{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | -- Module : Network.TLS.Packet -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- the Packet module contains everything necessary to serialize and deserialize things -- with only explicit parameters, no TLS state is involved here. -- module Network.TLS.Packet ( -- * params for encoding and decoding CurrentParams(..) -- * marshall functions for header messages , decodeHeader , encodeHeader , encodeHeaderNoVer -- use for SSL3 -- * marshall functions for alert messages , decodeAlert , encodeAlert -- * marshall functions for handshake messages , decodeHandshakes , decodeHandshake , encodeHandshake , encodeHandshakeHeader , encodeHandshakeContent -- * marshall functions for change cipher spec message , decodeChangeCipherSpec , encodeChangeCipherSpec -- * generate things for packet content , generateMasterSecret , generateKeyBlock , generateClientFinished , generateServerFinished ) where import Network.TLS.Struct import Network.TLS.Wire import Network.TLS.Cap import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad import Data.Certificate.X509 import Network.TLS.Crypto import Network.TLS.MAC import Network.TLS.Cipher (CipherKeyExchangeType(..)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L data CurrentParams = CurrentParams { cParamsVersion :: Version -- ^ current protocol version , cParamsKeyXchgType :: CipherKeyExchangeType -- ^ current key exchange type } deriving (Show,Eq) runGetErr :: Get a -> ByteString -> Either TLSError a runGetErr f = either (Left . Error_Packet_Parsing) Right . runGet f {- marshall helpers -} getVersion :: Get Version getVersion = do major <- getWord8 minor <- getWord8 case verOfNum (major, minor) of Nothing -> fail ("invalid version : " ++ show major ++ "," ++ show minor) Just v -> return v putVersion :: Version -> Put putVersion ver = putWord8 major >> putWord8 minor where (major, minor) = numericalVer ver getHeaderType :: Get ProtocolType getHeaderType = do ty <- getWord8 case valToType ty of Nothing -> fail ("invalid header type: " ++ show ty) Just t -> return t putHeaderType :: ProtocolType -> Put putHeaderType = putWord8 . valOfType getHandshakeType :: Get HandshakeType getHandshakeType = do ty <- getWord8 case valToType ty of Nothing -> fail ("invalid handshake type: " ++ show ty) Just t -> return t {- - decode and encode headers -} decodeHeader :: ByteString -> Either TLSError Header decodeHeader = runGetErr $ do ty <- getHeaderType v <- getVersion len <- getWord16 return $ Header ty v len encodeHeader :: Header -> ByteString encodeHeader (Header pt ver len) = runPut (putHeaderType pt >> putVersion ver >> putWord16 len) {- FIXME check len <= 2^14 -} encodeHeaderNoVer :: Header -> ByteString encodeHeaderNoVer (Header pt _ len) = runPut (putHeaderType pt >> putWord16 len) {- FIXME check len <= 2^14 -} {- - decode and encode ALERT -} decodeAlert :: ByteString -> Either TLSError (AlertLevel, AlertDescription) decodeAlert = runGetErr $ do al <- getWord8 ad <- getWord8 case (valToType al, valToType ad) of (Just a, Just d) -> return (a, d) (Nothing, _) -> fail "cannot decode alert level" (_, Nothing) -> fail "cannot decode alert description" encodeAlert :: (AlertLevel, AlertDescription) -> ByteString encodeAlert (al, ad) = runPut (putWord8 (valOfType al) >> putWord8 (valOfType ad)) {- decode and encode HANDSHAKE -} decodeHandshakeHeader :: Get (HandshakeType, Bytes) decodeHandshakeHeader = do ty <- getHandshakeType len <- getWord24 content <- getBytes len return (ty, content) decodeHandshakes :: ByteString -> Either TLSError [(HandshakeType, Bytes)] decodeHandshakes b = runGetErr getAll b where getAll = do x <- decodeHandshakeHeader empty <- isEmpty if empty then return [x] else getAll >>= \l -> return (x : l) decodeHandshake :: CurrentParams -> HandshakeType -> ByteString -> Either TLSError Handshake decodeHandshake cp ty = runGetErr $ case ty of HandshakeType_HelloRequest -> decodeHelloRequest HandshakeType_ClientHello -> decodeClientHello HandshakeType_ServerHello -> decodeServerHello HandshakeType_Certificate -> decodeCertificates HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg -> decodeServerKeyXchg cp HandshakeType_CertRequest -> decodeCertRequest cp HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone -> decodeServerHelloDone HandshakeType_CertVerify -> decodeCertVerify HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg -> decodeClientKeyXchg HandshakeType_Finished -> decodeFinished decodeHelloRequest :: Get Handshake decodeHelloRequest = return HelloRequest decodeClientHello :: Get Handshake decodeClientHello = do ver <- getVersion random <- getClientRandom32 session <- getSession ciphers <- getWords16 compressions <- getWords8 r <- remaining exts <- if hasHelloExtensions ver && r > 0 then fmap fromIntegral getWord16 >>= getExtensions else return [] return $ ClientHello ver random session ciphers compressions exts decodeServerHello :: Get Handshake decodeServerHello = do ver <- getVersion random <- getServerRandom32 session <- getSession cipherid <- getWord16 compressionid <- getWord8 r <- remaining exts <- if hasHelloExtensions ver && r > 0 then fmap fromIntegral getWord16 >>= getExtensions else return [] return $ ServerHello ver random session cipherid compressionid exts decodeServerHelloDone :: Get Handshake decodeServerHelloDone = return ServerHelloDone decodeCertificates :: Get Handshake decodeCertificates = do certslen <- getWord24 certs <- getCerts certslen >>= return . map (decodeCertificate . L.fromChunks . (:[])) let (l, r) = partitionEithers certs if length l > 0 then fail ("error certificate parsing: " ++ show l) else return $ Certificates r decodeFinished :: Get Handshake decodeFinished = do opaque <- remaining >>= getBytes return $ Finished $ opaque getSignatureHashAlgorithm :: Int -> Get [ (HashAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm) ] getSignatureHashAlgorithm 0 = return [] getSignatureHashAlgorithm len = do h <- fromJust . valToType <$> getWord8 s <- fromJust . valToType <$> getWord8 xs <- getSignatureHashAlgorithm (len - 2) return ((h, s) : xs) decodeCertRequest :: CurrentParams -> Get Handshake decodeCertRequest cp = do certTypes <- map (fromJust . valToType . fromIntegral) <$> getWords8 sigHashAlgs <- if cParamsVersion cp >= TLS12 then do sighashlen <- getWord16 Just <$> getSignatureHashAlgorithm (fromIntegral sighashlen) else return Nothing dNameLen <- getWord16 when (cParamsVersion cp < TLS12 && dNameLen < 3) $ fail "certrequest distinguishname not of the correct size" dName <- getBytes $ fromIntegral dNameLen return $ CertRequest certTypes sigHashAlgs (B.unpack dName) decodeCertVerify :: Get Handshake decodeCertVerify = {- FIXME -} return $ CertVerify [] decodeClientKeyXchg :: Get Handshake decodeClientKeyXchg = do ver <- getVersion ran <- getClientKeyData46 return $ ClientKeyXchg ver ran os2ip :: ByteString -> Integer os2ip = B.foldl' (\a b -> (256 * a) .