fix stunnel argument parsing

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2013-07-23 08:59:34 +01:00
parent acc670e30e
commit c4aa04bf83

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@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ data StunnelHandle =
getAddressDescription :: Address -> IO StunnelAddr
getAddressDescription (Address "tcp" desc) = do
let (s, p) = break ((==) ':') desc
when (p == "") (error "missing port: expecting [source]:port")
when (p == "") (error $ "missing port: expecting [source]:port got " ++ show desc)
pn <- if and $ map isDigit $ drop 1 p
then return $ fromIntegral $ (read (drop 1 p) :: Int)
else do
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ getAddressDescription (Address "unix" desc) = do
getAddressDescription (Address "fd" _) =
return $ AddrFD stdin stdout
getAddressDescription _ = error "unrecognized source type (expecting tcp/unix/fd)"
getAddressDescription a = error ("unrecognized source type (expecting tcp/unix/fd, got " ++ show a ++ ")")
connectAddressDescription (AddrSocket family sockaddr) = do
sock <- socket family Stream defaultProtocol
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ options =
[ Option ['s'] ["source"] (ReqArg Source "source") "source address influenced by source type"
, Option ['d'] ["destination"] (ReqArg Destination "destination") "destination address influenced by destination type"
, Option [] ["source-type"] (ReqArg SourceType "source-type") "type of source (tcp, unix, fd)"
, Option [] ["destination-type"] (ReqArg SourceType "source-type") "type of source (tcp, unix, fd)"
, Option [] ["destination-type"] (ReqArg DestinationType "source-type") "type of source (tcp, unix, fd)"
, Option [] ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "debug the TLS protocol printing debugging to stdout"
, Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "request help"
, Option [] ["certificate"] (ReqArg Certificate "certificate") "certificate file"
@ -249,17 +249,17 @@ options =
data Address = Address String String
deriving (Show,Eq)
defaultSource = Address "localhost:6060" "tcp"
defaultDestination = Address "localhost:6061" "tcp"
defaultSource = Address "tcp" "localhost:6060"
defaultDestination = Address "tcp" "localhost:6061"
getSource opts = foldl accf defaultSource opts
where accf (Address _ t) (Source s) = Address s t
accf (Address s _) (SourceType t) = Address s t
where accf (Address t _) (Source s) = Address t s
accf (Address _ s) (SourceType t) = Address t s
accf acc _ = acc
getDestination opts = foldl accf defaultDestination opts
where accf (Address _ t) (Destination s) = Address s t
accf (Address s _) (DestinationType t) = Address s t
where accf (Address t _) (Destination s) = Address t s
accf (Address _ s) (DestinationType t) = Address t s
accf acc _ = acc
getCertificate opts = foldl accf "certificate.pem" opts