2012-09-05 06:27:06 +01:00

94 lines
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-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Extension
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- basic extensions are defined in RFC 6066
module Network.TLS.Extension
( Extension(..)
, supportedExtensions
-- all extensions ID supported
, extensionID_SecureRenegotiation
, extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation
-- all implemented extensions
, SecureRenegotiation(..)
, NextProtocolNegotiation(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Network.TLS.Struct (ExtensionID)
import Network.TLS.Wire
extensionID_SecureRenegotiation, extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation :: ExtensionID
extensionID_SecureRenegotiation = 0xff01
extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation = 0x3374
-- | all supported extensions by the implementation
supportedExtensions :: [ExtensionID]
supportedExtensions = [ extensionID_SecureRenegotiation
, extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation
-- | Extension class to transform bytes to and from a high level Extension type.
class Extension a where
extensionID :: a -> ExtensionID
extensionDecode :: Bool -> ByteString -> Maybe a
extensionEncode :: a -> ByteString
-- | Server Name including the name type and the associated name.
-- the associated name decoding is dependant of its name type.
-- name type = 0 : hostname
data ServerName = ServerName [(Word8,ByteString)]
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Extension ServerName where
extensionID _ = 0x0
extensionEncode (ServerName l) = runPut $ mapM_ encodeName l
where encodeName (nt,opaque) = putWord8 nt >> putOpaque16 opaque
extensionDecode _ = runGetMaybe (remaining >>= \len -> getList len getServerName >>= return . ServerName)
where getServerName = do
ty <- getWord8
sname <- getOpaque16
return (1+2+B.length sname, (ty, sname))
-- | Secure Renegotiation
data SecureRenegotiation = SecureRenegotiation ByteString (Maybe ByteString)
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Extension SecureRenegotiation where
extensionID _ = extensionID_SecureRenegotiation
extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cvd svd) =
runPut $ putOpaque8 (cvd `B.append` fromMaybe B.empty svd)
extensionDecode isServerHello = runGetMaybe getSecureReneg
where getSecureReneg = do
opaque <- getOpaque8
if isServerHello
then let (cvd, svd) = B.splitAt (B.length opaque `div` 2) opaque
in return $ SecureRenegotiation cvd (Just svd)
else return $ SecureRenegotiation opaque Nothing
-- | Next Protocol Negotiation
data NextProtocolNegotiation = NextProtocolNegotiation [ByteString]
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Extension NextProtocolNegotiation where
extensionID _ = extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation
extensionEncode (NextProtocolNegotiation bytes) =
runPut $ mapM_ putOpaque8 bytes
extensionDecode _ = runGetMaybe (NextProtocolNegotiation <$> getNPN)
where getNPN = do
avail <- remaining
case avail of
0 -> return []
_ -> do liftM2 (:) getOpaque8 getNPN