4ab0be5cfdc76a03c0f8a4f3927508f29397d5d7cf5ebb45fa74b3
-- hash: 0bb664d30c1e0572386dc9e95d45e1f5ec99b28b9c2e2722a81c52887647eb5b
name: human-friendly-id-gen
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ data-files:

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- options "Generate Human Friendly identifiers" optParser
case genMode opts of
Short -> Short.idgen 8 >>= putText
Lovecraftian -> Lovecraftian.idgen 2 >>= putText
Short -> Short.idgen (fromMaybe 4 (optLen opts)) >>= putText
Lovecraftian -> Lovecraftian.idgen (fromMaybe 2 (optLen opts)) >>= putText
Dict -> do
let file = case optDict opts of
Just "english" -> "dictionaries/english.txt"

src/HFIG/Helpers.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module : HFIG.Helpers
Description : Helpers for most generation strategy
License : Public Domain
Maintainer :
Helpers to generate different kind of identifiers
module HFIG.Helpers
( idgen
, genWord
, collisionProbability
, NameParts
import Protolude
import qualified System.Random.MWC as Random
import qualified Control.Monad.Primitive as Prim
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector ((!))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- | Generic id generator from using nameparts
idgen :: Text -> NameParts -> Int -> IO Text
idgen i np n = Random.withSystemRandom $ \gen ->
Text.intercalate i <$> replicateM n (genWord gen np)
rnd :: Prim.PrimMonad m => Random.Gen (Prim.PrimState m) -> V.Vector b -> m b
rnd gen v = do
(k :: Int) <- Random.uniformR (0,V.length v - 1) gen
return (v ! k)
genWord :: Random.Gen Prim.RealWorld -> [V.Vector Text] -> IO Text
genWord gen nps = mconcat <$> traverse (rnd gen) nps
type NameParts = [V.Vector Text]
-- | Approximate collision probability other n generated name with complexity
-- parameter equal to l
-- For example if you generate 1000 words randomly with complexity parameter 4
-- We estimate the probability of collision to 3.85%
-- This is a nice helper function to use when you want to estimate the optimal
-- length of your ids
-- @
-- > collisionProbability 1000 4
-- 3.8580246913580245e-2
-- > collisionProbability 10000 5
-- 6.430041152263374e-2
-- > collisionProbability 10000 6
-- 1.0716735253772291e-3
-- @
collisionProbability ::
NameParts -- ^ name parts used
-> Double -- ^ nb of generated names
-> Double -- ^ length parameter used
-> Double
collisionProbability nameparts n l = min ((n**2) / (2 * (fromIntegral size ** l))) 1
where size = product (fmap (V.length . V.filter (/= "")) nameparts)

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@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ where
import Protolude
import qualified System.Random.MWC as Random
import qualified Control.Monad.Primitive as Prim
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector ((!))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified HFIG.Helpers as Helpers
import HFIG.Helpers (NameParts)
-- | Will generate readable short names The integer parameter determine the
-- length in number of syllabus of the name
@ -31,17 +31,9 @@ idgen :: Int -> IO Text
idgen n = Random.withSystemRandom $ \gen -> do
choice <- Random.uniformR (0 :: Int,1) gen
let np = if choice == 0 then drop 1 nameparts else nameparts
Text.intercalate "-" <$> replicateM n (genGod gen np)
Text.intercalate "-" <$> replicateM n (Helpers.genWord gen np)
rnd :: Prim.PrimMonad m => Random.Gen (Prim.PrimState m) -> V.Vector b -> m b
rnd gen v = do
(k :: Int) <- Random.uniformR (0,V.length v - 1) gen
return (v ! k)
genGod :: Random.Gen Prim.RealWorld -> [V.Vector Text] -> IO Text
genGod gen nps = mconcat <$> traverse (rnd gen) nps
nameparts :: [V.Vector Text]
nameparts :: NameParts
nameparts = [
V.fromList ["a","e","i","u","o","a","ai","aiu","aiue","e","i","ia","iau","iu","o","u","y","ya","yi","yo"]
, V.fromList ["bh","br","c'th","cn","ct","cth","cx","d","d'","g","gh","ghr","gr","h","k","kh","kth","mh","mh'","ml","n","ng","sh","t","th","tr","v","v'","vh","vh'","vr","x","z","z'","zh"]
@ -60,19 +52,7 @@ nameparts = [
-- This is a nice helper function to use when you want to estimate the optimal
-- length of your ids
-- @
-- > collisionProbability 1000 4
-- 3.8580246913580245e-2
-- > collisionProbability 10000 5
-- 6.430041152263374e-2
-- > collisionProbability 10000 6
-- 1.0716735253772291e-3
-- @
collisionProbability :: Double -- ^ nb of generated names
-> Double -- ^ length parameter used
-> Double
collisionProbability n l = min ((n**2) / (2 * (fromIntegral size ** l))) 1
where size = product (fmap (V.length . V.filter (/= "")) nameparts) -- filtering the "" give a better approximation
collisionProbability = Helpers.collisionProbability nameparts

