Name: tls-extra Version: 0.5.0 Description: a set of extra definitions, default values and helpers for tls. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Copyright: Vincent Hanquez Author: Vincent Hanquez Maintainer: Vincent Hanquez Synopsis: TLS extra default values and helpers Build-Type: Simple Category: Network stability: experimental Cabal-Version: >=1.6 Homepage: Flag test Description: Build unit test Default: False Flag fastaes Description: Use fast AES if available Default: True Library Build-Depends: base > 3 && < 5 , tls >= 1.0.0 && < 1.1.0 , mtl , network >= 2.3 , cryptohash >= 0.6 , bytestring , vector , crypto-api >= 0.5 , cryptocipher >= 0.3.0 && < 0.4.0 , certificate >= 1.2.0 && < 1.3.0 , pem >= 0.1.0 && < 0.2.0 , text >= 0.5 && < 1.0 , time Exposed-modules: Network.TLS.Extra other-modules: Network.TLS.Extra.Certificate Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher Network.TLS.Extra.Compression Network.TLS.Extra.Connection Network.TLS.Extra.Thread Network.TLS.Extra.File ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures if os(windows) cpp-options: -DNOCERTVERIFY if os(linux) && flag(fastaes) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)) cpp-options: -DCIPHER_AES Build-Depends: cipher-aes >= 0.1 && < 0.2 executable Tests Main-is: Tests.hs if flag(test) Buildable: True Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5 , HUnit , QuickCheck >= 2 , bytestring , cprng-aes >= 0.2.3 else Buildable: False if os(windows) cpp-options: -DNOCERTVERIFY if os(linux) && flag(fastaes) cpp-options: -DCIPHER_AES Build-Depends: cipher-aes >= 0.1 && < 0.2 source-repository head type: git location: git://