{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -- | -- Module : Network.TLS.Client -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- the Client module contains the necessary calls to create a connecting TLS socket -- aka. a client socket. -- module Network.TLS.Client ( TLSClientParams(..) , TLSClientCallbacks(..) , TLSStateClient , runTLSClient -- * low level packet sending receiving. , recvPacket , sendPacket -- * API, warning probably subject to change , connect , sendData , recvData , close ) where import Data.Maybe import Data.Word import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.State import Data.Certificate.X509 import Network.TLS.Cipher import Network.TLS.Struct import Network.TLS.Packet import Network.TLS.State import Network.TLS.Sending import Network.TLS.Receiving import Network.TLS.SRandom import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import System.IO (Handle, hFlush) import Data.List (find) data TLSClientCallbacks = TLSClientCallbacks { cbCertificates :: Maybe ([Certificate] -> IO Bool) -- ^ optional callback to verify certificates } instance Show TLSClientCallbacks where show _ = "[callbacks]" data TLSClientParams = TLSClientParams { cpConnectVersion :: Version -- ^ client version we're sending by default , cpAllowedVersions :: [Version] -- ^ allowed versions from the server , cpSession :: Maybe [Word8] -- ^ session for this connection , cpCiphers :: [Cipher] -- ^ all ciphers for this connection , cpCertificate :: Maybe Certificate -- ^ an optional client certificate } deriving (Show) data TLSStateClient = TLSStateClient { scParams :: TLSClientParams -- ^ client params and config for this connection , scTLSState :: TLSState -- ^ client TLS State for this connection , scCertRequested :: Bool -- ^ mark that the server requested a certificate } deriving (Show) newtype TLSClient m a = TLSClient { runTLSC :: StateT TLSStateClient m a } deriving (Monad, MonadState TLSStateClient) instance Monad m => MonadTLSState (TLSClient m) where getTLSState = TLSClient (get >>= return . scTLSState) putTLSState s = TLSClient (get >>= put . (\st -> st { scTLSState = s })) instance MonadTrans TLSClient where lift = TLSClient . lift instance Monad m => Functor (TLSClient m) where fmap f = TLSClient . fmap f . runTLSC runTLSClientST :: TLSClient m a -> TLSStateClient -> m (a, TLSStateClient) runTLSClientST f s = runStateT (runTLSC f) s runTLSClient :: TLSClient m a -> TLSClientParams -> SRandomGen -> m (a, TLSStateClient) runTLSClient f params rng = runTLSClientST f (TLSStateClient { scParams = params, scTLSState = state, scCertRequested = False }) where state = (newTLSState rng) { stVersion = TLS10, stClientContext = True } {- | receive a single TLS packet or on error a TLSError -} recvPacket :: Handle -> TLSClient IO (Either TLSError Packet) recvPacket handle = do hdr <- lift $ L.hGet handle 5 >>= return . decodeHeader case hdr of Left err -> return $ Left err Right header@(Header _ _ readlen) -> do content <- lift $ L.hGet handle (fromIntegral readlen) readPacket header (EncryptedData content) {- | send a single TLS packet -} sendPacket :: Handle -> Packet -> TLSClient IO () sendPacket handle pkt = do dataToSend <- writePacket pkt lift $ L.hPut handle dataToSend recvServerHello :: Handle -> TLSClient IO () recvServerHello handle = do ciphers <- fmap (cpCiphers . scParams) get allowedvers <- fmap (cpAllowedVersions . scParams) get pkt <- recvPacket handle let hs = case pkt of Right (Handshake h) -> h Left err -> error ("error received: " ++ show err) Right x -> error ("unexpected packet received, expecting handshake " ++ show x) case hs of ServerHello ver _ _ cipher _ _ -> do case find ((==) ver) allowedvers of Nothing -> error ("received version which is not allowed: " ++ show ver) Just _ -> setVersion ver case find ((==) cipher . cipherID) ciphers of Nothing -> error "no cipher in common with the server" Just c -> setCipher c recvServerHello handle CertRequest _ _ _ -> modify (\sc -> sc { scCertRequested = True }) >> recvServerHello handle Certificates _ -> recvServerHello handle ServerHelloDone -> return () _ -> error "unexpected handshake message received in server hello messages" connectSendClientHello :: Handle -> ClientRandom -> TLSClient IO () connectSendClientHello handle crand = do ver <- fmap (cpConnectVersion . scParams) get ciphers <- fmap (cpCiphers . scParams) get sendPacket handle $ Handshake (ClientHello ver crand (Session Nothing) (map cipherID ciphers) [ 0 ] Nothing) connectSendClientCertificate :: Handle -> TLSClient IO () connectSendClientCertificate handle = do certRequested <- fmap scCertRequested get when certRequested $ do clientCert <- fmap (cpCertificate . scParams) get sendPacket handle $ Handshake (Certificates $ maybe [] (:[]) clientCert) connectSendClientKeyXchg :: Handle -> ClientKeyData -> TLSClient IO () connectSendClientKeyXchg handle prerand = do ver <- fmap (cpConnectVersion . scParams) get sendPacket handle $ Handshake (ClientKeyXchg ver prerand) connectSendFinish :: Handle -> TLSClient IO () connectSendFinish handle = do cf <- getHandshakeDigest True sendPacket handle (Handshake $ Finished $ L.unpack cf) {- | connect through a handle as a new TLS connection. -} connect :: Handle -> ClientRandom -> ClientKeyData -> TLSClient IO () connect handle crand premasterRandom = do connectSendClientHello handle crand recvServerHello handle connectSendClientCertificate handle connectSendClientKeyXchg handle premasterRandom {- maybe send certificateVerify -} {- FIXME not implemented yet -} sendPacket handle (ChangeCipherSpec) lift $ hFlush handle {- send Finished -} connectSendFinish handle {- receive changeCipherSpec -} pktCCS <- recvPacket handle case pktCCS of Right ChangeCipherSpec -> return () x -> error ("unexpected reply. expecting change cipher spec " ++ show x) {- receive Finished -} pktFin <- recvPacket handle case pktFin of Right (Handshake (Finished _)) -> return () x -> error ("unexpected reply. expecting finished " ++ show x) return () {- | sendData sends a bunch of data -} sendData :: Handle -> L.ByteString -> TLSClient IO () sendData handle d = do if L.length d > 16384 then do let (sending, remain) = L.splitAt 16384 d sendPacket handle $ AppData sending sendData handle remain else sendPacket handle $ AppData d {- | recvData get data out of Data packet, and automatically try to renegociate if - a Handshake HelloRequest is received -} recvData :: Handle -> TLSClient IO L.ByteString recvData handle = do pkt <- recvPacket handle case pkt of Right (AppData x) -> return x Right (Handshake HelloRequest) -> do -- SECURITY FIXME audit the rng here.. st <- getTLSState let (bytes, rng') = getRandomBytes (stRandomGen st) 32 let (premaster, rng'') = getRandomBytes rng' 46 putTLSState $ st { stRandomGen = rng'' } let crand = fromJust $ clientRandom bytes connect handle crand (ClientKeyData premaster) recvData handle Left err -> error ("error received: " ++ show err) _ -> error "unexpected item" {- | close a TLS connection. - note that it doesn't close the handle, but just signal we're going to close - the connection to the other side -} close :: Handle -> TLSClient IO () close handle = do sendPacket handle $ Alert (AlertLevel_Warning, CloseNotify)