
This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2013-07-12 07:27:28 +01:00
parent 67f01872dd
commit fb8629a807
14 changed files with 793 additions and 803 deletions

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@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
module Network.TLS.Cap
( hasHelloExtensions
, hasExplicitBlockIV
) where
( hasHelloExtensions
, hasExplicitBlockIV
) where
import Network.TLS.Struct

View file

@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Cipher
( BulkFunctions(..)
, CipherKeyExchangeType(..)
, Bulk(..)
, Hash(..)
, Cipher(..)
, CipherID
, cipherKeyBlockSize
, Key
, IV
, cipherExchangeNeedMoreData
) where
( BulkFunctions(..)
, CipherKeyExchangeType(..)
, Bulk(..)
, Hash(..)
, Cipher(..)
, CipherID
, cipherKeyBlockSize
, Key
, IV
, cipherExchangeNeedMoreData
) where
import Network.TLS.Types (CipherID)
import Network.TLS.Struct (Version(..))
@ -30,58 +30,58 @@ type Key = B.ByteString
type IV = B.ByteString
data BulkFunctions =
BulkBlockF (Key -> IV -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
(Key -> IV -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
| BulkStreamF (Key -> IV)
(IV -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV))
(IV -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV))
BulkBlockF (Key -> IV -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
(Key -> IV -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
| BulkStreamF (Key -> IV)
(IV -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV))
(IV -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV))
data CipherKeyExchangeType =
| CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon
| CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS
| CipherKeyExchange_DH_DSS
| CipherKeyExchange_DH_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDH_ECDSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDH_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
deriving (Show,Eq)
| CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon
| CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS
| CipherKeyExchange_DH_DSS
| CipherKeyExchange_DH_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDH_ECDSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDH_RSA
| CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Bulk = Bulk
{ bulkName :: String
, bulkKeySize :: Int
, bulkIVSize :: Int
, bulkBlockSize :: Int
, bulkF :: BulkFunctions
{ bulkName :: String
, bulkKeySize :: Int
, bulkIVSize :: Int
, bulkBlockSize :: Int
, bulkF :: BulkFunctions
data Hash = Hash
{ hashName :: String
, hashSize :: Int
, hashF :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
{ hashName :: String
, hashSize :: Int
, hashF :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-- | Cipher algorithm
data Cipher = Cipher
{ cipherID :: CipherID
, cipherName :: String
, cipherHash :: Hash
, cipherBulk :: Bulk
, cipherKeyExchange :: CipherKeyExchangeType
, cipherMinVer :: Maybe Version
{ cipherID :: CipherID
, cipherName :: String
, cipherHash :: Hash
, cipherBulk :: Bulk
, cipherKeyExchange :: CipherKeyExchangeType
, cipherMinVer :: Maybe Version
cipherKeyBlockSize :: Cipher -> Int
cipherKeyBlockSize cipher = 2 * (hashSize (cipherHash cipher) + bulkIVSize bulk + bulkKeySize bulk)
where bulk = cipherBulk cipher
where bulk = cipherBulk cipher
instance Show Cipher where
show c = cipherName c
show c = cipherName c
instance Eq Cipher where
(==) c1 c2 = cipherID c1 == cipherID c2
(==) c1 c2 = cipherID c1 == cipherID c2
cipherExchangeNeedMoreData :: CipherKeyExchangeType -> Bool
cipherExchangeNeedMoreData CipherKeyExchange_RSA = False

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@ -8,20 +8,20 @@
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Compression
( CompressionC(..)
, Compression(..)
, CompressionID
, nullCompression
, NullCompression
( CompressionC(..)
, Compression(..)
, CompressionID
, nullCompression
, NullCompression
-- * member redefined for the class abstraction
, compressionID
, compressionDeflate
, compressionInflate
-- * member redefined for the class abstraction
, compressionID
, compressionDeflate
, compressionInflate
-- * helper
, compressionIntersectID
) where
-- * helper
, compressionIntersectID
) where
import Data.Word
import Network.TLS.Types (CompressionID)
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ import Control.Arrow (first)
-- | supported compression algorithms need to be part of this class
class CompressionC a where
compressionCID :: a -> CompressionID
compressionCDeflate :: a -> ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
compressionCInflate :: a -> ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
compressionCID :: a -> CompressionID
compressionCDeflate :: a -> ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
compressionCInflate :: a -> ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
-- | every compression need to be wrapped in this, to fit in structure
data Compression = forall a . CompressionC a => Compression a
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ compressionInflate :: ByteString -> Compression -> (Compression, ByteString)
compressionInflate bytes (Compression c) = first Compression $ compressionCInflate c bytes
instance Show Compression where
show = show . compressionID
show = show . compressionID
-- | intersect a list of ids commonly given by the other side with a list of compression
-- the function keeps the list of compression in order, to be able to find quickly the prefered
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ compressionIntersectID l ids = filter (\c -> elem (compressionID c) ids) l
data NullCompression = NullCompression
instance CompressionC NullCompression where
compressionCID _ = 0
compressionCDeflate s b = (s, b)
compressionCInflate s b = (s, b)
compressionCID _ = 0
compressionCDeflate s b = (s, b)
compressionCInflate s b = (s, b)
-- | default null compression
nullCompression :: Compression

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@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Network.TLS.Crypto
( HashCtx(..)
, hashInit
, hashUpdate
, hashUpdateSSL
, hashFinal
( HashCtx(..)
, hashInit
, hashUpdate
, hashUpdateSSL
, hashFinal
-- * constructor
, hashMD5SHA1
, hashSHA256
-- * constructor
, hashMD5SHA1
, hashSHA256
-- * key exchange generic interface
, PubKey(..)
, PrivKey(..)
, PublicKey
, PrivateKey
, HashDescr(..)
, kxEncrypt
, kxDecrypt
, kxSign
, kxVerify
, KxError(..)
) where
-- * key exchange generic interface
, PubKey(..)
, PrivKey(..)
, PublicKey
, PrivateKey
, HashDescr(..)
, kxEncrypt
, kxDecrypt
, kxSign
, kxVerify
, KxError(..)
) where
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
@ -46,35 +46,35 @@ data KxError =
deriving (Show)
class HashCtxC a where
hashCName :: a -> String
hashCInit :: a -> a
hashCUpdate :: a -> B.ByteString -> a
hashCUpdateSSL :: a -> (B.ByteString,B.ByteString) -> a
hashCFinal :: a -> B.ByteString
hashCName :: a -> String
hashCInit :: a -> a
hashCUpdate :: a -> B.ByteString -> a
hashCUpdateSSL :: a -> (B.ByteString,B.ByteString) -> a
hashCFinal :: a -> B.ByteString
data HashCtx = forall h . HashCtxC h => HashCtx h
instance Show HashCtx where
show (HashCtx c) = hashCName c
show (HashCtx c) = hashCName c
{- MD5 & SHA1 joined -}
data HashMD5SHA1 = HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.Ctx MD5.Ctx
instance HashCtxC HashMD5SHA1 where
hashCName _ = "MD5-SHA1"
hashCInit _ = HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.init MD5.init
hashCUpdate (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) b = HashMD5SHA1 (SHA1.update sha1ctx b) (MD5.update md5ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) (b1,b2) = HashMD5SHA1 (SHA1.update sha1ctx b2) (MD5.update md5ctx b1)
hashCFinal (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) = B.concat [MD5.finalize md5ctx, SHA1.finalize sha1ctx]
hashCName _ = "MD5-SHA1"
hashCInit _ = HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.init MD5.init
hashCUpdate (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) b = HashMD5SHA1 (SHA1.update sha1ctx b) (MD5.update md5ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) (b1,b2) = HashMD5SHA1 (SHA1.update sha1ctx b2) (MD5.update md5ctx b1)
hashCFinal (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) = B.concat [MD5.finalize md5ctx, SHA1.finalize sha1ctx]
data HashSHA256 = HashSHA256 SHA256.Ctx
instance HashCtxC HashSHA256 where
hashCName _ = "SHA256"
hashCInit _ = HashSHA256 SHA256.init
hashCUpdate (HashSHA256 ctx) b = HashSHA256 (SHA256.update ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL _ _ = undefined
hashCFinal (HashSHA256 ctx) = SHA256.finalize ctx
hashCName _ = "SHA256"
hashCInit _ = HashSHA256 SHA256.init
hashCUpdate (HashSHA256 ctx) b = HashSHA256 (SHA256.update ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL _ _ = undefined
hashCFinal (HashSHA256 ctx) = SHA256.finalize ctx
-- functions to use the hidden class.
hashInit :: HashCtx -> HashCtx

