Add a way to show packet sent and received at the protocol level. very useful for debugging.

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2011-05-04 08:41:16 +01:00
parent cc84a9452c
commit 7f6f511839
2 changed files with 32 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ module Network.TLS
-- * Context configuration
, TLSLogging(..)
, defaultParams
, defaultLogging
-- * Context object
, TLSCtx

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ module Network.TLS.Core
-- * Context configuration
, TLSLogging(..)
, defaultLogging
, defaultParams
-- * Context object
@ -53,6 +55,13 @@ import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.State
import System.IO (Handle, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..), hFlush)
data TLSLogging = TLSLogging
{ loggingPacketSent :: String -> IO ()
, loggingPacketRecv :: String -> IO ()
, loggingIOSent :: Bytes -> IO ()
, loggingIORecv :: Header -> Bytes -> IO ()
data TLSParams = TLSParams
{ pConnectVersion :: Version -- ^ version to use on client connection.
, pAllowedVersions :: [Version] -- ^ allowed versions that we can use.
@ -61,9 +70,18 @@ data TLSParams = TLSParams
, pWantClientCert :: Bool -- ^ request a certificate from client.
-- use by server only.
, pCertificates :: [(X509, Maybe PrivateKey)] -- ^ the cert chain for this context with the associated keys if any.
, pLogging :: TLSLogging -- ^ callback for logging
, onCertificatesRecv :: ([X509] -> IO Bool) -- ^ callback to verify received cert chain.
defaultLogging :: TLSLogging
defaultLogging = TLSLogging
{ loggingPacketSent = (\_ -> return ())
, loggingPacketRecv = (\_ -> return ())
, loggingIOSent = (\_ -> return ())
, loggingIORecv = (\_ _ -> return ())
defaultParams :: TLSParams
defaultParams = TLSParams
{ pConnectVersion = TLS10
@ -72,6 +90,7 @@ defaultParams = TLSParams
, pCompressions = [nullCompression]
, pWantClientCert = False
, pCertificates = []
, pLogging = defaultLogging
, onCertificatesRecv = (\_ -> return True)
@ -102,6 +121,9 @@ newCtx handle params st = do
, ctxState = stvar
ctxLogging :: TLSCtx -> TLSLogging
ctxLogging = pLogging . ctxParams
usingState :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> TLSSt a -> m (Either TLSError a)
usingState ctx f = liftIO (takeMVar mvar) >>= execAndStore
@ -137,12 +159,19 @@ recvPacket ctx = do
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right header@(Header _ _ readlen) -> do
content <- liftIO $ B.hGet (ctxHandle ctx) (fromIntegral readlen)
usingState ctx $ readPacket header (EncryptedData content)
liftIO $ (loggingIORecv $ ctxLogging ctx) header content
pkt <- usingState ctx $ readPacket header (EncryptedData content)
case pkt of
Right p -> liftIO $ mapM_ ((loggingPacketRecv $ ctxLogging ctx) . show) p
_ -> return ()
return pkt
-- | Send one packet to the context
sendPacket :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> Packet -> m ()
sendPacket ctx pkt = do
liftIO $ (loggingPacketSent $ ctxLogging ctx) (show pkt)
dataToSend <- usingState_ ctx $ writePacket pkt
liftIO $ (loggingIOSent $ ctxLogging ctx) dataToSend
liftIO $ B.hPut (ctxHandle ctx) dataToSend
-- | Create a new Client context with a configuration, a RNG, and a Handle.