Vincent Hanquez a95dd8f45e Generalize key exchange and use in-house RSA.
Remove need for spoon, since RSA will fails gracefully.
Add support for full private key format for fast decryption.
Generalization of key exchange to add future support for DH, etc.
2010-11-04 19:10:00 +00:00

246 lines
9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Receiving
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- the Receiving module contains calls related to unmarshalling packets according
-- to the TLS state
module Network.TLS.Receiving (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Maybe
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.Cap
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.SRandom
import Data.Certificate.X509
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.RSA as RSA
newtype TLSRead a = TLSR { runTLSR :: ErrorT TLSError (State TLSState) a }
deriving (Monad, MonadError TLSError)
instance Functor TLSRead where
fmap f = TLSR . fmap f . runTLSR
instance MonadTLSState TLSRead where
putTLSState x = TLSR (lift $ put x)
getTLSState = TLSR (lift get)
runTLSRead :: MonadTLSState m => TLSRead a -> m (Either TLSError a)
runTLSRead f = do
st <- getTLSState
let (a, newst) = runState (runErrorT (runTLSR f)) st
putTLSState newst
return a
returnEither :: Either TLSError a -> TLSRead a
returnEither (Left err) = throwError err
returnEither (Right a) = return a
readPacket :: MonadTLSState m => Header -> EncryptedData -> m (Either TLSError [Packet])
readPacket hdr content = runTLSRead (checkState hdr >> decryptContent hdr content >>= processPacket hdr)
checkState :: Header -> TLSRead ()
checkState (Header pt _ _) =
stStatus <$> getTLSState >>= \status -> unless (allowed pt status) $ throwError $ Error_Packet_unexpected (show status) (show pt)
allowed :: ProtocolType -> TLSStatus -> Bool
allowed ProtocolType_Alert _ = True
allowed ProtocolType_Handshake _ = True
allowed ProtocolType_AppData StatusHandshakeReq = True
allowed ProtocolType_AppData StatusOk = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientFinished) = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientKeyXchg) = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientCertificateVerify) = True
allowed _ _ = False
processPacket :: Header -> Bytes -> TLSRead [Packet]
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_AppData _ _) content = return [AppData content]
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_Alert _ _) content = return . (:[]) . Alert =<< returnEither (decodeAlert content)
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec _ _) content = do
e <- updateStatusCC False
when (isJust e) $ throwError (fromJust e)
returnEither $ decodeChangeCipherSpec content
isClientContext >>= \cc -> when (not cc) setKeyBlock
return [ChangeCipherSpec]
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_Handshake ver _) dcontent = do
handshakes <- returnEither (decodeHandshakes dcontent)
forM handshakes $ \(ty, content) -> do
hs <- processHandshake ver ty content
when (finishHandshakeTypeMaterial ty) $ updateHandshakeDigestSplitted ty content
return hs
processHandshake :: Version -> HandshakeType -> ByteString -> TLSRead Packet
processHandshake ver ty econtent = do
-- SECURITY FIXME if RSA fail, we need to generate a random master secret and not fail.
e <- updateStatusHs ty
when (isJust e) $ throwError (fromJust e)
content <- case ty of
HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg -> do
copt <- decryptRSA econtent
return $ either (const econtent) id copt
_ ->
return econtent
hs <- case (ty, decodeHandshake ver ty content) of
(_, Right x) -> return x
(HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg, Left _) -> return $ ClientKeyXchg SSL2 (ClientKeyData $ B.replicate 46 0xff)
(_, Left err) -> throwError err
clientmode <- isClientContext
case hs of
ClientHello cver ran _ _ _ _ -> unless clientmode $ do
startHandshakeClient cver ran
ServerHello sver ran _ _ _ _ -> when clientmode $ do
setServerRandom ran
setVersion sver
Certificates certs -> when clientmode $ do processCertificates certs
ClientKeyXchg cver _ -> unless clientmode $ do
processClientKeyXchg cver content
Finished fdata -> processClientFinished fdata
_ -> return ()
return $ Handshake hs
decryptRSA :: MonadTLSState m => ByteString -> m (Either KxError ByteString)
decryptRSA econtent = do
ver <- return . stVersion =<< getTLSState
rsapriv <- getTLSState >>= return . fromJust . hstRSAPrivateKey . fromJust . stHandshake
return $ kxDecrypt rsapriv (if ver < TLS10 then econtent else B.drop 2 econtent)
setMasterSecretRandom :: ByteString -> TLSRead ()
setMasterSecretRandom content = do
st <- getTLSState
let (bytes, g') = getRandomBytes (stRandomGen st) (fromIntegral $ B.length content)
putTLSState $ st { stRandomGen = g' }
setMasterSecret bytes
processClientKeyXchg :: Version -> ByteString -> TLSRead ()
processClientKeyXchg ver content = do
{- the TLS protocol expect the initial client version received in the ClientHello, not the negociated version -}
expectedVer <- getTLSState >>= return . hstClientVersion . fromJust . stHandshake
if expectedVer /= ver
then setMasterSecretRandom content
else setMasterSecret content
processClientFinished :: FinishedData -> TLSRead ()
processClientFinished fdata = do
cc <- getTLSState >>= return . stClientContext
expected <- getHandshakeDigest (not cc)
when (expected /= B.pack fdata) $ do
-- FIXME don't fail, but report the error so that the code can send a BadMac Alert.