View file

@ -29,13 +29,12 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
-- This is to be called at the beginning of a connection, and during renegotiation
handshake :: MonadIO m => Context -> m ()
handshake ctx = do
let handshakeF = case roleParams $ ctxParams ctx of
Server sparams -> handshakeServer sparams
Client cparams -> handshakeClient cparams
liftIO $ handleException $ handshakeF ctx
handleException f = E.catch f $ \exception -> do
let tlserror = maybe (Error_Misc $ show exception) id $ fromException exception
setEstablished ctx False
sendPacket ctx (errorToAlert tlserror)
handshakeFailed tlserror
let handshakeF = case roleParams $ ctxParams ctx of
Server sparams -> handshakeServer sparams
Client cparams -> handshakeClient cparams
liftIO $ handleException $ handshakeF ctx
where handleException f = E.catch f $ \exception -> do
let tlserror = maybe (Error_Misc $ show exception) id $ fromException exception
setEstablished ctx False
sendPacket ctx (errorToAlert tlserror)
handshakeFailed tlserror

View file

@ -17,13 +17,10 @@ import Network.TLS.Struct
import Control.Monad.State
getHashAndASN1 :: MonadIO m => (HashAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm) -> m HashDescr
getHashAndASN1 hashSig = do
case hashSig of
getHashAndASN1 hashSig = case hashSig of
(HashSHA1, SignatureRSA) -> return hashDescrSHA1
(HashSHA224, SignatureRSA) -> return hashDescrSHA224
(HashSHA256, SignatureRSA) -> return hashDescrSHA256
(HashSHA384, SignatureRSA) -> return hashDescrSHA384
(HashSHA512, SignatureRSA) -> return hashDescrSHA512
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Misc "unsupported hash/sig algorithm"

View file

@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Internal
( module Network.TLS.Struct
, module Network.TLS.Packet
, module Network.TLS.Receiving
, module Network.TLS.Sending
, sendPacket
, recvPacket
) where
( module Network.TLS.Struct
, module Network.TLS.Packet
, module Network.TLS.Receiving
, module Network.TLS.Sending
, sendPacket
, recvPacket
) where
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Packet

View file

@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.MAC
( hmacMD5
, hmacSHA1
, hmacSHA256
, macSSL
, hmac
, prf_MD5
, prf_SHA1
, prf_SHA256
, prf_MD5SHA1
) where
( hmacMD5
, hmacSHA1
, hmacSHA256
, macSSL
, hmac
, prf_MD5
, prf_SHA1
, prf_SHA256
, prf_MD5SHA1
) where
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
@ -29,21 +29,18 @@ type HMAC = ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
macSSL :: (ByteString -> ByteString) -> HMAC
macSSL f secret msg = f $! B.concat [ secret, B.replicate padlen 0x5c,
f $! B.concat [ secret, B.replicate padlen 0x36, msg ] ]
-- get the type of algorithm out of the digest length by using the hash fct.
padlen = if (B.length $ f B.empty) == 16 then 48 else 40
where -- get the type of algorithm out of the digest length by using the hash fct.
padlen = if (B.length $ f B.empty) == 16 then 48 else 40
hmac :: (ByteString -> ByteString) -> Int -> HMAC
hmac f bl secret msg =
f $! B.append opad (f $! B.append ipad msg)
opad = (xor 0x5c) k'
ipad = (xor 0x36) k'
f $! B.append opad (f $! B.append ipad msg)
where opad = (xor 0x5c) k'
ipad = (xor 0x36) k'
k' = B.append kt pad
kt = if B.length secret > fromIntegral bl then f secret else secret
pad = B.replicate (fromIntegral bl - B.length kt) 0
k' = B.append kt pad
where kt = if B.length secret > fromIntegral bl then f secret else secret
pad = B.replicate (fromIntegral bl - B.length kt) 0
hmacMD5 :: HMAC
hmacMD5 secret msg = hmac MD5.hash 64 secret msg
@ -56,12 +53,12 @@ hmacSHA256 secret msg = hmac SHA256.hash 64 secret msg
hmacIter :: HMAC -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Int -> [ByteString]
hmacIter f secret seed aprev len =
let an = f secret aprev in
let out = f secret (B.concat [an, seed]) in
let digestsize = fromIntegral $ B.length out in
if digestsize >= len
then [ B.take (fromIntegral len) out ]
else out : hmacIter f secret seed an (len - digestsize)
let an = f secret aprev in
let out = f secret (B.concat [an, seed]) in
let digestsize = fromIntegral $ B.length out in
if digestsize >= len
then [ B.take (fromIntegral len) out ]
else out : hmacIter f secret seed an (len - digestsize)
prf_SHA1 :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Int -> ByteString
prf_SHA1 secret seed len = B.concat $ hmacIter hmacSHA1 secret seed seed len
@ -71,11 +68,10 @@ prf_MD5 secret seed len = B.concat $ hmacIter hmacMD5 secret seed seed len
prf_MD5SHA1 :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Int -> ByteString
prf_MD5SHA1 secret seed len =
B.pack $ B.zipWith xor (prf_MD5 s1 seed len) (prf_SHA1 s2 seed len)
slen = B.length secret
s1 = B.take (slen `div` 2 + slen `mod` 2) secret
s2 = B.drop (slen `div` 2) secret
B.pack $ B.zipWith xor (prf_MD5 s1 seed len) (prf_SHA1 s2 seed len)
where slen = B.length secret
s1 = B.take (slen `div` 2 + slen `mod` 2) secret
s2 = B.drop (slen `div` 2) secret
prf_SHA256 :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Int -> ByteString
prf_SHA256 secret seed len = B.concat $ hmacIter hmacSHA256 secret seed seed len

View file

@ -10,45 +10,45 @@
-- with only explicit parameters, no TLS state is involved here.
module Network.TLS.Packet
-- * params for encoding and decoding
-- * marshall functions for header messages
, decodeHeader
, decodeDeprecatedHeaderLength
, decodeDeprecatedHeader
, encodeHeader
, encodeHeaderNoVer -- use for SSL3
-- * params for encoding and decoding
-- * marshall functions for header messages
, decodeHeader
, decodeDeprecatedHeaderLength
, decodeDeprecatedHeader
, encodeHeader
, encodeHeaderNoVer -- use for SSL3
-- * marshall functions for alert messages
, decodeAlert
, decodeAlerts
, encodeAlerts
-- * marshall functions for alert messages
, decodeAlert
, decodeAlerts
, encodeAlerts
-- * marshall functions for handshake messages
, decodeHandshakes
, decodeHandshake
, decodeDeprecatedHandshake
, encodeHandshake
, encodeHandshakes
, encodeHandshakeHeader
, encodeHandshakeContent
-- * marshall functions for handshake messages
, decodeHandshakes
, decodeHandshake
, decodeDeprecatedHandshake
, encodeHandshake
, encodeHandshakes
, encodeHandshakeHeader
, encodeHandshakeContent
-- * marshall functions for change cipher spec message
, decodeChangeCipherSpec
, encodeChangeCipherSpec
-- * marshall functions for change cipher spec message
, decodeChangeCipherSpec
, encodeChangeCipherSpec
, decodePreMasterSecret
, encodePreMasterSecret
, decodePreMasterSecret
, encodePreMasterSecret
-- * generate things for packet content
, generateMasterSecret
, generateKeyBlock
, generateClientFinished
, generateServerFinished
-- * generate things for packet content
, generateMasterSecret
, generateKeyBlock
, generateClientFinished
, generateServerFinished
, generateCertificateVerify_SSL
) where
, generateCertificateVerify_SSL
) where
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Wire
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ getVersion = do
major <- getWord8
minor <- getWord8
case verOfNum (major, minor) of
Nothing -> fail ("invalid version : " ++ show major ++ "," ++ show minor)
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> fail ("invalid version : " ++ show major ++ "," ++ show minor)
Just v -> return v
putVersion :: Version -> Put
putVersion ver = putWord8 major >> putWord8 minor

View file

@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ import Network.TLS.Crypto
makeRecord :: Packet -> RecordM (Record Plaintext)
makeRecord pkt = do
ver <- stVersion <$> get
content <- writePacketContent pkt
return $ Record (packetType pkt) ver (fragmentPlaintext content)
ver <- stVersion <$> get
content <- writePacketContent pkt
return $ Record (packetType pkt) ver (fragmentPlaintext content)
- ChangeCipherSpec state change need to be handled after encryption otherwise
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ makeRecord pkt = do
postprocessRecord :: Record Ciphertext -> RecordM (Record Ciphertext)
postprocessRecord record@(Record ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec _ _) =
switchTxEncryption >> return record
switchTxEncryption >> return record
postprocessRecord record = return record
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ postprocessRecord record = return record
encodeRecord :: Record Ciphertext -> RecordM ByteString
encodeRecord record = return $ B.concat [ encodeHeader hdr, content ]
where (hdr, content) = recordToRaw record
where (hdr, content) = recordToRaw record
- just update TLS state machine
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ preProcessPacket (Alert _) = return ()
preProcessPacket (AppData _) = return ()
preProcessPacket (ChangeCipherSpec) = return ()
preProcessPacket (Handshake hss) = forM_ hss $ \hs -> do
case hs of
Finished fdata -> updateVerifiedData True fdata
_ -> return ()
when (certVerifyHandshakeMaterial hs) $ addHandshakeMessage $ encodeHandshake hs
when (finishHandshakeTypeMaterial $ typeOfHandshake hs) (updateHandshakeDigest $ encodeHandshake hs)
case hs of
Finished fdata -> updateVerifiedData True fdata
_ -> return ()
when (certVerifyHandshakeMaterial hs) $ addHandshakeMessage $ encodeHandshake hs
when (finishHandshakeTypeMaterial $ typeOfHandshake hs) (updateHandshakeDigest $ encodeHandshake hs)
- writePacket transform a packet into marshalled data related to current state

