simplify the handshake key state.

we don't need to differentiate client/server, as a remote key will always be public and
the private key always local.
This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2013-12-28 15:17:42 +00:00
parent 64946c8fb8
commit a111d703a4
4 changed files with 32 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ sendClientData cparams ctx = sendCertificate >> sendClientKeyXchg >> sendCertifi
case certPubKey $ getCertificate c of
PubKeyRSA _ -> return ()
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no supported certificate type", True, HandshakeFailure)
usingHState ctx $ setClientPrivateKey pk
usingHState ctx $ setPrivateKey pk
usingHState ctx $ setClientCertSent True
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [Certificates cc]

View file

@ -15,12 +15,9 @@ module Network.TLS.Handshake.Key
, generateDHE
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.State (withRNG, getVersion)
import Network.TLS.Crypto
@ -32,39 +29,34 @@ import Network.TLS.Context
encryptRSA :: Context -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
encryptRSA ctx content = do
rsakey <- return . fromJust "rsa public key" =<< handshakeGet ctx hstRSAPublicKey
publicKey <- usingHState ctx getRemotePublicKey
usingState_ ctx $ do
v <- withRNG (\g -> kxEncrypt g rsakey content)
v <- withRNG (\g -> kxEncrypt g publicKey content)
case v of
Left err -> fail ("rsa encrypt failed: " ++ show err)
Right econtent -> return econtent
signRSA :: Context -> Role -> HashDescr -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
signRSA ctx role hsh content = do
rsakey <- return . fromJust "rsa client private key" =<< access
signRSA ctx _ hsh content = do
privateKey <- usingHState ctx getLocalPrivateKey
usingState_ ctx $ do
r <- withRNG (\g -> kxSign g rsakey hsh content)
r <- withRNG (\g -> kxSign g privateKey hsh content)
case r of
Left err -> fail ("rsa sign failed: " ++ show err)
Right econtent -> return econtent
where access = handshakeGet ctx $ (if role == ClientRole then hstRSAClientPrivateKey else hstRSAPrivateKey)
decryptRSA :: Context -> ByteString -> IO (Either KxError ByteString)
decryptRSA ctx econtent = do
rsapriv <- return . fromJust "rsa private key" =<< handshakeGet ctx hstRSAPrivateKey
privateKey <- usingHState ctx getLocalPrivateKey
usingState_ ctx $ do
ver <- getVersion
let cipher = if ver < TLS10 then econtent else B.drop 2 econtent
withRNG (\g -> kxDecrypt g rsapriv cipher)
withRNG (\g -> kxDecrypt g privateKey cipher)
verifyRSA :: Context -> Role -> HashDescr -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO Bool
verifyRSA ctx role hsh econtent sign = do
rsapriv <- return . fromJust "rsa client public key" =<< access
return $ kxVerify rsapriv hsh econtent sign
where access = handshakeGet ctx $ (if role == ClientRole then hstRSAPublicKey else hstRSAClientPublicKey)
handshakeGet :: Context -> (HandshakeState -> a) -> IO a
handshakeGet ctx f = usingHState ctx (gets f)
verifyRSA ctx _ hsh econtent sign = do
publicKey <- usingHState ctx getRemotePublicKey
return $ kxVerify publicKey hsh econtent sign
generateDHE :: Context -> DHParams -> IO (DHPrivate, DHPublic)
generateDHE ctx dhp = usingState_ ctx $ withRNG $ \rng -> dhGenerateKeyPair rng dhp

View file

@ -61,9 +61,8 @@ processHandshake ctx hs = do
processCertificates ServerRole (CertificateChain []) = return ()
processCertificates ClientRole (CertificateChain []) =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server certificate missing", True, HandshakeFailure)
processCertificates role (CertificateChain (c:_))
| role == ClientRole = usingHState ctx $ setPublicKey pubkey
| otherwise = usingHState ctx $ setClientPublicKey pubkey
processCertificates _ (CertificateChain (c:_)) =
usingHState ctx $ setPublicKey pubkey
where pubkey = certPubKey $ getCertificate c
-- process the client key exchange message. the protocol expects the initial

