2011-08-12 18:41:49 +01:00

96 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Record
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- The Record Protocol takes messages to be transmitted, fragments the
-- data into manageable blocks, optionally compresses the data, applies
-- a MAC, encrypts, and transmits the result. Received data is
-- decrypted, verified, decompressed, reassembled, and then delivered to
-- higher-level clients.
module Network.TLS.Record
( Header(..)
, ProtocolType(..)
, packetType
-- * TLS Records
, Record(..)
-- * TLS Record fragment and constructors
, Fragment
, fragmentPlaintext
, fragmentCiphertext
, fragmentGetBytes
, Plaintext
, Compressed
, Ciphertext
-- * manipulate record
, onRecordFragment
, fragmentCompress
, fragmentCipher
, fragmentUncipher
, fragmentUncompress
-- * serialize record
, rawToRecord
, recordToRaw
, recordToHeader
) where
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.State
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
-- | Represent a TLS record.
data Record a = Record !ProtocolType !Version !(Fragment a) deriving (Show,Eq)
newtype Fragment a = Fragment Bytes deriving (Show,Eq)
data Plaintext
data Compressed
data Ciphertext
fragmentPlaintext :: Bytes -> Fragment Plaintext
fragmentPlaintext bytes = Fragment bytes
fragmentCiphertext :: Bytes -> Fragment Ciphertext
fragmentCiphertext bytes = Fragment bytes
fragmentGetBytes :: Fragment a -> Bytes
fragmentGetBytes (Fragment bytes) = bytes
onRecordFragment :: Record a -> (Fragment a -> TLSSt (Fragment b)) -> TLSSt (Record b)
onRecordFragment (Record pt ver frag) f = Record pt ver <$> f frag
fragmentMap :: (Bytes -> TLSSt Bytes) -> Fragment a -> TLSSt (Fragment b)
fragmentMap f (Fragment b) = Fragment <$> f b
-- | turn a plaintext record into a compressed record using the compression function supplied
fragmentCompress :: (Bytes -> TLSSt Bytes) -> Fragment Plaintext -> TLSSt (Fragment Compressed)
fragmentCompress f = fragmentMap f
-- | turn a compressed record into a ciphertext record using the cipher function supplied
fragmentCipher :: (Bytes -> TLSSt Bytes) -> Fragment Compressed -> TLSSt (Fragment Ciphertext)
fragmentCipher f = fragmentMap f
-- | turn a ciphertext fragment into a compressed fragment using the cipher function supplied
fragmentUncipher :: (Bytes -> TLSSt Bytes) -> Fragment Ciphertext -> TLSSt (Fragment Compressed)
fragmentUncipher f = fragmentMap f
-- | turn a compressed fragment into a plaintext fragment using the decompression function supplied
fragmentUncompress :: (Bytes -> TLSSt Bytes) -> Fragment Compressed -> TLSSt (Fragment Plaintext)
fragmentUncompress f = fragmentMap f
-- | turn a record into an header and bytes
recordToRaw :: Record a -> (Header, Bytes)
recordToRaw (Record pt ver (Fragment bytes)) = (Header pt ver (fromIntegral $ B.length bytes), bytes)
-- | turn a header and a fragment into a record
rawToRecord :: Header -> Fragment a -> Record a
rawToRecord (Header pt ver _) fragment = Record pt ver fragment
-- | turn a record into a header
recordToHeader :: Record a -> Header
recordToHeader (Record pt ver (Fragment bytes)) = Header pt ver (fromIntegral $ B.length bytes)