new state machine

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2010-10-02 22:02:37 +01:00
parent 5a6ff3abe8
commit e189f37a67
4 changed files with 100 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Network.TLS.Receiving (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Maybe
@ -54,7 +55,21 @@ returnEither (Left err) = throwError err
returnEither (Right a) = return a
readPacket :: MonadTLSState m => Header -> EncryptedData -> m (Either TLSError Packet)
readPacket hdr content = runTLSRead (decryptContent hdr content >>= processPacket hdr)
readPacket hdr content = runTLSRead (checkState hdr >> decryptContent hdr content >>= processPacket hdr)
checkState :: Header -> TLSRead ()
checkState (Header pt _ _) =
stStatus <$> getTLSState >>= \status -> unless (allowed pt status) $ throwError $ Error_Packet_unexpected (show status) (show pt)
allowed :: ProtocolType -> TLSStatus -> Bool
allowed ProtocolType_Alert _ = True
allowed ProtocolType_Handshake _ = True
allowed ProtocolType_AppData StatusHandshakeReq = True
allowed ProtocolType_AppData StatusOk = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientFinished) = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientKeyXchg) = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientCertificateVerify) = True
allowed _ _ = False
processPacket :: Header -> Bytes -> TLSRead Packet
@ -63,6 +78,9 @@ processPacket (Header ProtocolType_AppData _ _) content = return $ AppData conte
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_Alert _ _) content = return . Alert =<< returnEither (decodeAlert content)
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec _ _) content = do
e <- updateStatusCC False
when (isJust e) $ throwError (fromJust e)
returnEither $ decodeChangeCipherSpec content
isClientContext >>= \cc -> when (not cc) setKeyBlock
@ -79,6 +97,9 @@ processPacket (Header ProtocolType_Handshake ver _) dcontent = do
processHandshake :: Version -> HandshakeType -> ByteString -> TLSRead Packet
processHandshake ver ty econtent = do
-- SECURITY FIXME if RSA fail, we need to generate a random master secret and not fail.
e <- updateStatusHs ty
when (isJust e) $ throwError (fromJust e)
content <- case ty of
HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg -> do
copt <- decryptRSA econtent

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@ -76,13 +76,24 @@ postprocessPacketData dat = return dat
encodePacket :: MonadTLSState m => (Header, ByteString) -> m ByteString
encodePacket (hdr, content) = return $ B.concat [ encodeHeader hdr, content ]
- just update TLS state machine
preProcessPacket :: MonadTLSState m => Packet -> m Packet
preProcessPacket pkt = do
e <- case pkt of
Handshake hs -> updateStatusHs (typeOfHandshake hs)
AppData _ -> return Nothing
ChangeCipherSpec -> updateStatusCC True
Alert _ -> return Nothing
return pkt
- writePacket transform a packet into marshalled data related to current state
- and updating state on the go
writePacket :: MonadTLSState m => Packet -> m ByteString
writePacket pkt = makePacketData pkt >>= processPacketData >>=
writePacket pkt = preProcessPacket pkt >>= makePacketData >>= processPacketData >>=
encryptPacketData >>= postprocessPacketData >>= encodePacket

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ module Network.TLS.State
, MonadTLSState, getTLSState, putTLSState, modifyTLSState
, newTLSState
, assert -- FIXME move somewhere else (Internal.hs ?)
, updateStatusHs
, updateStatusCC
, finishHandshakeTypeMaterial
, finishHandshakeMaterial
, makeDigest
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ module Network.TLS.State
) where
import Data.Word
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.Struct
@ -67,7 +70,6 @@ data HandshakeStatus =
| HsStatusClientChangeCipher
| HsStatusClientFinished
| HsStatusServerChangeCipher
| HsStatusServerFinished
deriving (Show,Eq)
data TLSStatus =
@ -154,6 +156,68 @@ makeDigest w hdr content = do
modifyTLSState (\_ -> if w then st { stTxMacState = Just newms } else st { stRxMacState = Just newms })
return digest
hsStatusTransitionTable :: [ (HandshakeType, TLSStatus, [ TLSStatus ]) ]
hsStatusTransitionTable =
[ (HandshakeType_HelloRequest, StatusHandshakeReq,
[ StatusOk ])
, (HandshakeType_ClientHello, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientHello,
[ StatusInit, StatusHandshakeReq ])
, (HandshakeType_ServerHello, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHello,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusClientHello ])
, (HandshakeType_Certificate, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerCertificate,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHello ])
, (HandshakeType_ServerKeyXchg, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerKeyXchg,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHello
, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerCertificate ])
, (HandshakeType_CertRequest, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerCertificateReq,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHello
, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerCertificate
, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerKeyXchg ])
, (HandshakeType_ServerHelloDone, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHelloDone,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHello
, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerCertificate
, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerKeyXchg
, StatusHandshake HsStatusServerCertificateReq ])
, (HandshakeType_Certificate, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientCertificate,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHelloDone ])
, (HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientKeyXchg,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusServerHelloDone
, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientCertificate ])
, (HandshakeType_CertVerify, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientCertificateVerify,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusClientKeyXchg ])
, (HandshakeType_Finished, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientFinished,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusClientChangeCipher ])
, (HandshakeType_Finished, StatusOk,
[ StatusHandshake HsStatusServerChangeCipher ])
updateStatus :: MonadTLSState m => TLSStatus -> m ()
updateStatus x = modifyTLSState (\st -> st { stStatus = x })
updateStatusHs :: MonadTLSState m => HandshakeType -> m (Maybe TLSError)
updateStatusHs ty = do
status <- return . stStatus =<< getTLSState
ns <- return . transition . stStatus =<< getTLSState
case ns of
Nothing -> return $ Just $ Error_Packet_unexpected (show status) ("handshake:" ++ show ty)
Just (_,x,_) -> updateStatus x >> return Nothing
edgeEq cur (ety, _, aprevs) = ty == ety && (maybe False (const True) $ find (== cur) aprevs)
transition currentStatus = find (edgeEq currentStatus) hsStatusTransitionTable
updateStatusCC :: MonadTLSState m => Bool -> m (Maybe TLSError)
updateStatusCC sending = do
status <- return . stStatus =<< getTLSState
cc <- isClientContext
let x = case (cc /= sending, status) of
(False, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientKeyXchg) -> Just (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientChangeCipher)
(False, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientCertificateVerify) -> Just (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientChangeCipher)
(True, StatusHandshake HsStatusClientFinished) -> Just (StatusHandshake HsStatusServerChangeCipher)
_ -> Nothing
case x of
Just newstatus -> updateStatus newstatus >> return Nothing
Nothing -> return $ Just $ Error_Packet_unexpected (show status) ("Client Context: " ++ show cc)
finishHandshakeTypeMaterial :: HandshakeType -> Bool
finishHandshakeTypeMaterial HandshakeType_ClientHello = True
finishHandshakeTypeMaterial HandshakeType_ServerHello = True

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@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ data TLSError =
| Error_Digest ([Word8], [Word8])
| Error_Packet String
| Error_Packet_Size_Mismatch (Int, Int)
| Error_Packet_unexpected String String
| Error_Internal_Packet_Remaining Int
| Error_Internal_Packet_ByteProcessed Int Int Int
| Error_Unknown_Version Word8 Word8