fail ("client mac failure: expecting " ++ show expected ++ " received " ++ (show $L.pack fdata))
return ()
decryptContent :: Header -> EncryptedData -> TLSRead ByteString
decryptContent hdr e@(EncryptedData b) = do
st <- getTLSState
if stRxEncrypted st
then decryptData e >>= getCipherData hdr
else return b
getCipherData :: Header -> CipherData -> TLSRead ByteString
getCipherData hdr cdata = do
-- check if the MAC is valid.
macValid <- case cipherDataMAC cdata of
Nothing -> return True
Just digest -> do
let (Header pt ver _) = hdr
let new_hdr = Header pt ver (fromIntegral $ B.length $ cipherDataContent cdata)
expected_digest <- makeDigest False new_hdr $ cipherDataContent cdata
if expected_digest == digest
then return True
else return False
-- check if the padding is filled with the correct pattern if it exists
paddingValid <- case cipherDataPadding cdata of
Nothing -> return True
Just pad -> do
ver <- stVersion <$> getTLSState
let b = B.length pad - 1
if ver < TLS10
then return True
else return $ maybe True (const False) $ B.find (/= fromIntegral b) pad
unless (and $! [ macValid, paddingValid ]) $ do
throwError $ Error_Digest ([], [])
return $ cipherDataContent cdata
decryptData :: EncryptedData -> TLSRead CipherData
decryptData (EncryptedData econtent) = do
st <- getTLSState
assert "decrypt data"
[ ("cipher", isNothing $ stCipher st)
, ("crypt state", isNothing $ stRxCryptState st) ]
let cipher = fromJust $ stCipher st
let cst = fromJust $ stRxCryptState st
let padding_size = fromIntegral $ cipherPaddingSize cipher
let digestSize = fromIntegral $ cipherDigestSize cipher
let writekey = cstKey cst
case cipherF cipher of
CipherNoneF -> fail "none decrypt"
CipherBlockF _ decryptF -> do
{- update IV -}
let (iv, econtent') =
if hasExplicitBlockIV $ stVersion st
then B.splitAt (fromIntegral $ cipherIVSize cipher) econtent
else (cstIV cst, econtent)
let newiv = fromJust $ takelast padding_size econtent'
putTLSState $ st { stRxCryptState = Just $ cst { cstIV = newiv } }
let content' = decryptF writekey iv econtent'
let paddinglength = fromIntegral (B.last content') + 1
let contentlen = B.length content' - paddinglength - digestSize
let (content, mac, padding) = fromJust $ partition3 content' (contentlen, digestSize, paddinglength)
return $ CipherData
{ cipherDataContent = content
, cipherDataMAC = Just mac
, cipherDataPadding = Just padding
CipherStreamF initF _ decryptF -> do
let iv = cstIV cst
let (content', newiv) = decryptF (if iv /= B.empty then iv else initF writekey) econtent
{- update Ctx -}
let contentlen = B.length content' - digestSize
let (content, mac, _) = fromJust $ partition3 content' (contentlen, digestSize, 0)
putTLSState $ st { stRxCryptState = Just $ cst { cstIV = newiv } }
return $ CipherData
{ cipherDataContent = content
, cipherDataMAC = Just mac
, cipherDataPadding = Nothing
processCertificates :: [Certificate] -> TLSRead ()
processCertificates certs = do
case certPubKey $ head certs of
PubKey _ (PubKeyRSA (lm, m, e)) -> do
let pk = PubRSA (RSA.PublicKey { RSA.public_sz = fromIntegral lm, RSA.public_n = m, RSA.public_e = e })
setPublicKey pk
_ -> return ()