View file

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ module Network.TLS.Handshake.State
-- * key accessors
, setPublicKey
, setPrivateKey
, setClientPublicKey
, setClientPrivateKey
, getLocalPrivateKey
, getRemotePublicKey
, setServerDHParams
-- * cert accessors
, setClientCertSent
@ -54,15 +54,17 @@ import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.X509 (CertificateChain)
data HandshakeKeyState = HandshakeKeyState
{ hksRemotePublicKey :: !(Maybe PubKey)
, hksLocalPrivateKey :: !(Maybe PrivKey)
} deriving (Show)
data HandshakeState = HandshakeState
{ hstClientVersion :: !(Version)
, hstClientRandom :: !ClientRandom
, hstServerRandom :: !(Maybe ServerRandom)
, hstMasterSecret :: !(Maybe Bytes)
, hstRSAPublicKey :: !(Maybe PubKey)
, hstRSAPrivateKey :: !(Maybe PrivKey)
, hstRSAClientPublicKey :: !(Maybe PubKey)
, hstRSAClientPrivateKey :: !(Maybe PrivKey)
, hstKeyState :: !HandshakeKeyState
, hstServerDHParams :: !(Maybe ServerDHParams)
, hstDHPrivate :: !(Maybe DHPrivate)
, hstHandshakeDigest :: !(Either [Bytes] HashCtx)
@ -98,10 +100,7 @@ newEmptyHandshake ver crand = HandshakeState
, hstClientRandom = crand
, hstServerRandom = Nothing
, hstMasterSecret = Nothing
, hstRSAPublicKey = Nothing
, hstRSAPrivateKey = Nothing
, hstRSAClientPublicKey = Nothing
, hstRSAClientPrivateKey = Nothing
, hstKeyState = HandshakeKeyState Nothing Nothing
, hstServerDHParams = Nothing
, hstDHPrivate = Nothing
, hstHandshakeDigest = Left []
@ -120,20 +119,22 @@ runHandshake :: HandshakeState -> HandshakeM a -> (a, HandshakeState)
runHandshake hst f = runState (runHandshakeM f) hst
setPublicKey :: PubKey -> HandshakeM ()
setPublicKey pk = modify (\hst -> hst { hstRSAPublicKey = Just pk })
setPublicKey pk = modify (\hst -> hst { hstKeyState = setPK (hstKeyState hst) })
where setPK hks = hks { hksRemotePublicKey = Just pk }
setPrivateKey :: PrivKey -> HandshakeM ()
setPrivateKey pk = modify (\hst -> hst { hstRSAPrivateKey = Just pk })
setPrivateKey pk = modify (\hst -> hst { hstKeyState = setPK (hstKeyState hst) })
where setPK hks = hks { hksLocalPrivateKey = Just pk }
getRemotePublicKey :: HandshakeM PubKey
getRemotePublicKey = fromJust "remote public key" <$> gets (hksRemotePublicKey . hstKeyState)
getLocalPrivateKey :: HandshakeM PrivKey
getLocalPrivateKey = fromJust "local private key" <$> gets (hksLocalPrivateKey . hstKeyState)
setServerDHParams :: ServerDHParams -> HandshakeM ()
setServerDHParams shp = modify (\hst -> hst { hstServerDHParams = Just shp })
setClientPublicKey :: PubKey -> HandshakeM ()
setClientPublicKey pk = modify (\hst -> hst { hstRSAClientPublicKey = Just pk })
setClientPrivateKey :: PrivKey -> HandshakeM ()
setClientPrivateKey pk = modify (\hst -> hst { hstRSAClientPrivateKey = Just pk })
setCertReqSent :: Bool -> HandshakeM ()
setCertReqSent b = modify (\hst -> hst { hstCertReqSent = b })