View file

@ -10,73 +10,73 @@
-- which is use by the Receiving module and the Sending module.
module Network.TLS.State
( TLSState(..)
, RecordState(..)
, RecordM
, getRecordState
, runTLSState
, runRecordStateSt
, TLSHandshakeState(..)
, TLSCryptState(..)
, TLSMacState(..)
, newTLSState
, genTLSRandom
, withTLSRNG
, withCompression
, assert -- FIXME move somewhere else (Internal.hs ?)
, updateVerifiedData
, finishHandshakeTypeMaterial
, finishHandshakeMaterial
, certVerifyHandshakeTypeMaterial
, certVerifyHandshakeMaterial
, makeDigest
, setMasterSecret
, setMasterSecretFromPre
, getMasterSecret
, setPublicKey
, setPrivateKey
, setClientPublicKey
, setClientPrivateKey
, setClientCertSent
, getClientCertSent
, setCertReqSent
, getCertReqSent
, setClientCertChain
, getClientCertChain
, setClientCertRequest
, getClientCertRequest
, setKeyBlock
, setVersion
, setCipher
, setServerRandom
, setSecureRenegotiation
, getSecureRenegotiation
, setExtensionNPN
, getExtensionNPN
, setNegotiatedProtocol
, getNegotiatedProtocol
, setServerNextProtocolSuggest
, getServerNextProtocolSuggest
, getClientCertificateChain
, setClientCertificateChain
, getVerifiedData
, setSession
, getSession
, getSessionData
, isSessionResuming
, needEmptyPacket
, switchTxEncryption
, switchRxEncryption
, getCipherKeyExchangeType
, isClientContext
, startHandshakeClient
, addHandshakeMessage
, updateHandshakeDigest
, getHandshakeDigest
, getHandshakeMessages
, endHandshake
) where
( TLSState(..)
, RecordState(..)
, RecordM
, getRecordState
, runTLSState
, runRecordStateSt
, TLSHandshakeState(..)
, TLSCryptState(..)
, TLSMacState(..)
, newTLSState
, genTLSRandom
, withTLSRNG
, withCompression
, assert -- FIXME move somewhere else (Internal.hs ?)
, updateVerifiedData
, finishHandshakeTypeMaterial
, finishHandshakeMaterial
, certVerifyHandshakeTypeMaterial
, certVerifyHandshakeMaterial
, makeDigest
, setMasterSecret
, setMasterSecretFromPre
, getMasterSecret
, setPublicKey
, setPrivateKey
, setClientPublicKey
, setClientPrivateKey
, setClientCertSent
, getClientCertSent
, setCertReqSent
, getCertReqSent
, setClientCertChain
, getClientCertChain
, setClientCertRequest
, getClientCertRequest
, setKeyBlock
, setVersion
, setCipher
, setServerRandom
, setSecureRenegotiation
, getSecureRenegotiation
, setExtensionNPN
, getExtensionNPN
, setNegotiatedProtocol
, getNegotiatedProtocol
, setServerNextProtocolSuggest
, getServerNextProtocolSuggest
, getClientCertificateChain
, setClientCertificateChain
, getVerifiedData
, setSession
, getSession
, getSessionData
, isSessionResuming
, needEmptyPacket
, switchTxEncryption
, switchRxEncryption
, getCipherKeyExchangeType
, isClientContext
, startHandshakeClient
, addHandshakeMessage
, updateHandshakeDigest
, getHandshakeDigest
, getHandshakeMessages
, endHandshake
) where
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
@ -98,102 +98,102 @@ import Data.X509 (CertificateChain)
assert :: Monad m => String -> [(String,Bool)] -> m ()
assert fctname list = forM_ list $ \ (name, assumption) -> do
when assumption $ fail (fctname ++ ": assumption about " ++ name ++ " failed")
when assumption $ fail (fctname ++ ": assumption about " ++ name ++ " failed")
data TLSCryptState = TLSCryptState
{ cstKey :: !Bytes
, cstIV :: !Bytes
, cstMacSecret :: !Bytes
} deriving (Show)
{ cstKey :: !Bytes
, cstIV :: !Bytes
, cstMacSecret :: !Bytes
} deriving (Show)
data TLSMacState = TLSMacState
{ msSequence :: Word64
} deriving (Show)
{ msSequence :: Word64
} deriving (Show)
type ClientCertRequestData = ([CertificateType],
Maybe [(HashAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm)],
data TLSHandshakeState = TLSHandshakeState
{ hstClientVersion :: !(Version)
, hstClientRandom :: !ClientRandom
, hstServerRandom :: !(Maybe ServerRandom)
, hstMasterSecret :: !(Maybe Bytes)
, hstRSAPublicKey :: !(Maybe PubKey)
, hstRSAPrivateKey :: !(Maybe PrivKey)
, hstRSAClientPublicKey :: !(Maybe PubKey)
, hstRSAClientPrivateKey :: !(Maybe PrivKey)
, hstHandshakeDigest :: !HashCtx
, hstHandshakeMessages :: [Bytes]
, hstClientCertRequest :: !(Maybe ClientCertRequestData) -- ^ Set to Just-value when certificate request was received
, hstClientCertSent :: !Bool -- ^ Set to true when a client certificate chain was sent
, hstCertReqSent :: !Bool -- ^ Set to true when a certificate request was sent
, hstClientCertChain :: !(Maybe CertificateChain)
} deriving (Show)
{ hstClientVersion :: !(Version)
, hstClientRandom :: !ClientRandom
, hstServerRandom :: !(Maybe ServerRandom)
, hstMasterSecret :: !(Maybe Bytes)
, hstRSAPublicKey :: !(Maybe PubKey)
, hstRSAPrivateKey :: !(Maybe PrivKey)
, hstRSAClientPublicKey :: !(Maybe PubKey)
, hstRSAClientPrivateKey :: !(Maybe PrivKey)
, hstHandshakeDigest :: !HashCtx
, hstHandshakeMessages :: [Bytes]
, hstClientCertRequest :: !(Maybe ClientCertRequestData) -- ^ Set to Just-value when certificate request was received
, hstClientCertSent :: !Bool -- ^ Set to true when a client certificate chain was sent
, hstCertReqSent :: !Bool -- ^ Set to true when a certificate request was sent
, hstClientCertChain :: !(Maybe CertificateChain)
} deriving (Show)
data StateRNG = forall g . CPRG g => StateRNG g
instance Show StateRNG where
show _ = "rng[..]"
show _ = "rng[..]"
data RecordState = RecordState
{ stClientContext :: Bool
, stVersion :: !Version
, stTxEncrypted :: Bool
, stRxEncrypted :: Bool
, stActiveTxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stActiveRxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stPendingTxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stPendingRxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stActiveTxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stActiveRxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stPendingTxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stPendingRxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stActiveTxCipher :: Maybe Cipher
, stActiveRxCipher :: Maybe Cipher
, stPendingCipher :: Maybe Cipher
, stCompression :: Compression
, stRandomGen :: StateRNG
} deriving (Show)
{ stClientContext :: Bool
, stVersion :: !Version
, stTxEncrypted :: Bool
, stRxEncrypted :: Bool
, stActiveTxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stActiveRxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stPendingTxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stPendingRxCryptState :: !(Maybe TLSCryptState)
, stActiveTxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stActiveRxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stPendingTxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stPendingRxMacState :: !(Maybe TLSMacState)
, stActiveTxCipher :: Maybe Cipher
, stActiveRxCipher :: Maybe Cipher
, stPendingCipher :: Maybe Cipher
, stCompression :: Compression
, stRandomGen :: StateRNG
} deriving (Show)
newtype RecordM a = RecordM { runRecordM :: ErrorT TLSError (State RecordState) a }
deriving (Monad, MonadError TLSError)
deriving (Monad, MonadError TLSError)
instance Functor RecordM where
fmap f = RecordM . fmap f . runRecordM
fmap f = RecordM . fmap f . runRecordM
instance MonadState RecordState RecordM where
put x = RecordM (lift $ put x)
get = RecordM (lift get)
put x = RecordM (lift $ put x)
get = RecordM (lift get)
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,1,0)
state f = RecordM (lift $ state f)
state f = RecordM (lift $ state f)
data TLSState = TLSState
{ stHandshake :: !(Maybe TLSHandshakeState)
, stSession :: Session
, stSessionResuming :: Bool
, stRecordState :: RecordState
, stSecureRenegotiation :: Bool -- RFC 5746
, stClientVerifiedData :: Bytes -- RFC 5746
, stServerVerifiedData :: Bytes -- RFC 5746
, stExtensionNPN :: Bool -- NPN draft extension
, stNegotiatedProtocol :: Maybe B.ByteString -- NPN protocol
, stServerNextProtocolSuggest :: Maybe [B.ByteString]
, stClientCertificateChain :: Maybe CertificateChain
} deriving (Show)
{ stHandshake :: !(Maybe TLSHandshakeState)
, stSession :: Session
, stSessionResuming :: Bool
, stRecordState :: RecordState
, stSecureRenegotiation :: Bool -- RFC 5746
, stClientVerifiedData :: Bytes -- RFC 5746
, stServerVerifiedData :: Bytes -- RFC 5746
, stExtensionNPN :: Bool -- NPN draft extension
, stNegotiatedProtocol :: Maybe B.ByteString -- NPN protocol
, stServerNextProtocolSuggest :: Maybe [B.ByteString]
, stClientCertificateChain :: Maybe CertificateChain
} deriving (Show)
newtype TLSSt a = TLSSt { runTLSSt :: ErrorT TLSError (State TLSState) a }
deriving (Monad, MonadError TLSError)
deriving (Monad, MonadError TLSError)
instance Functor TLSSt where
fmap f = TLSSt . fmap f . runTLSSt
fmap f = TLSSt . fmap f . runTLSSt
instance MonadState TLSState TLSSt where
put x = TLSSt (lift $ put x)
get = TLSSt (lift get)
put x = TLSSt (lift $ put x)
get = TLSSt (lift get)
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,1,0)
state f = TLSSt (lift $ state f)
state f = TLSSt (lift $ state f)
runTLSState :: TLSSt a -> TLSState -> (Either TLSError a, TLSState)
@ -218,39 +218,39 @@ runRecordStateSt f = do
newTLSState :: CPRG g => g -> Bool -> TLSState
newTLSState rng clientContext = TLSState
{ stHandshake = Nothing
, stSession = Session Nothing
, stSessionResuming = False
, stRecordState = newRecordState rng clientContext
, stSecureRenegotiation = False
, stClientVerifiedData = B.empty
, stServerVerifiedData = B.empty
, stExtensionNPN = False
, stNegotiatedProtocol = Nothing
, stServerNextProtocolSuggest = Nothing
, stClientCertificateChain = Nothing
{ stHandshake = Nothing
, stSession = Session Nothing
, stSessionResuming = False
, stRecordState = newRecordState rng clientContext
, stSecureRenegotiation = False
, stClientVerifiedData = B.empty
, stServerVerifiedData = B.empty
, stExtensionNPN = False
, stNegotiatedProtocol = Nothing
, stServerNextProtocolSuggest = Nothing
, stClientCertificateChain = Nothing
newRecordState :: CPRG g => g -> Bool -> RecordState
newRecordState rng clientContext = RecordState
{ stClientContext = clientContext
, stVersion = TLS10
, stTxEncrypted = False
, stRxEncrypted = False
, stActiveTxCryptState = Nothing
, stActiveRxCryptState = Nothing
, stPendingTxCryptState = Nothing