|. (fromIntegral b)) 0 decodeServerKeyXchg_DH :: Get ServerDHParams decodeServerKeyXchg_DH = do p <- getWord16 >>= getBytes . fromIntegral g <- getWord16 >>= getBytes . fromIntegral y <- getWord16 >>= getBytes . fromIntegral return $ ServerDHParams { dh_p = os2ip p, dh_g = os2ip g, dh_Ys = os2ip y } decodeServerKeyXchg_RSA :: Get ServerRSAParams decodeServerKeyXchg_RSA = do modulus <- getWord16 >>= getBytes . fromIntegral expo <- getWord16 >>= getBytes . fromIntegral return $ ServerRSAParams { rsa_modulus = os2ip modulus, rsa_exponent = os2ip expo } decodeServerKeyXchg :: CurrentParams -> Get Handshake decodeServerKeyXchg cp = do skxAlg <- case cParamsKeyXchgType cp of CipherKeyExchange_RSA -> do rsaparams <- decodeServerKeyXchg_RSA return $ SKX_RSA $ Just rsaparams CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon -> do dhparams <- decodeServerKeyXchg_DH return $ SKX_DH_Anon dhparams _ -> do bs <- remaining >>= getBytes return $ SKX_Unknown bs return (ServerKeyXchg skxAlg) encodeHandshake :: Handshake -> ByteString encodeHandshake o = let content = runPut $ encodeHandshakeContent o in let len = fromIntegral $ B.length content in let header = runPut $ encodeHandshakeHeader (typeOfHandshake o) len in B.concat [ header, content ] encodeHandshakeHeader :: HandshakeType -> Int -> Put encodeHandshakeHeader ty len = putWord8 (valOfType ty) >> putWord24 len encodeHandshakeContent :: Handshake -> Put encodeHandshakeContent (ClientHello version random session cipherIDs compressionIDs exts) = do putVersion version putClientRandom32 random putSession session putWords16 cipherIDs putWords8 compressionIDs putExtensions exts return () encodeHandshakeContent (ServerHello version random session cipherID compressionID exts) = putVersion version >> putServerRandom32 random >> putSession session >> putWord16 cipherID >> putWord8 compressionID >> putExtensions exts >> return () encodeHandshakeContent (Certificates certs) = putWord24 len >> putBytes certbs where certbs = runPut $ mapM_ putCert certs len = fromIntegral $ B.length certbs encodeHandshakeContent (ClientKeyXchg version random) = do putVersion version putClientKeyData46 random encodeHandshakeContent (ServerKeyXchg _) = do -- FIXME return () encodeHandshakeContent (HelloRequest) = return () encodeHandshakeContent (ServerHelloDone) = return () encodeHandshakeContent (CertRequest certTypes sigAlgs certAuthorities) = do putWords8 (map valOfType certTypes) case sigAlgs of Nothing -> return () Just l -> putWords16 $ map (\(x,y) -> (fromIntegral $ valOfType x) * 256 + (fromIntegral $ valOfType y)) l putBytes $ B.pack certAuthorities encodeHandshakeContent (CertVerify _) = undefined encodeHandshakeContent (Finished opaque) = putBytes opaque {- FIXME make sure it return error if not 32 available -} getRandom32 :: Get Bytes getRandom32 = getBytes 32 getServerRandom32 :: Get ServerRandom getServerRandom32 = ServerRandom <$> getRandom32 getClientRandom32 :: Get ClientRandom getClientRandom32 = ClientRandom <$> getRandom32 putRandom32 :: Bytes -> Put putRandom32 = putBytes putClientRandom32 :: ClientRandom -> Put putClientRandom32 (ClientRandom r) = putRandom32 r putServerRandom32 :: ServerRandom -> Put putServerRandom32 (ServerRandom r) = putRandom32 r getClientKeyData46 :: Get ClientKeyData getClientKeyData46 = ClientKeyData <$> getBytes 46 putClientKeyData46 :: ClientKeyData -> Put putClientKeyData46 (ClientKeyData d) = putBytes d getSession :: Get Session getSession = do len8 <- getWord8 case fromIntegral len8 of 0 -> return $ Session Nothing len -> Session . Just <$> getBytes len putSession :: Session -> Put putSession (Session session) = case session of Nothing -> putWord8 0 Just s -> putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length s) >> putBytes s getCerts :: Int -> Get [Bytes] getCerts 0 = return [] getCerts len = do certlen <- getWord24 cert <- getBytes certlen certxs <- getCerts (len - certlen - 3) return (cert : certxs) putCert :: X509 -> Put putCert cert = putWord24 (fromIntegral $ B.length content) >> putBytes content where content = B.concat $ L.toChunks $ encodeCertificate cert getExtensions :: Int -> Get [Extension] getExtensions 0 = return [] getExtensions len = do extty <- getWord16 extdatalen <- getWord16 extdata <- getBytes $ fromIntegral extdatalen extxs <- getExtensions (len - fromIntegral extdatalen - 4) return $ (extty, extdata) : extxs putExtension :: Extension -> Put putExtension (ty, l) = do putWord16 ty putWord16 (fromIntegral $ B.length l) putBytes l putExtensions :: [Extension] -> Put putExtensions [] = return () putExtensions es = putWord16 (fromIntegral $ B.length extbs) >> putBytes extbs where extbs = runPut $ mapM_ putExtension es {- - decode and encode ALERT -} decodeChangeCipherSpec :: ByteString -> Either TLSError () decodeChangeCipherSpec = runGetErr $ do x <- getWord8 when (x /= 1) (fail "unknown change cipher spec content") encodeChangeCipherSpec :: ByteString encodeChangeCipherSpec = runPut (putWord8 1) {- - generate things for packet content -} generateMasterSecret_TLS, generateMasterSecret_SSL :: Bytes -> ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes generateMasterSecret_TLS premasterSecret (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) = prf_MD5SHA1 premasterSecret seed 48 where seed = B.concat [ "master secret", c, s ] generateMasterSecret_SSL premasterSecret (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) = B.concat $ map (computeMD5) ["A","BB","CCC"] where computeMD5 label = hashMD5 $ B.concat [ premasterSecret, computeSHA1 label ] computeSHA1 label = hashSHA1 $ B.concat [ label, premasterSecret, c, s ] generateMasterSecret :: Version -> Bytes -> ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes generateMasterSecret ver = if ver < TLS10 then generateMasterSecret_SSL else generateMasterSecret_TLS generateKeyBlock_TLS :: ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes -> Int -> Bytes generateKeyBlock_TLS (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) mastersecret kbsize = prf_MD5SHA1 mastersecret seed kbsize where seed = B.concat [ "key expansion", s, c ] generateKeyBlock_SSL :: ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes -> Int -> Bytes generateKeyBlock_SSL (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) mastersecret kbsize = B.concat $ map computeMD5 $ take ((kbsize `div` 16) + 1) labels where labels = [ uncurry BC.replicate x | x <- zip [1..] ['A'..'Z'] ] computeMD5 label = hashMD5 $ B.concat [ mastersecret, computeSHA1 label ] computeSHA1 label = hashSHA1 $ B.concat [ label, mastersecret, s, c ] generateKeyBlock :: Version -> ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes -> Int -> Bytes generateKeyBlock ver = if ver < TLS10 then generateKeyBlock_SSL else generateKeyBlock_TLS generateFinished_TLS :: Bytes -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> HashCtx -> Bytes generateFinished_TLS label mastersecret md5ctx sha1ctx = prf_MD5SHA1 mastersecret seed 12 where seed = B.concat [ label, finalizeHash md5ctx, finalizeHash sha1ctx ] generateFinished_SSL :: Bytes -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> HashCtx -> Bytes generateFinished_SSL sender mastersecret md5ctx sha1ctx = B.concat [md5hash, sha1hash] where md5hash = hashMD5 $ B.concat [ mastersecret, pad2, md5left ] sha1hash = hashSHA1 $ B.concat [ mastersecret, B.take 40 pad2, sha1left ] md5left = finalizeHash $ foldl updateHash md5ctx [ sender, mastersecret, pad1 ] sha1left = finalizeHash $ foldl updateHash sha1ctx [ sender, mastersecret, B.take 40 pad1 ] pad2 = B.replicate 48 0x5c pad1 = B.replicate 48 0x36 generateClientFinished :: Version -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> HashCtx -> Bytes generateClientFinished ver = if ver < TLS10 then generateFinished_SSL "CLNT" else generateFinished_TLS "client finished" generateServerFinished :: Version -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> HashCtx -> Bytes generateServerFinished ver = if ver < TLS10 then generateFinished_SSL "SRVR" else generateFinished_TLS "server finished"