Vincent Hanquez 00c386de3c add a role params in the params structure.
distinguish between server and client related business.
2012-03-15 08:04:16 +00:00

266 lines
8.7 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Context
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Context
-- * Context configuration
, Logging(..)
, SessionData(..)
, Measurement(..)
, CertificateUsage(..)
, CertificateRejectReason(..)
, defaultLogging
, defaultParamsClient
, defaultParamsServer
-- * Context object and accessor
, Backend(..)
, Context
, ctxParams
, ctxConnection
, ctxEOF
, ctxEstablished
, ctxLogging
, setEOF
, setEstablished
, connectionFlush
, connectionSend
, connectionRecv
, updateMeasure
, withMeasure
-- * deprecated types
, TLSParams
, TLSLogging
, TLSCertificateUsage
, TLSCertificateRejectReason
, TLSCtx
-- * deprecated values
, defaultParams
-- * New contexts
, contextNew
, contextNewOnHandle
-- * Using context states
, throwCore
, usingState
, usingState_
, getStateRNG
) where
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Compression
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Certificate.X509
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception())
import Data.IORef
import System.IO (Handle, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..), hFlush)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
data Logging = Logging
{ loggingPacketSent :: String -> IO ()
, loggingPacketRecv :: String -> IO ()
, loggingIOSent :: B.ByteString -> IO ()
, loggingIORecv :: Header -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
data ClientParams = ClientParams
data ServerParams = ServerParams
data RoleParams = Client ClientParams | Server ServerParams
data Params = Params
{ pConnectVersion :: Version -- ^ version to use on client connection.
, pAllowedVersions :: [Version] -- ^ allowed versions that we can use.
, pCiphers :: [Cipher] -- ^ all ciphers supported ordered by priority.
, pCompressions :: [Compression] -- ^ all compression supported ordered by priority.
, pWantClientCert :: Bool -- ^ request a certificate from client.
-- use by server only.
, pUseSecureRenegotiation :: Bool -- notify that we want to use secure renegotation
, pUseSession :: Bool -- generate new session if specified
, pCertificates :: [(X509, Maybe PrivateKey)] -- ^ the cert chain for this context with the associated keys if any.
, pLogging :: Logging -- ^ callback for logging
, onHandshake :: Measurement -> IO Bool -- ^ callback on a beggining of handshake
, onCertificatesRecv :: [X509] -> IO CertificateUsage -- ^ callback to verify received cert chain.
, onSessionResumption :: SessionID -> IO (Maybe SessionData) -- ^ callback to maybe resume session on server.
, onSessionEstablished :: SessionID -> SessionData -> IO () -- ^ callback when session have been established
, onSessionInvalidated :: SessionID -> IO () -- ^ callback when session is invalidated by error
, sessionResumeWith :: Maybe (SessionID, SessionData) -- ^ try to establish a connection using this session.
, roleParams :: RoleParams
defaultLogging :: Logging
defaultLogging = Logging
{ loggingPacketSent = (\_ -> return ())
, loggingPacketRecv = (\_ -> return ())
, loggingIOSent = (\_ -> return ())
, loggingIORecv = (\_ _ -> return ())
defaultParamsClient :: Params
defaultParamsClient = Params
{ pConnectVersion = TLS10
, pAllowedVersions = [TLS10,TLS11,TLS12]
, pCiphers = []
, pCompressions = [nullCompression]
, pWantClientCert = False
, pUseSecureRenegotiation = True
, pUseSession = True
, pCertificates = []
, pLogging = defaultLogging
, onHandshake = (\_ -> return True)
, onCertificatesRecv = (\_ -> return CertificateUsageAccept)
, onSessionResumption = (\_ -> return Nothing)
, onSessionEstablished = (\_ _ -> return ())
, onSessionInvalidated = (\_ -> return ())
, sessionResumeWith = Nothing
, roleParams = Client $ ClientParams
defaultParamsServer :: Params
defaultParamsServer = defaultParamsClient
{ roleParams = Server $ ServerParams
defaultParams :: Params
defaultParams = defaultParamsClient
{-# DEPRECATED defaultParams "use defaultParamsClient" #-}
instance Show Params where
show p = "Params { " ++ (intercalate "," $ map (\(k,v) -> k ++ "=" ++ v)
[ ("connectVersion", show $ pConnectVersion p)
, ("allowedVersions", show $ pAllowedVersions p)
, ("ciphers", show $ pCiphers p)
, ("compressions", show $ pCompressions p)
, ("want-client-cert", show $ pWantClientCert p)
, ("certificates", show $ length $ pCertificates p)
]) ++ " }"
-- | Certificate and Chain rejection reason
data CertificateRejectReason =
| CertificateRejectRevoked
| CertificateRejectUnknownCA
| CertificateRejectOther String
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | Certificate Usage callback possible returns values.