, stPendingRxCryptState = Nothing
, stActiveTxMacState = Nothing
, stActiveRxMacState = Nothing
, stPendingTxMacState = Nothing
, stPendingRxMacState = Nothing
, stActiveTxCipher = Nothing
, stActiveRxCipher = Nothing
, stPendingCipher = Nothing
, stCompression = nullCompression
, stRandomGen = StateRNG rng
{ stClientContext = clientContext
, stVersion = TLS10
, stTxEncrypted = False
, stRxEncrypted = False
, stActiveTxCryptState = Nothing
, stActiveRxCryptState = Nothing
, stPendingTxCryptState = Nothing
, stPendingRxCryptState = Nothing
, stActiveTxMacState = Nothing
, stActiveRxMacState = Nothing
, stPendingTxMacState = Nothing
, stPendingRxMacState = Nothing
, stActiveTxCipher = Nothing
, stActiveRxCipher = Nothing
, stPendingCipher = Nothing
, stCompression = nullCompression
, stRandomGen = StateRNG rng
withTLSRNG :: StateRNG -> (forall g . CPRG g => g -> (a,g)) -> (a, StateRNG)
withTLSRNG (StateRNG rng) f = let (a, rng') = f rng
@ -258,43 +258,43 @@ withTLSRNG (StateRNG rng) f = let (a, rng') = f rng
withCompression :: (Compression -> (Compression, a)) -> RecordM a
withCompression f = do
st <- get
let (nc, a) = f (stCompression st)
put $ st { stCompression = nc }
return a
st <- get
let (nc, a) = f (stCompression st)
put $ st { stCompression = nc }
return a
genTLSRandom :: (MonadState RecordState m, MonadError TLSError m) => Int -> m Bytes
genTLSRandom n = do
st <- get
case withTLSRNG (stRandomGen st) (genRandomBytes n) of
(bytes, rng') -> put (st { stRandomGen = rng' }) >> return bytes
st <- get
case withTLSRNG (stRandomGen st) (genRandomBytes n) of
(bytes, rng') -> put (st { stRandomGen = rng' }) >> return bytes
makeDigest :: MonadState RecordState m => Bool -> Header -> Bytes -> m Bytes
makeDigest w hdr content = do
st <- get
let ver = stVersion st
let cst = fromJust "crypt state" $ if w then stActiveTxCryptState st else stActiveRxCryptState st
let ms = fromJust "mac state" $ if w then stActiveTxMacState st else stActiveRxMacState st
let cipher = fromJust "cipher" $ if w then stActiveTxCipher st else stActiveRxCipher st
let hashf = hashF $ cipherHash cipher
st <- get
let ver = stVersion st
let cst = fromJust "crypt state" $ if w then stActiveTxCryptState st else stActiveRxCryptState st
let ms = fromJust "mac state" $ if w then stActiveTxMacState st else stActiveRxMacState st
let cipher = fromJust "cipher" $ if w then stActiveTxCipher st else stActiveRxCipher st
let hashf = hashF $ cipherHash cipher
let (macF, msg) =
if ver < TLS10
then (macSSL hashf, B.concat [ encodeWord64 $ msSequence ms, encodeHeaderNoVer hdr, content ])
else (hmac hashf 64, B.concat [ encodeWord64 $ msSequence ms, encodeHeader hdr, content ])
let digest = macF (cstMacSecret cst) msg
let (macF, msg) =
if ver < TLS10
then (macSSL hashf, B.concat [ encodeWord64 $ msSequence ms, encodeHeaderNoVer hdr, content ])
else (hmac hashf 64, B.concat [ encodeWord64 $ msSequence ms, encodeHeader hdr, content ])
let digest = macF (cstMacSecret cst) msg
let newms = ms { msSequence = (msSequence ms) + 1 }
let newms = ms { msSequence = (msSequence ms) + 1 }
modify (\_ -> if w then st { stActiveTxMacState = Just newms } else st { stActiveRxMacState = Just newms })
return digest
modify (\_ -> if w then st { stActiveTxMacState = Just newms } else st { stActiveRxMacState = Just newms })
return digest
updateVerifiedData :: MonadState TLSState m => Bool -> Bytes -> m ()
updateVerifiedData sending bs = do
cc <- isClientContext
if cc /= sending
then modify (\st -> st { stServerVerifiedData = bs })
else modify (\st -> st { stClientVerifiedData = bs })
cc <- isClientContext
if cc /= sending
then modify (\st -> st { stServerVerifiedData = bs })
else modify (\st -> st { stClientVerifiedData = bs })
finishHandshakeTypeMaterial :: HandshakeType -> Bool
finishHandshakeTypeMaterial HandshakeType_ClientHello = True
@ -343,24 +343,23 @@ setServerRandom ran = updateHandshake "srand" (\hst -> hst { hstServerRandom = J
setMasterSecret :: MonadState TLSState m => Bytes -> m ()
setMasterSecret masterSecret = do
hasValidHandshake "master secret"
hasValidHandshake "master secret"
updateHandshake "master secret" (\hst -> hst { hstMasterSecret = Just masterSecret } )
return ()
updateHandshake "master secret" (\hst -> hst { hstMasterSecret = Just masterSecret } )
return ()
setMasterSecretFromPre :: MonadState TLSState m => Bytes -> m ()
setMasterSecretFromPre premasterSecret = do
hasValidHandshake "generate master secret"
st <- get
setMasterSecret $ genSecret st
genSecret st =
let hst = fromJust "handshake" $ stHandshake st in
generateMasterSecret (stVersion $ stRecordState st)
(hstClientRandom hst)
(fromJust "server random" $ hstServerRandom hst)
hasValidHandshake "generate master secret"
st <- get
setMasterSecret $ genSecret st
where genSecret st =
let hst = fromJust "handshake" $ stHandshake st in
generateMasterSecret (stVersion $ stRecordState st)
(hstClientRandom hst)
(fromJust "server random" $ hstServerRandom hst)
getMasterSecret :: MonadState TLSState m => m (Maybe Bytes)
getMasterSecret = gets (stHandshake >=> hstMasterSecret)
@ -403,12 +402,12 @@ getClientCertRequest = gets (stHandshake >=> hstClientCertRequest)
getSessionData :: MonadState TLSState m => m (Maybe SessionData)
getSessionData = get >>= \st -> return (stHandshake st >>= hstMasterSecret >>= wrapSessionData st)
where wrapSessionData st masterSecret = do
return $ SessionData
{ sessionVersion = stVersion $ stRecordState st
, sessionCipher = cipherID $ fromJust "cipher" $ stActiveTxCipher $ stRecordState st
, sessionSecret = masterSecret
where wrapSessionData st masterSecret = do
return $ SessionData
{ sessionVersion = stVersion $ stRecordState st
, sessionCipher = cipherID $ fromJust "cipher" $ stActiveTxCipher $ stRecordState st
, sessionSecret = masterSecret
setSession :: MonadState TLSState m => Session -> Bool -> m ()
setSession session resuming = modify (\st -> st { stSession = session, stSessionResuming = resuming })
@ -421,9 +420,9 @@ isSessionResuming = gets stSessionResuming
needEmptyPacket :: MonadState RecordState m => m Bool
needEmptyPacket = gets f
where f st = (stVersion st <= TLS10)
&& stClientContext st
&& (maybe False (\c -> bulkBlockSize (cipherBulk c) > 0) (stActiveTxCipher st))
where f st = (stVersion st <= TLS10)
&& stClientContext st
&& (maybe False (\c -> bulkBlockSize (cipherBulk c) > 0) (stActiveTxCipher st))
setKeyBlock :: MonadState TLSState m => m ()
setKeyBlock = modify setPendingState
@ -509,59 +508,59 @@ isClientContext = getRecordState stClientContext
-- create a new empty handshake state
newEmptyHandshake :: Version -> ClientRandom -> HashCtx -> TLSHandshakeState
newEmptyHandshake ver crand digestInit = TLSHandshakeState
{ hstClientVersion = ver
, hstClientRandom = crand
, hstServerRandom = Nothing
, hstMasterSecret = Nothing
, hstRSAPublicKey = Nothing
, hstRSAPrivateKey = Nothing
, hstRSAClientPublicKey = Nothing
, hstRSAClientPrivateKey = Nothing
, hstHandshakeDigest = digestInit
, hstHandshakeMessages = []
, hstClientCertRequest = Nothing
, hstClientCertSent = False
, hstCertReqSent = False
, hstClientCertChain = Nothing
{ hstClientVersion = ver
, hstClientRandom = crand
, hstServerRandom = Nothing
, hstMasterSecret = Nothing
, hstRSAPublicKey = Nothing
, hstRSAPrivateKey = Nothing
, hstRSAClientPublicKey = Nothing
, hstRSAClientPrivateKey = Nothing
, hstHandshakeDigest = digestInit
, hstHandshakeMessages = []
, hstClientCertRequest = Nothing
, hstClientCertSent = False
, hstCertReqSent = False
, hstClientCertChain = Nothing
startHandshakeClient :: MonadState TLSState m => Version -> ClientRandom -> m ()
startHandshakeClient ver crand = do
-- FIXME check if handshake is already not null
let initCtx = if ver < TLS12 then hashMD5SHA1 else hashSHA256
chs <- get >>= return . stHandshake
when (isNothing chs) $
modify (\st -> st { stHandshake = Just $ newEmptyHandshake ver crand initCtx })
-- FIXME check if handshake is already not null
let initCtx = if ver < TLS12 then hashMD5SHA1 else hashSHA256
chs <- get >>= return . stHandshake
when (isNothing chs) $
modify (\st -> st { stHandshake = Just $ newEmptyHandshake ver crand initCtx })
hasValidHandshake :: MonadState TLSState m => String -> m ()
hasValidHandshake name = get >>= \st -> assert name [ ("valid handshake", isNothing $ stHandshake st) ]
updateHandshake :: MonadState TLSState m => String -> (TLSHandshakeState -> TLSHandshakeState) -> m ()
updateHandshake n f = do
hasValidHandshake n
modify (\st -> st { stHandshake = f <$> stHandshake st })
hasValidHandshake n
modify (\st -> st { stHandshake = f <$> stHandshake st })
addHandshakeMessage :: MonadState TLSState m => Bytes -> m ()
addHandshakeMessage content = updateHandshake "add handshake message" $ \hs ->
hs { hstHandshakeMessages = content : hstHandshakeMessages hs}
hs { hstHandshakeMessages = content : hstHandshakeMessages hs}
getHandshakeMessages :: MonadState TLSState m => m [Bytes]
getHandshakeMessages = do
st <- get
let hst = fromJust "handshake" $ stHandshake st
return $ reverse $ hstHandshakeMessages hst
st <- get
let hst = fromJust "handshake" $ stHandshake st
return $ reverse $ hstHandshakeMessages hst
updateHandshakeDigest :: MonadState TLSState m => Bytes -> m ()
updateHandshakeDigest content = updateHandshake "update digest" $ \hs ->
hs { hstHandshakeDigest = hashUpdate (hstHandshakeDigest hs) content }
hs { hstHandshakeDigest = hashUpdate (hstHandshakeDigest hs) content }
getHandshakeDigest :: MonadState TLSState m => Bool -> m Bytes
getHandshakeDigest client = do
st <- get
let hst = fromJust "handshake" $ stHandshake st
let hashctx = hstHandshakeDigest hst
let msecret = fromJust "master secret" $ hstMasterSecret hst
return $ (if client then generateClientFinished else generateServerFinished) (stVersion $ stRecordState st) msecret hashctx
st <- get
let hst = fromJust "handshake" $ stHandshake st
let hashctx = hstHandshakeDigest hst
let msecret = fromJust "master secret" $ hstMasterSecret hst
return $ (if client then generateClientFinished else generateServerFinished) (stVersion $ stRecordState st) msecret hashctx
endHandshake :: MonadState TLSState m => m ()
endHandshake = modify (\st -> st { stHandshake = Nothing })

