Export the partial capability and wrap it in a easier layer.

now runGet has the ability to return partial result and unparsed bytes.
This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2014-03-22 05:50:09 +00:00
parent 53d028d208
commit 8088d3e265

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@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
module Network.TLS.Wire
( Get
, GetResult(..)
, GetContinuation
, runGet
, runGetErr
, runGetMaybe
, tryGet
, remaining
, getWord8
, getWords8
@ -54,14 +57,33 @@ import Data.Bits
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Util.Serialization
runGet :: String -> Get a -> Bytes -> Either String a
runGet lbl f = G.runGet (label lbl f)
type GetContinuation a = Bytes -> GetResult a
data GetResult a =
GotError TLSError
| GotPartial (GetContinuation a)
| GotSuccess a
| GotSuccessRemaining a Bytes
runGet :: String -> Get a -> Bytes -> GetResult a
runGet lbl f = toGetResult <$> G.runGetPartial (label lbl f)
where toGetResult (G.Fail err _) = GotError (Error_Packet_Parsing err)
toGetResult (G.Partial cont) = GotPartial (toGetResult <$> cont)
toGetResult (G.Done r bsLeft)
| B.null bsLeft = GotSuccess r
| otherwise = GotSuccessRemaining r bsLeft
runGetErr :: String -> Get a -> Bytes -> Either TLSError a
runGetErr lbl f = either (Left . Error_Packet_Parsing) Right . runGet lbl f
runGetErr lbl getter b = toSimple $ runGet lbl getter b
where toSimple (GotError err) = Left err
toSimple (GotPartial _) = Left (Error_Packet_Parsing (lbl ++ ": parsing error: partial packet"))
toSimple (GotSuccessRemaining _ _) = Left (Error_Packet_Parsing (lbl ++ ": parsing error: remaining bytes"))
toSimple (GotSuccess r) = Right r
runGetMaybe :: Get a -> Bytes -> Maybe a
runGetMaybe f = either (const Nothing) Just . runGet "" f
runGetMaybe f = either (const Nothing) Just . G.runGet f
tryGet :: Get a -> Bytes -> Maybe a
tryGet f = either (const Nothing) Just . G.runGet f
getWords8 :: Get [Word8]
getWords8 = getWord8 >>= \lenb -> replicateM (fromIntegral lenb) getWord8