
67 lines
1.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Network.TLS
import Network.TLS.Extra
import Data.Char
import Data.IORef
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import qualified Crypto.Random.AESCtr as RNG
import Text.Printf
import System.Console.CmdArgs
openConnection s p = do
ref <- newIORef Nothing
rng <- RNG.makeSystem
let params = defaultParams
{ pCiphers = ciphersuite_all
, onCertificatesRecv = \l -> do
modifyIORef ref (const $ Just l)
return True
ctx <- connectionClient s p params rng
handshake ctx
bye ctx
r <- readIORef ref
case r of
Nothing -> error "cannot retrieve any certificate"
Just certs -> return certs
data PArgs = PArgs
{ destination :: String
, port :: String
, chain :: Bool
, output :: String
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
progArgs = PArgs
{ destination = "localhost" &= help "destination address to connect to" &= typ "address"
, port = "443" &= help "destination port to connect to" &= typ "port"
, chain = False &= help "also output the chain of certificate used"
, output = "pem" &= help "define the format of output (PEM by default)" &= typ "format"
} &= summary "RetrieveCertificate remotely for SSL/TLS protocol"
&= details
[ "Retrieve the remote certificate and optionally its chain from a remote destination"
showCert _ cert =
putStrLn $ show cert
main = do
a <- cmdArgs progArgs
_ <- printf "connecting to %s on port %s ...\n" (destination a) (port a)
certs <- openConnection (destination a) (port a)
case (chain a) of
True ->
forM_ (zip [0..] certs) $ \(n, cert) -> do
putStrLn ("###### Certificate " ++ show (n + 1) ++ " ######")
showCert (output a) cert
False ->
showCert (output a) $ head certs