move processServerHello in Handshake

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2013-07-24 05:50:56 +00:00
parent f9ae636351
commit f59804f459
6 changed files with 48 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -110,13 +110,12 @@ instance Extension SecureRenegotiation where
extensionID _ = extensionID_SecureRenegotiation
extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cvd svd) =
runPut $ putOpaque8 (cvd `B.append` fromMaybe B.empty svd)
extensionDecode isServerHello = runGetMaybe getSecureReneg
where getSecureReneg = do
opaque <- getOpaque8
if isServerHello
then let (cvd, svd) = B.splitAt (B.length opaque `div` 2) opaque
in return $ SecureRenegotiation cvd (Just svd)
else return $ SecureRenegotiation opaque Nothing
extensionDecode isServerHello = runGetMaybe $ do
opaque <- getOpaque8
if isServerHello
then let (cvd, svd) = B.splitAt (B.length opaque `div` 2) opaque
in return $ SecureRenegotiation cvd (Just svd)
else return $ SecureRenegotiation opaque Nothing
-- | Next Protocol Negotiation
data NextProtocolNegotiation = NextProtocolNegotiation [ByteString]

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@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ import Network.TLS.Extension
import Network.TLS.IO
import Network.TLS.State hiding (getNegotiatedProtocol)
import Network.TLS.Sending
import Network.TLS.Receiving
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.Wire (encodeWord16)
import Network.TLS.Util (bytesEq)
import Network.TLS.Types
import Network.TLS.X509
import Data.Maybe
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ handshakeClient cparams ctx = do
secureReneg =
if pUseSecureRenegotiation params
then usingState_ ctx (getVerifiedData True) >>= \vd -> return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ SecureRenegotiation vd Nothing
then usingState_ ctx (getVerifiedData ClientRole) >>= \vd -> return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ SecureRenegotiation vd Nothing
else return Nothing
npnExtention = if isJust $ onNPNServerSuggest cparams
then return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ NextProtocolNegotiation []
@ -261,6 +262,23 @@ sendClientData cparams ctx = sendCertificate >> sendClientKeyXchg >> sendCertifi
_ -> return ()
processServerHello :: Handshake -> TLSSt ()
processServerHello (ServerHello sver ran _ _ _ ex) = do
-- FIXME notify the user to take action if the extension requested is missing
-- secreneg <- getSecureRenegotiation
-- when (secreneg && (isNothing $ lookup 0xff01 ex)) $ ...
mapM_ processServerExtension ex
withHandshakeM $ setServerRandom ran
setVersion sver
where processServerExtension (0xff01, content) = do
cv <- getVerifiedData ClientRole
sv <- getVerifiedData ServerRole
let bs = extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cv $ Just sv)
unless (bs `bytesEq` content) $ throwError $ Error_Protocol ("server secure renegotiation data not matching", True, HandshakeFailure)
return ()
processServerExtension _ = return ()
processServerHello _ = error "processServerHello called on wrong type"
throwMiscErrorOnException :: MonadIO m => String -> SomeException -> m a
throwMiscErrorOnException msg e =

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@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ handshakeServerWith sparams ctx clientHello@(ClientHello ver _ clientSession cip
secRengExt <- if secReneg
then do
vf <- usingState_ ctx $ do
cvf <- getVerifiedData True
svf <- getVerifiedData False
cvf <- getVerifiedData ClientRole
svf <- getVerifiedData ServerRole
return $ extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cvf $ Just svf)
return [ (0xff01, vf) ]
else return []

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@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
module Network.TLS.Receiving
( processHandshake
, processPacket
, processServerHello
, verifyRSA
) where
@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ processHandshake hs = do
when (finishHandshakeTypeMaterial $ typeOfHandshake hs) $ withHandshakeM $ updateHandshakeDigest encoded
where -- secure renegotiation
processClientExtension (0xff01, content) = do
v <- getVerifiedData True
v <- getVerifiedData ClientRole
let bs = extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation v Nothing)
unless (bs `bytesEq` content) $ throwError $ Error_Protocol ("client verified data not matching: " ++ show v ++ ":" ++ show content, True, HandshakeFailure)
@ -114,24 +113,6 @@ verifyRSA hsh econtent sign = do
rsapriv <- fromJust "rsa client public key" . hstRSAClientPublicKey . fromJust "handshake" . stHandshake <$> get
return $ kxVerify rsapriv hsh econtent sign
processServerHello :: Handshake -> TLSSt ()
processServerHello (ServerHello sver ran _ _ _ ex) = do
-- FIXME notify the user to take action if the extension requested is missing
-- secreneg <- getSecureRenegotiation
-- when (secreneg && (isNothing $ lookup 0xff01 ex)) $ ...
mapM_ processServerExtension ex
withHandshakeM $ setServerRandom ran
setVersion sver
where processServerExtension (0xff01, content) = do
cv <- getVerifiedData True
sv <- getVerifiedData False
let bs = extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cv $ Just sv)
unless (bs `bytesEq` content) $ throwError $ Error_Protocol ("server secure renegotiation data not matching", True, HandshakeFailure)
return ()
processServerExtension _ = return ()
processServerHello _ = error "processServerHello called on wrong type"
-- process the client key exchange message. the protocol expects the initial
-- client version received in ClientHello, not the negotiated version.
-- in case the version mismatch, generate a random master secret