View file

@ -10,44 +10,44 @@
-- the Struct module contains all definitions and values of the TLS protocol
module Network.TLS.Struct
( Bytes
, Version(..)
, ConnectionEnd(..)
, CipherType(..)
, CipherData(..)
, ExtensionID
, ExtensionRaw
, CertificateType(..)
, HashAlgorithm(..)
, SignatureAlgorithm(..)
, HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
, ProtocolType(..)
, TLSError(..)
, DistinguishedName
, ServerDHParams(..)
, ServerRSAParams(..)
, ServerKeyXchgAlgorithmData(..)
, Packet(..)
, Header(..)
, ServerRandom(..)
, ClientRandom(..)
, serverRandom
, clientRandom
, FinishedData
, SessionID
, Session(..)
, SessionData(..)
, CertVerifyData(..)
, AlertLevel(..)
, AlertDescription(..)
, HandshakeType(..)
, Handshake(..)
, numericalVer
, verOfNum
, TypeValuable, valOfType, valToType
, packetType
, typeOfHandshake
) where
( Bytes
, Version(..)
, ConnectionEnd(..)
, CipherType(..)
, CipherData(..)
, ExtensionID
, ExtensionRaw
, CertificateType(..)
, HashAlgorithm(..)
, SignatureAlgorithm(..)
, HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
, ProtocolType(..)
, TLSError(..)
, DistinguishedName
, ServerDHParams(..)
, ServerRSAParams(..)
, ServerKeyXchgAlgorithmData(..)
, Packet(..)
, Header(..)
, ServerRandom(..)
, ClientRandom(..)
, serverRandom
, clientRandom
, FinishedData
, SessionID
, Session(..)
, SessionData(..)
, CertVerifyData(..)
, AlertLevel(..)
, AlertDescription(..)
, HandshakeType(..)
, Handshake(..)
, numericalVer
, verOfNum
, TypeValuable, valOfType, valToType
, packetType
, typeOfHandshake
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (length)
@ -60,80 +60,79 @@ import Network.TLS.Types
type Bytes = ByteString
data ConnectionEnd = ConnectionServer | ConnectionClient
data CipherType = CipherStream | CipherBlock | CipherAEAD
data CipherData = CipherData
{ cipherDataContent :: Bytes
, cipherDataMAC :: Maybe Bytes
, cipherDataPadding :: Maybe Bytes
} deriving (Show,Eq)
{ cipherDataContent :: Bytes
, cipherDataMAC :: Maybe Bytes
, cipherDataPadding :: Maybe Bytes
} deriving (Show,Eq)
data CertificateType =
CertificateType_RSA_Sign -- TLS10
| CertificateType_DSS_Sign -- TLS10
| CertificateType_RSA_Fixed_DH -- TLS10
| CertificateType_DSS_Fixed_DH -- TLS10
| CertificateType_RSA_Ephemeral_DH -- TLS12
| CertificateType_DSS_Ephemeral_DH -- TLS12
| CertificateType_fortezza_dms -- TLS12
| CertificateType_Unknown Word8
deriving (Show,Eq)
CertificateType_RSA_Sign -- TLS10
| CertificateType_DSS_Sign -- TLS10
| CertificateType_RSA_Fixed_DH -- TLS10
| CertificateType_DSS_Fixed_DH -- TLS10
| CertificateType_RSA_Ephemeral_DH -- TLS12
| CertificateType_DSS_Ephemeral_DH -- TLS12
| CertificateType_fortezza_dms -- TLS12
| CertificateType_Unknown Word8
deriving (Show,Eq)
data HashAlgorithm =
| HashMD5
| HashSHA1
| HashSHA224
| HashSHA256
| HashSHA384
| HashSHA512
| HashOther Word8
deriving (Show,Eq)
| HashMD5
| HashSHA1
| HashSHA224
| HashSHA256
| HashSHA384
| HashSHA512
| HashOther Word8
deriving (Show,Eq)
data SignatureAlgorithm =
| SignatureRSA
| SignatureDSS
| SignatureECDSA
| SignatureOther Word8
deriving (Show,Eq)
| SignatureRSA
| SignatureDSS
| SignatureECDSA
| SignatureOther Word8
deriving (Show,Eq)
type HashAndSignatureAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm)
data ProtocolType =
| ProtocolType_Alert
| ProtocolType_Handshake
| ProtocolType_AppData
| ProtocolType_DeprecatedHandshake
deriving (Eq, Show)
| ProtocolType_Alert
| ProtocolType_Handshake
| ProtocolType_AppData
| ProtocolType_DeprecatedHandshake
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | TLSError that might be returned through the TLS stack
data TLSError =
Error_Misc String -- ^ mainly for instance of Error
| Error_Protocol (String, Bool, AlertDescription)
| Error_Certificate String
| Error_HandshakePolicy String -- ^ handshake policy failed.
| Error_EOF
| Error_Packet String
| Error_Packet_unexpected String String
| Error_Packet_Parsing String
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
Error_Misc String -- ^ mainly for instance of Error
| Error_Protocol (String, Bool, AlertDescription)
| Error_Certificate String
| Error_HandshakePolicy String -- ^ handshake policy failed.
| Error_EOF
| Error_Packet String
| Error_Packet_unexpected String String
| Error_Packet_Parsing String
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
instance Error TLSError where
noMsg = Error_Misc ""
strMsg = Error_Misc
noMsg = Error_Misc ""
strMsg = Error_Misc
instance Exception TLSError
data Packet =
Handshake [Handshake]
| Alert [(AlertLevel, AlertDescription)]
| ChangeCipherSpec
| AppData ByteString
deriving (Show,Eq)
Handshake [Handshake]
| Alert [(AlertLevel, AlertDescription)]
| ChangeCipherSpec
| AppData ByteString
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Header = Header ProtocolType Version Word16 deriving (Show,Eq)
@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ type ExtensionID = Word16
type ExtensionRaw = (ExtensionID, Bytes)
newtype CertVerifyData = CertVerifyData Bytes
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving (Show, Eq)
constrRandom32 :: (Bytes -> a) -> Bytes -> Maybe a
constrRandom32 constr l = if B.length l == 32 then Just (constr l) else Nothing
@ -158,91 +157,91 @@ clientRandom :: Bytes -> Maybe ClientRandom
clientRandom l = constrRandom32 ClientRandom l
data AlertLevel =
| AlertLevel_Fatal
deriving (Show,Eq)
| AlertLevel_Fatal
deriving (Show,Eq)
data AlertDescription =
| UnexpectedMessage
| BadRecordMac
| DecryptionFailed -- ^ deprecated alert, should never be sent by compliant implementation
| RecordOverflow
| DecompressionFailure
| HandshakeFailure
| BadCertificate
| UnsupportedCertificate
| CertificateRevoked
| CertificateExpired
| CertificateUnknown
| IllegalParameter
| UnknownCa
| AccessDenied
| DecodeError
| DecryptError
| ExportRestriction
| ProtocolVersion
| InsufficientSecurity
| InternalError
| UserCanceled
| NoRenegotiation
| UnsupportedExtension
| CertificateUnobtainable
| UnrecognizedName
| BadCertificateStatusResponse
| BadCertificateHashValue
deriving (Show,Eq)
| UnexpectedMessage
| BadRecordMac
| DecryptionFailed -- ^ deprecated alert, should never be sent by compliant implementation
| RecordOverflow
| DecompressionFailure
| HandshakeFailure
| BadCertificate
| UnsupportedCertificate
| CertificateRevoked
| CertificateExpired
| CertificateUnknown
| IllegalParameter
| UnknownCa
| AccessDenied
| DecodeError
| DecryptError
| ExportRestriction
| ProtocolVersion
| InsufficientSecurity
| InternalError
| UserCanceled
| NoRenegotiation
| UnsupportedExtension
| CertificateUnobtainable
| UnrecognizedName
| BadCertificateStatusResponse
| BadCertificateHashValue
deriving (Show,Eq)
data HandshakeType =
| HandshakeType_ClientHello
| HandshakeType_ServerHello
| HandshakeType_Certificate
| HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg
| HandshakeType_CertRequest
| HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone
| HandshakeType_CertVerify
| HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg
| HandshakeType_Finished
| HandshakeType_NPN -- Next Protocol Negotiation extension
deriving (Show,Eq)
| HandshakeType_ClientHello
| HandshakeType_ServerHello
| HandshakeType_Certificate
| HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg
| HandshakeType_CertRequest
| HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone
| HandshakeType_CertVerify
| HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg
| HandshakeType_Finished
| HandshakeType_NPN -- Next Protocol Negotiation extension
deriving (Show,Eq)
data ServerDHParams = ServerDHParams
{ dh_p :: Integer -- ^ prime modulus
, dh_g :: Integer -- ^ generator
, dh_Ys :: Integer -- ^ public value (g^X mod p)
} deriving (Show,Eq)
{ dh_p :: Integer -- ^ prime modulus
, dh_g :: Integer -- ^ generator
, dh_Ys :: Integer -- ^ public value (g^X mod p)
} deriving (Show,Eq)
data ServerRSAParams = ServerRSAParams
{ rsa_modulus :: Integer
, rsa_exponent :: Integer
} deriving (Show,Eq)
{ rsa_modulus :: Integer
, rsa_exponent :: Integer
} deriving (Show,Eq)
data ServerKeyXchgAlgorithmData =
SKX_DH_Anon ServerDHParams
| SKX_DHE_DSS ServerDHParams [Word8]
| SKX_DHE_RSA ServerDHParams [Word8]
| SKX_RSA (Maybe ServerRSAParams)
| SKX_DH_DSS (Maybe ServerRSAParams)
| SKX_DH_RSA (Maybe ServerRSAParams)
| SKX_Unknown Bytes
deriving (Show,Eq)
SKX_DH_Anon ServerDHParams
| SKX_DHE_DSS ServerDHParams [Word8]
| SKX_DHE_RSA ServerDHParams [Word8]
| SKX_RSA (Maybe ServerRSAParams)
| SKX_DH_DSS (Maybe ServerRSAParams)
| SKX_DH_RSA (Maybe ServerRSAParams)
| SKX_Unknown Bytes
deriving (Show,Eq)
type DeprecatedRecord = ByteString
data Handshake =
ClientHello !Version !ClientRandom !Session ![CipherID] ![CompressionID] [ExtensionRaw] (Maybe DeprecatedRecord)
| ServerHello !Version !ServerRandom !Session !CipherID !CompressionID [ExtensionRaw]
| Certificates CertificateChain
| HelloRequest
| ServerHelloDone
| ClientKeyXchg Bytes
| ServerKeyXchg ServerKeyXchgAlgorithmData
| CertRequest [CertificateType] (Maybe [ HashAndSignatureAlgorithm ]) [DistinguishedName]
| CertVerify (Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm) CertVerifyData
| Finished FinishedData
| HsNextProtocolNegotiation Bytes -- NPN extension
deriving (Show,Eq)
ClientHello !Version !ClientRandom !Session ![CipherID] ![CompressionID] [ExtensionRaw] (Maybe DeprecatedRecord)
| ServerHello !Version !ServerRandom !Session !CipherID !CompressionID [ExtensionRaw]
| Certificates CertificateChain
| HelloRequest
| ServerHelloDone
| ClientKeyXchg Bytes
| ServerKeyXchg ServerKeyXchgAlgorithmData
| CertRequest [CertificateType] (Maybe [ HashAndSignatureAlgorithm ]) [DistinguishedName]
| CertVerify (Maybe HashAndSignatureAlgorithm) CertVerifyData
| Finished FinishedData
| HsNextProtocolNegotiation Bytes -- NPN extension
deriving (Show,Eq)
packetType :: Packet -> ProtocolType
packetType (Handshake _) = ProtocolType_Handshake
@ -279,181 +278,181 @@ verOfNum (3, 3) = Just TLS12
verOfNum _ = Nothing
class TypeValuable a where
valOfType :: a -> Word8
valToType :: Word8 -> Maybe a
valOfType :: a -> Word8
valToType :: Word8 -> Maybe a
instance TypeValuable ConnectionEnd where
valOfType ConnectionServer = 0
valOfType ConnectionClient = 1
valOfType ConnectionServer = 0
valOfType ConnectionClient = 1
valToType 0 = Just ConnectionServer
valToType 1 = Just ConnectionClient
valToType _ = Nothing
valToType 0 = Just ConnectionServer
valToType 1 = Just ConnectionClient
valToType _ = Nothing
instance TypeValuable CipherType where
valOfType CipherStream = 0
valOfType CipherBlock = 1
valOfType CipherAEAD = 2
valOfType CipherStream = 0
valOfType CipherBlock = 1
valOfType CipherAEAD = 2
valToType 0 = Just CipherStream
valToType 1 = Just CipherBlock
valToType 2 = Just CipherAEAD
valToType _ = Nothing
valToType 0 = Just CipherStream
valToType 1 = Just CipherBlock
valToType 2 = Just CipherAEAD
valToType _ = Nothing
instance TypeValuable ProtocolType where
valOfType ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec = 20
valOfType ProtocolType_Alert = 21
valOfType ProtocolType_Handshake = 22
valOfType ProtocolType_AppData = 23
valOfType ProtocolType_DeprecatedHandshake = 128 -- unused
valOfType ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec = 20
valOfType ProtocolType_Alert = 21
valOfType ProtocolType_Handshake = 22
valOfType ProtocolType_AppData = 23
valOfType ProtocolType_DeprecatedHandshake = 128 -- unused
valToType 20 = Just ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec
valToType 21 = Just ProtocolType_Alert
valToType 22 = Just ProtocolType_Handshake
valToType 23 = Just ProtocolType_AppData
valToType _ = Nothing
valToType 20 = Just ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec
valToType 21 = Just ProtocolType_Alert
valToType 22 = Just ProtocolType_Handshake
valToType 23 = Just ProtocolType_AppData
valToType _ = Nothing
instance TypeValuable HandshakeType where
valOfType HandshakeType_HelloRequest = 0
valOfType HandshakeType_ClientHello = 1
valOfType HandshakeType_ServerHello = 2
valOfType HandshakeType_Certificate = 11
valOfType HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg = 12
valOfType HandshakeType_CertRequest = 13
valOfType HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone = 14
valOfType HandshakeType_CertVerify = 15
valOfType HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg = 16
valOfType HandshakeType_Finished = 20
valOfType HandshakeType_NPN = 67
valOfType HandshakeType_HelloRequest = 0
valOfType HandshakeType_ClientHello = 1
valOfType HandshakeType_ServerHello = 2
valOfType HandshakeType_Certificate = 11
valOfType HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg = 12
valOfType HandshakeType_CertRequest = 13
valOfType HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone = 14
valOfType HandshakeType_CertVerify = 15
valOfType HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg = 16
valOfType HandshakeType_Finished = 20
valOfType HandshakeType_NPN = 67
valToType 0 = Just HandshakeType_HelloRequest
valToType 1 = Just HandshakeType_ClientHello
valToType 2 = Just HandshakeType_ServerHello
valToType 11 = Just HandshakeType_Certificate
valToType 12 = Just HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg
valToType 13 = Just HandshakeType_CertRequest
valToType 14 = Just HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone
valToType 15 = Just HandshakeType_CertVerify
valToType 16 = Just HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg
valToType 20 = Just HandshakeType_Finished
valToType 67 = Just HandshakeType_NPN
valToType _ = Nothing
valToType 0 = Just HandshakeType_HelloRequest
valToType 1 = Just HandshakeType_ClientHello
valToType 2 = Just HandshakeType_ServerHello
valToType 11 = Just HandshakeType_Certificate
valToType 12 = Just HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg
valToType 13 = Just HandshakeType_CertRequest
valToType 14 = Just HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone
valToType 15 = Just HandshakeType_CertVerify
valToType 16 = Just HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg
valToType 20 = Just HandshakeType_Finished
valToType 67 = Just HandshakeType_NPN
valToType _ = Nothing
instance TypeValuable AlertLevel where
valOfType AlertLevel_Warning = 1
valOfType AlertLevel_Fatal = 2
valOfType AlertLevel_Warning = 1
valOfType AlertLevel_Fatal = 2
valToType 1 = Just AlertLevel_Warning
valToType 2 = Just AlertLevel_Fatal
valToType _ = Nothing
