-- | -- Module : Network.TLS -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- module Network.TLS ( -- * Context configuration TLSParams(..) , TLSLogging(..) , TLSCertificateUsage(..) , TLSCertificateRejectReason(..) , defaultParams , defaultLogging -- * Context object , TLSCtx , ctxHandle -- * Creating a context , client , server -- * Initialisation and Termination of context , bye , handshake -- * High level API , sendData , recvData -- * Crypto Key , PrivateKey(..) -- * Compressions & Predefined compressions , CompressionC(..) , Compression(..) , nullCompression -- * Ciphers & Predefined ciphers , Cipher(..) , Bulk(..) -- * Versions , Version(..) -- * Errors , TLSError(..) ) where import Network.TLS.Struct (Version(..), TLSError(..)) import Network.TLS.Crypto (PrivateKey(..)) import Network.TLS.Cipher (Cipher(..), Bulk(..)) import Network.TLS.Compression (CompressionC(..), Compression(..), nullCompression) import Network.TLS.Core