data CertificateUsage =
CertificateUsageAccept -- ^ usage of certificate accepted
| CertificateUsageReject CertificateRejectReason -- ^ usage of certificate rejected
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- |
data Backend = Backend
{ backendFlush :: IO () -- ^ Flush the connection sending buffer, if any.
, backendSend :: ByteString -> IO () -- ^ Send a bytestring through the connection.
, backendRecv :: Int -> IO ByteString -- ^ Receive specified number of bytes from the connection.
-- | A TLS Context keep tls specific state, parameters and backend information.
data Context = Context
{ ctxConnection :: Backend -- ^ return the backend object associated with this context
, ctxParams :: Params
, ctxState :: MVar TLSState
, ctxMeasurement :: IORef Measurement
, ctxEOF_ :: IORef Bool -- ^ has the handle EOFed or not.
, ctxEstablished_ :: IORef Bool -- ^ has the handshake been done and been successful.
-- deprecated types, setup as aliases for compatibility.
type TLSParams = Params
type TLSCtx = Context
type TLSLogging = Logging
type TLSCertificateUsage = CertificateUsage
type TLSCertificateRejectReason = CertificateRejectReason
updateMeasure :: MonadIO m => Context -> (Measurement -> Measurement) -> m ()
updateMeasure ctx f = liftIO $ do
x <- readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx)
writeIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) $! f x
withMeasure :: MonadIO m => Context -> (Measurement -> IO a) -> m a
withMeasure ctx f = liftIO (readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) >>= f)
connectionFlush :: Context -> IO ()
connectionFlush = backendFlush . ctxConnection
connectionSend :: Context -> Bytes -> IO ()
connectionSend c b = updateMeasure c (addBytesSent $ B.length b) >> (backendSend $ ctxConnection c) b
connectionRecv :: Context -> Int -> IO Bytes
connectionRecv c sz = updateMeasure c (addBytesReceived sz) >> (backendRecv $ ctxConnection c) sz
ctxEOF :: MonadIO m => Context -> m Bool
ctxEOF ctx = liftIO (readIORef $ ctxEOF_ ctx)
setEOF :: MonadIO m => Context -> m ()
setEOF ctx = liftIO $ writeIORef (ctxEOF_ ctx) True
ctxEstablished :: MonadIO m => Context -> m Bool
ctxEstablished ctx = liftIO $ readIORef $ ctxEstablished_ ctx
setEstablished :: MonadIO m => Context -> Bool -> m ()
setEstablished ctx v = liftIO $ writeIORef (ctxEstablished_ ctx) v
ctxLogging :: Context -> Logging
ctxLogging = pLogging . ctxParams
contextNew :: Backend -> Params -> TLSState -> IO Context
contextNew backend params st = do
stvar <- newMVar st
eof <- newIORef False
established <- newIORef False
stats <- newIORef newMeasurement
return $ Context
{ ctxConnection = backend
, ctxParams = params
, ctxState = stvar
, ctxMeasurement = stats
, ctxEOF_ = eof
, ctxEstablished_ = established
contextNewOnHandle :: Handle -> Params -> TLSState -> IO Context
contextNewOnHandle handle params st =
hSetBuffering handle NoBuffering >> contextNew backend params st
where backend = Backend (hFlush handle) (B.hPut handle) (B.hGet handle)
throwCore :: (MonadIO m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwCore = liftIO . throwIO
usingState :: MonadIO m => Context -> TLSSt a -> m (Either TLSError a)
usingState ctx f =
liftIO $ modifyMVar (ctxState ctx) $ \st ->
let (a, newst) = runTLSState f st
in newst `seq` return (newst, a)
usingState_ :: MonadIO m => Context -> TLSSt a -> m a
usingState_ ctx f = do
ret <- usingState ctx f
case ret of
Left err -> throwCore err
Right r -> return r
getStateRNG :: MonadIO m => Context -> Int -> m Bytes
getStateRNG ctx n = usingState_ ctx (genTLSRandom n)