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module : HFIG.Short
Description : Short strategy to generate random human friendly ids
@ -12,82 +13,34 @@ Yet not the best for preventing collision.
module HFIG.Short
( idgen
, idgenVariableLength
, collisionProbability
import Protolude
import qualified System.Random.MWC as Random
import qualified System.Random.MWC.Distributions as Distr
import qualified Control.Monad.Primitive as Prim
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified HFIG.Helpers as Helpers
-- | Will generate readable short names The integer parameter determine the
-- length in number of syllabus of the name
idgen :: Int -> IO Text
idgen n = Random.withSystemRandom $ \gen -> do
mconcat <$> replicateM n (genSylab gen)
idgen = Helpers.idgen "" nameparts
-- | Approximate collision probability other n generated name with complexity
-- parameter equal to l
-- For example if you generate 1000 words randomly with complexity parameter 4
-- We estimate the probability of collision to 3.85%
-- This is a nice helper function to use when you want to estimate the optimal
-- length of your ids
-- @
-- > collisionProbability 1000 4
-- 3.8580246913580245e-2
-- > collisionProbability 10000 5
-- 6.430041152263374e-2
-- > collisionProbability 10000 6
-- 1.0716735253772291e-3
-- @
collisionProbability :: Double -- ^ nb of generated names
-> Double -- ^ length parameter used
-> Double
collisionProbability n l = min ((n**2) / (2 * (nbSylabs ** l))) 1
-- | Will generate readable short names
-- The integer parameter determine the maximal length in number of sillabus of the name
idgenVariableLength :: Int -> IO Text
idgenVariableLength n = Random.withSystemRandom $ \gen -> do
val <- Distr.exponential nbSylabs gen
let len = n - (min (truncate $ val * fromIntegral n) (n - 1))
mconcat <$> replicateM len (genSylab gen)
nbSylabs :: Double
nbSylabs = fromIntegral $ V.length consonnants * V.length voyels
genSylab :: Random.Gen Prim.RealWorld -> IO Text
genSylab gen = mappend <$> genConsonnant gen <*> genVoyel gen
genConsonnant :: Random.Gen (Prim.PrimState IO) -> IO Text
genConsonnant gen = do
(k :: Int) <- Random.uniformR (0, V.length consonnants - 1) gen
return (consonnants V.! k)
nameparts :: Helpers.NameParts
nameparts = [ consonnants
, voyels
, V.fromList (replicate (2*(length consonnants)) "") <> consonnants]
consonnants :: V.Vector Text
consonnants = V.fromList basics
basics = ["b" , "d", "f", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "r", "s", "t", "v", "x", "z"]
-- you can also use basic <> composed but it will change the length of names in number of chars
-- and provide slightly harder to pronounce, read and understand names
-- for now I prefer to put that aside
-- composable = [ "b" , "d", "f", "k", "p", "s", "t", "v", "z"]
-- composed = mconcat (fmap (\x -> [ x <> c | c <- ["r", "l"]]) composable)
genVoyel :: Prim.PrimMonad m => Random.Gen (Prim.PrimState m) -> m Text
genVoyel gen = do
(k :: Int) <- Random.uniformR (0, V.length voyels - 1) gen
return (voyels V.! k)
consonnants = V.fromList $ basics
basics = [ "b", "d", "f", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n"
, "p", "r", "s", "t", "v", "x", "z","w"
, "ch"
, "br", "dr", "pr", "tr"
, "bl", "pl" ]
voyels :: V.Vector Text
voyels = V.fromList ["a","i","o","u"]