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@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ setClientCertificateChain s = modify (\st -> st { stClientCertificateChain = Jus
getClientCertificateChain :: MonadState TLSState m => m (Maybe CertificateChain)
getClientCertificateChain = gets stClientCertificateChain
getVerifiedData :: MonadState TLSState m => Bool -> m Bytes
getVerifiedData client = gets (if client then stClientVerifiedData else stServerVerifiedData)
getVerifiedData :: MonadState TLSState m => Role -> m Bytes
getVerifiedData client = gets (if client == ClientRole then stClientVerifiedData else stServerVerifiedData)
isClientContext :: MonadState TLSState m => m Role
isClientContext = getRecordState stClientContext

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@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ data Flag = Verbose | Debug | NoValidateCert | Session | Http11
| Uri String
| UserAgent String
| Output String
| Help
deriving (Show,Eq)
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ options =
[ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "verbose output on stdout"
, Option ['d'] ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "TLS debug output on stdout"
, Option ['s'] ["session"] (NoArg Session) "try to resume a session"
, Option ['O'] ["output"] (ReqArg Output "stdout") "output "
, Option [] ["no-validation"] (NoArg NoValidateCert) "disable certificate validation"
, Option [] ["http1.1"] (NoArg Http11) "use http1.1 instead of http1.0"
, Option [] ["ssl3"] (NoArg Ssl3) "use SSL 3.0 as default"
@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ runOn (sStorage, certStore) flags port hostname = do
when (Session `elem` flags) $ do
session <- readIORef sStorage
doTLS (Just session)
where doTLS sess = do
where doTLS sess = do
let query = LC.pack (
"GET "
++ findURI flags
@ -114,27 +116,31 @@ runOn (sStorage, certStore) flags port hostname = do
++ userAgent
++ "\r\n\r\n")
when (Verbose `elem` flags) (putStrLn "sending query:" >> LC.putStrLn query >> putStrLn "")
out <- maybe (return stdout) (flip openFile WriteMode) getOutput
runTLS (getDefaultParams flags hostname certStore sStorage sess) hostname port $ \ctx -> do
handshake ctx
sendData ctx $ query
loopRecv ctx
loopRecv out ctx
bye ctx
return ()
loopRecv ctx = do
loopRecv out ctx = do
d <- timeout 2000000 (recvData ctx) -- 2s per recv
case d of
Nothing -> when (Debug `elem` flags) (hPutStrLn stderr "timeout") >> return ()
Just b | BC.null b -> return ()
| otherwise -> BC.putStrLn b >> loopRecv ctx
| otherwise -> BC.hPutStrLn out b >> loopRecv out ctx
findURI [] = "/"
findURI (Uri u:_) = u
findURI (_:xs) = findURI xs
findURI [] = "/"
findURI (Uri u:_) = u
findURI (_:xs) = findURI xs
userAgent = maybe "" (\s -> "\r\nUser-Agent: " ++ s) mUserAgent
mUserAgent = foldl f Nothing flags
where f _ (UserAgent ua) = Just ua
f acc _ = acc
userAgent = maybe "" (\s -> "\r\nUser-Agent: " ++ s) mUserAgent
mUserAgent = foldl f Nothing flags
where f _ (UserAgent ua) = Just ua
f acc _ = acc
getOutput = foldl f Nothing flags
where f _ (Output o) = Just o
f acc _ = acc
printUsage =
putStrLn $ usageInfo "usage: simpleclient [opts] <hostname> [port]\n\n\t(port default to: 443)\noptions:\n" options