valToType 1 = Just AlertLevel_Warning
valToType 2 = Just AlertLevel_Fatal
valToType _ = Nothing
instance TypeValuable AlertDescription where
valOfType CloseNotify = 0
valOfType UnexpectedMessage = 10
valOfType BadRecordMac = 20
valOfType DecryptionFailed = 21
valOfType RecordOverflow = 22
valOfType DecompressionFailure = 30
valOfType HandshakeFailure = 40
valOfType BadCertificate = 42
valOfType UnsupportedCertificate = 43
valOfType CertificateRevoked = 44
valOfType CertificateExpired = 45
valOfType CertificateUnknown = 46
valOfType IllegalParameter = 47
valOfType UnknownCa = 48
valOfType AccessDenied = 49
valOfType DecodeError = 50
valOfType DecryptError = 51
valOfType ExportRestriction = 60
valOfType ProtocolVersion = 70
valOfType InsufficientSecurity = 71
valOfType InternalError = 80
valOfType UserCanceled = 90
valOfType NoRenegotiation = 100
valOfType UnsupportedExtension = 110
valOfType CertificateUnobtainable = 111
valOfType UnrecognizedName = 112
valOfType BadCertificateStatusResponse = 113
valOfType BadCertificateHashValue = 114
valOfType CloseNotify = 0
valOfType UnexpectedMessage = 10
valOfType BadRecordMac = 20
valOfType DecryptionFailed = 21
valOfType RecordOverflow = 22
valOfType DecompressionFailure = 30
valOfType HandshakeFailure = 40
valOfType BadCertificate = 42
valOfType UnsupportedCertificate = 43
valOfType CertificateRevoked = 44
valOfType CertificateExpired = 45
valOfType CertificateUnknown = 46
valOfType IllegalParameter = 47
valOfType UnknownCa = 48
valOfType AccessDenied = 49
valOfType DecodeError = 50
valOfType DecryptError = 51
valOfType ExportRestriction = 60
valOfType ProtocolVersion = 70
valOfType InsufficientSecurity = 71
valOfType InternalError = 80
valOfType UserCanceled = 90
valOfType NoRenegotiation = 100
valOfType UnsupportedExtension = 110
valOfType CertificateUnobtainable = 111
valOfType UnrecognizedName = 112
valOfType BadCertificateStatusResponse = 113
valOfType BadCertificateHashValue = 114
valToType 0 = Just CloseNotify
valToType 10 = Just UnexpectedMessage
valToType 20 = Just BadRecordMac
valToType 21 = Just DecryptionFailed
valToType 22 = Just RecordOverflow
valToType 30 = Just DecompressionFailure
valToType 40 = Just HandshakeFailure
valToType 42 = Just BadCertificate
valToType 43 = Just UnsupportedCertificate
valToType 44 = Just CertificateRevoked
valToType 45 = Just CertificateExpired
valToType 46 = Just CertificateUnknown
valToType 47 = Just IllegalParameter
valToType 48 = Just UnknownCa
valToType 49 = Just AccessDenied
valToType 50 = Just DecodeError
valToType 51 = Just DecryptError
valToType 60 = Just ExportRestriction
valToType 70 = Just ProtocolVersion
valToType 71 = Just InsufficientSecurity
valToType 80 = Just InternalError
valToType 90 = Just UserCanceled
valToType 100 = Just NoRenegotiation
valToType 110 = Just UnsupportedExtension
valToType 111 = Just CertificateUnobtainable
valToType 112 = Just UnrecognizedName
valToType 113 = Just BadCertificateStatusResponse
valToType 114 = Just BadCertificateHashValue
valToType _ = Nothing
valToType 0 = Just CloseNotify
valToType 10 = Just UnexpectedMessage
valToType 20 = Just BadRecordMac
valToType 21 = Just DecryptionFailed
valToType 22 = Just RecordOverflow
valToType 30 = Just DecompressionFailure
valToType 40 = Just HandshakeFailure
valToType 42 = Just BadCertificate
valToType 43 = Just UnsupportedCertificate
valToType 44 = Just CertificateRevoked
valToType 45 = Just CertificateExpired
valToType 46 = Just CertificateUnknown
valToType 47 = Just IllegalParameter
valToType 48 = Just UnknownCa
valToType 49 = Just AccessDenied
valToType 50 = Just DecodeError
valToType 51 = Just DecryptError
valToType 60 = Just ExportRestriction
valToType 70 = Just ProtocolVersion
valToType 71 = Just InsufficientSecurity
valToType 80 = Just InternalError
valToType 90 = Just UserCanceled
valToType 100 = Just NoRenegotiation
valToType 110 = Just UnsupportedExtension
valToType 111 = Just CertificateUnobtainable
valToType 112 = Just UnrecognizedName
valToType 113 = Just BadCertificateStatusResponse
valToType 114 = Just BadCertificateHashValue
valToType _ = Nothing
instance TypeValuable CertificateType where
valOfType CertificateType_RSA_Sign = 1
valOfType CertificateType_DSS_Sign = 2
valOfType CertificateType_RSA_Fixed_DH = 3
valOfType CertificateType_DSS_Fixed_DH = 4
valOfType CertificateType_RSA_Ephemeral_DH = 5
valOfType CertificateType_DSS_Ephemeral_DH = 6
valOfType CertificateType_fortezza_dms = 20
valOfType (CertificateType_Unknown i) = i
valOfType CertificateType_RSA_Sign = 1
valOfType CertificateType_DSS_Sign = 2
valOfType CertificateType_RSA_Fixed_DH = 3
valOfType CertificateType_DSS_Fixed_DH = 4
valOfType CertificateType_RSA_Ephemeral_DH = 5
valOfType CertificateType_DSS_Ephemeral_DH = 6
valOfType CertificateType_fortezza_dms = 20
valOfType (CertificateType_Unknown i) = i
valToType 1 = Just CertificateType_RSA_Sign
valToType 2 = Just CertificateType_DSS_Sign
valToType 3 = Just CertificateType_RSA_Fixed_DH
valToType 4 = Just CertificateType_DSS_Fixed_DH
valToType 5 = Just CertificateType_RSA_Ephemeral_DH
valToType 6 = Just CertificateType_DSS_Ephemeral_DH
valToType 20 = Just CertificateType_fortezza_dms
valToType i = Just (CertificateType_Unknown i)
valToType 1 = Just CertificateType_RSA_Sign
valToType 2 = Just CertificateType_DSS_Sign
valToType 3 = Just CertificateType_RSA_Fixed_DH
valToType 4 = Just CertificateType_DSS_Fixed_DH
valToType 5 = Just CertificateType_RSA_Ephemeral_DH
valToType 6 = Just CertificateType_DSS_Ephemeral_DH
valToType 20 = Just CertificateType_fortezza_dms
valToType i = Just (CertificateType_Unknown i)
instance TypeValuable HashAlgorithm where
valOfType HashNone = 0
valOfType HashMD5 = 1
valOfType HashSHA1 = 2
valOfType HashSHA224 = 3
valOfType HashSHA256 = 4
valOfType HashSHA384 = 5
valOfType HashSHA512 = 6
valOfType (HashOther i) = i
valOfType HashNone = 0
valOfType HashMD5 = 1
valOfType HashSHA1 = 2
valOfType HashSHA224 = 3
valOfType HashSHA256 = 4
valOfType HashSHA384 = 5
valOfType HashSHA512 = 6
valOfType (HashOther i) = i
valToType 0 = Just HashNone
valToType 1 = Just HashMD5
valToType 2 = Just HashSHA1
valToType 3 = Just HashSHA224
valToType 4 = Just HashSHA256
valToType 5 = Just HashSHA384
valToType 6 = Just HashSHA512
valToType i = Just (HashOther i)
valToType 0 = Just HashNone
valToType 1 = Just HashMD5
valToType 2 = Just HashSHA1
valToType 3 = Just HashSHA224
valToType 4 = Just HashSHA256
valToType 5 = Just HashSHA384
valToType 6 = Just HashSHA512
valToType i = Just (HashOther i)
instance TypeValuable SignatureAlgorithm where
valOfType SignatureAnonymous = 0
valOfType SignatureRSA = 1
valOfType SignatureDSS = 2
valOfType SignatureECDSA = 3
valOfType (SignatureOther i) = i
valOfType SignatureAnonymous = 0
valOfType SignatureRSA = 1
valOfType SignatureDSS = 2
valOfType SignatureECDSA = 3
valOfType (SignatureOther i) = i
valToType 0 = Just SignatureAnonymous
valToType 1 = Just SignatureRSA
valToType 2 = Just SignatureDSS
valToType 3 = Just SignatureECDSA
valToType i = Just (SignatureOther i)
valToType 0 = Just SignatureAnonymous
valToType 1 = Just SignatureRSA
valToType 2 = Just SignatureDSS
valToType 3 = Just SignatureECDSA
valToType i = Just (SignatureOther i)

