Vincent Hanquez 7d0e1d5267 Allow handshake records to be split across records.
* Store continuations in record state
* parse handshake records one by one.
2014-03-22 06:54:37 +00:00

111 lines
3.7 KiB

module Marshalling where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Test.QuickCheck
import Network.TLS.Internal
import Network.TLS
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import Data.X509
import Certificate
genByteString :: Int -> Gen B.ByteString
genByteString i = B.pack <$> vector i
instance Arbitrary Version where
arbitrary = elements [ SSL2, SSL3, TLS10, TLS11, TLS12 ]
instance Arbitrary ProtocolType where
arbitrary = elements
[ ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec
, ProtocolType_Alert
, ProtocolType_Handshake
, ProtocolType_AppData ]
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,3,0)
instance Arbitrary Word8 where
arbitrary = fromIntegral <$> (choose (0,255) :: Gen Int)
instance Arbitrary Word16 where
arbitrary = fromIntegral <$> (choose (0,65535) :: Gen Int)
instance Arbitrary Header where
arbitrary = Header <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary ClientRandom where
arbitrary = ClientRandom <$> (genByteString 32)
instance Arbitrary ServerRandom where
arbitrary = ServerRandom <$> (genByteString 32)
instance Arbitrary Session where
arbitrary = do
i <- choose (1,2) :: Gen Int
case i of
2 -> liftM (Session . Just) (genByteString 32)
_ -> return $ Session Nothing
instance Arbitrary DigitallySigned where
arbitrary = DigitallySigned Nothing <$> genByteString 32
arbitraryCiphersIDs :: Gen [Word16]
arbitraryCiphersIDs = choose (0,200) >>= vector
arbitraryCompressionIDs :: Gen [Word8]
arbitraryCompressionIDs = choose (0,200) >>= vector
someWords8 :: Int -> Gen [Word8]
someWords8 i = replicateM i (fromIntegral <$> (choose (0,255) :: Gen Int))
instance Arbitrary CertificateType where
arbitrary = elements
[ CertificateType_RSA_Sign, CertificateType_DSS_Sign
, CertificateType_RSA_Fixed_DH, CertificateType_DSS_Fixed_DH
, CertificateType_RSA_Ephemeral_DH, CertificateType_DSS_Ephemeral_DH
, CertificateType_fortezza_dms ]
instance Arbitrary Handshake where
arbitrary = oneof
[ ClientHello
<$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitraryCiphersIDs
<*> arbitraryCompressionIDs
<*> (return [])
<*> (return Nothing)
, ServerHello
<$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> (return [])
, liftM Certificates (CertificateChain <$> (resize 2 $ listOf $ arbitraryX509))
, pure HelloRequest
, pure ServerHelloDone
, ClientKeyXchg . CKX_RSA <$> genByteString 48
--, liftM ServerKeyXchg
, liftM3 CertRequest arbitrary (return Nothing) (return [])
, CertVerify <$> arbitrary
, Finished <$> (genByteString 12)
{- quickcheck property -}
prop_header_marshalling_id :: Header -> Bool
prop_header_marshalling_id x = (decodeHeader $ encodeHeader x) == Right x
prop_handshake_marshalling_id :: Handshake -> Bool
prop_handshake_marshalling_id x = (decodeHs $ encodeHandshake x) == Right x
where decodeHs b = case decodeHandshakeRecord b of
GotPartial _ -> error "got partial"
GotError e -> error ("got error: " ++ show e)
GotSuccessRemaining _ _ -> error "got remaining byte left"
GotSuccess (ty, content) -> decodeHandshake cp ty content
cp = CurrentParams { cParamsVersion = TLS10, cParamsKeyXchgType = Just CipherKeyExchange_RSA, cParamsSupportNPN = True }