improve verifychain function.

add basic information to be able to verify BasicConstraints pathlen.
This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2013-01-19 22:15:55 +00:00
parent 678afe4d31
commit c94898ea6f
2 changed files with 32 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -66,38 +66,37 @@ certificateVerifyChain_ _ _ = do
certificateVerifyChain_ :: CertificateStore -> [X509] -> IO CertificateUsage
certificateVerifyChain_ _ [] = return $ CertificateUsageReject (CertificateRejectOther "empty chain / no certificates")
certificateVerifyChain_ store (x:xs) =
-- find a matching certificate that we trust (== installed on the system)
case findCertificate (certIssuerDN $ x509Cert x) store of
Just sysx509 -> do
validChain <- certificateVerifyAgainst x sysx509
if validChain
then return CertificateUsageAccept
else return certificateChainDoesntMatch
Nothing ->
case xs of
[] -> return $ CertificateUsageReject CertificateRejectUnknownCA
cert:_ -> do
let exts = certExtensions (x509Cert cert)
case checkCA exts of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> do
validChain <- certificateVerifyAgainst x cert
if validChain
then certificateVerifyChain_ store xs
else return certificateChainDoesntMatch
where checkCA Nothing = return $ certificateNotAllowedToSign
checkCA (Just es) = do
certificateVerifyChain_ store (x:xs) = loop 0 x xs >>= return . maybe CertificateUsageAccept CertificateUsageReject
where checkTrusted _ cert notFound =
case findCertificate (certIssuerDN $ x509Cert cert) store of
Just tCer -> verifyAgainstTrusted tCer cert
Nothing -> notFound
loop :: Int -> X509 -> [X509] -> IO (Maybe CertificateRejectReason)
loop depth cert [] = checkTrusted depth cert (return $ Just (CertificateRejectUnknownCA))
loop depth cert (n:ns) = checkTrusted depth cert $ do
case checkCA $ certExtensions $ x509Cert n of
Just r -> return (Just r)
Nothing | certificateVerifyAgainst cert n -> loop (depth+1) n ns
| otherwise -> return certificateChainDoesntMatch
verifyAgainstTrusted trustedCer cert
| validChain = return Nothing
| otherwise = return certificateChainDoesntMatch
where validChain = certificateVerifyAgainst cert trustedCer
checkCA Nothing = certificateNotAllowedToSign
checkCA (Just es) =
let kuCanCertSign = case extensionGet es of
Just (ExtKeyUsage l) -> elem KeyUsage_keyCertSign l
Nothing -> False
case extensionGet es of
Just (ExtBasicConstraints True _)
| kuCanCertSign -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just certificateNotAllowedToSign
_ -> Just certificateNotAllowedToSign
certificateNotAllowedToSign = CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectOther "certificate is not allowed to sign another certificate"
certificateChainDoesntMatch = CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectOther "chain doesn't match each other"
in case extensionGet es of
Just (ExtBasicConstraints True _)
| kuCanCertSign -> Nothing
| otherwise -> certificateNotAllowedToSign
_ -> certificateNotAllowedToSign
certificateNotAllowedToSign = Just $ CertificateRejectOther "certificate is not allowed to sign another certificate"
certificateChainDoesntMatch = Just $ CertificateRejectOther "chain doesn't match"
-- | verify a certificates chain using the system certificates available.
@ -125,10 +124,10 @@ certificateVerifyChain store = certificateVerifyChain_ store . reorderList
-- | verify a certificate against another one.
-- the first certificate need to be signed by the second one for this function to succeed.
certificateVerifyAgainst :: X509 -> X509 -> IO Bool
certificateVerifyAgainst ux509@(X509 _ _ _ sigalg sig) (X509 scert _ _ _ _) =
return $ (verifyF sigalg pk) udata esig
certificateVerifyAgainst :: X509 -> X509 -> Bool
certificateVerifyAgainst ux509@(X509 _ _ _ sigalg sig) (X509 scert _ _ _ _) = verified
verified = (verifyF sigalg pk) udata esig
udata = B.concat $ L.toChunks $ getSigningData ux509
esig = B.pack sig
pk = certPubKey scert

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: tls-extra
Version: 0.6.1
Version: 0.6.2
a set of extra definitions, default values and helpers for tls.
License: BSD3