View file

@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ type SessionID = ByteString
-- | Session data to resume
data SessionData = SessionData
{ sessionVersion :: Version
, sessionCipher :: CipherID
, sessionSecret :: ByteString
{ sessionVersion :: Version
, sessionCipher :: CipherID
, sessionSecret :: ByteString
-- | Cipher identification
type CipherID = Word16

View file

@ -9,37 +9,37 @@
-- all multibytes values are written as big endian.
module Network.TLS.Wire
( Get
, runGet
, runGetErr
, runGetMaybe
, remaining
, getWord8
, getWords8
, getWord16
, getWords16
, getWord24
, getBytes
, getOpaque8
, getOpaque16
, getOpaque24
, getList
, processBytes
, isEmpty
, Put
, runPut
, putWord8
, putWords8
, putWord16
, putWords16
, putWord24
, putBytes
, putOpaque8
, putOpaque16
, putOpaque24
, encodeWord16
, encodeWord64
) where
( Get
, runGet
, runGetErr
, runGetMaybe
, remaining
, getWord8
, getWords8
, getWord16
, getWords16
, getWord24
, getBytes
, getOpaque8
, getOpaque16
, getOpaque24
, getList
, processBytes
, isEmpty
, Put
, runPut
, putWord8
, putWords8
, putWord16
, putWords16
, putWord24
, putBytes
, putOpaque8
, putOpaque16
, putOpaque24
, encodeWord16
, encodeWord64
) where
import Data.Serialize.Get hiding (runGet)
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as G
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ getWords16 = getWord16 >>= \lenb -> replicateM (fromIntegral lenb `div` 2) getWo
getWord24 :: Get Int
getWord24 = do
a <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
b <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
c <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
return $ (a `shiftL` 16) .|. (b `shiftL` 8) .|. c
a <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
b <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
c <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
return $ (a `shiftL` 16) .|. (b `shiftL` 8) .|. c
getOpaque8 :: Get Bytes
getOpaque8 = getWord8 >>= getBytes . fromIntegral
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ getOpaque24 = getWord24 >>= getBytes
getList :: Int -> (Get (Int, a)) -> Get [a]
getList totalLen getElement = isolate totalLen (getElements totalLen)
where getElements len
where getElements len
| len < 0 = error "list consumed too much data. should never happen with isolate."
| len == 0 = return []
| otherwise = getElement >>= \(elementLen, a) -> liftM ((:) a) (getElements (len - elementLen))
@ -97,23 +97,23 @@ processBytes i f = isolate i f
putWords8 :: [Word8] -> Put
putWords8 l = do
putWord8 $ fromIntegral (length l)
mapM_ putWord8 l
putWord8 $ fromIntegral (length l)
mapM_ putWord8 l
putWord16 :: Word16 -> Put
putWord16 = putWord16be
putWords16 :: [Word16] -> Put
putWords16 l = do
putWord16 $ 2 * (fromIntegral $ length l)
mapM_ putWord16 l
putWord16 $ 2 * (fromIntegral $ length l)
mapM_ putWord16 l
putWord24 :: Int -> Put
putWord24 i = do
let a = fromIntegral ((i `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff)
let b = fromIntegral ((i `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xff)
let c = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xff)
mapM_ putWord8 [a,b,c]
let a = fromIntegral ((i `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff)
let b = fromIntegral ((i `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xff)
let c = fromIntegral (i .&. 0xff)
mapM_ putWord8 [a,b,c]
putBytes :: Bytes -> Put
putBytes = putByteString