fold handshake stuff from server to core.

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2011-03-02 07:35:25 +00:00
parent fc598287ad
commit 7237bec83e
4 changed files with 83 additions and 113 deletions

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@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Sending
import Network.TLS.Receiving
import Network.TLS.SRandom
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Certificate.X509
import Data.List (intercalate, find)
import Data.List (intersect, intercalate, find)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ usingState_ :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> TLSSt a -> m a
usingState_ ctx f = do
ret <- usingState ctx f
case ret of
Left err -> error "assertion failed, error in path without an error"
Left err -> error ("assertion failed, wrong use of state_: " ++ show err)
Right r -> return r
getStateRNG :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> Int -> m Bytes
@ -221,6 +222,82 @@ handshakeClient ctx = do
processServerInfo _ = return ()
handshakeServerWith :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> Handshake -> m ()
handshakeServerWith ctx (ClientHello ver _ _ ciphers compressions _) = do
-- Handle Client hello
when (not $ elem ver (pAllowedVersions params)) $ fail "unsupported version"
when (commonCiphers == []) $ fail "no common cipher supported"
when (commonCompressions == []) $ fail "no common compression supported"
usingState_ ctx $ modify (\st -> st
{ stVersion = ver
, stCipher = Just usedCipher
--, stCompression = Just usedCompression
-- send Server Data until ServerHelloDone
liftIO $ hFlush $ getHandle ctx
-- Receive client info until client Finished.
whileStatus ctx (/= (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientFinished)) (recvPacket ctx)
sendPacket ctx ChangeCipherSpec
-- Send Finish
cf <- usingState_ ctx $ getHandshakeDigest False
sendPacket ctx (Handshake $ Finished $ B.unpack cf)
liftIO $ hFlush $ getHandle ctx
return ()
params = getParams ctx
commonCiphers = intersect ciphers (map cipherID $ pCiphers params)
usedCipher = fromJust $ find (\c -> cipherID c == head commonCiphers) (pCiphers params)
commonCompressions = intersect compressions (map compressionID $ pCompressions params)
usedCompression = fromJust $ find (\c -> compressionID c == head commonCompressions) (pCompressions params)
srvCerts = map fst $ pCertificates params
privKeys = map snd $ pCertificates params
needKeyXchg = cipherExchangeNeedMoreData $ cipherKeyExchange usedCipher
handshakeSendServerData = do
srand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ServerRandom
case privKeys of
(Just privkey : _) -> usingState_ ctx $ setPrivateKey privkey
_ -> return () -- return a sensible error
-- in TLS12, we need to check as well the certificates we are sending if they have in the extension
-- the necessary bits set.
-- send ServerHello & Certificate & ServerKeyXchg & CertReq
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake $ ServerHello ver srand
(Session Nothing)
(cipherID usedCipher)
(compressionID usedCompression)
sendPacket ctx (Handshake $ Certificates srvCerts)
when needKeyXchg $ do
let skg = SKX_RSA Nothing
sendPacket ctx (Handshake $ ServerKeyXchg skg)
-- FIXME we don't do this on a Anonymous server
when (pWantClientCert params) $ do
let certTypes = [ CertificateType_RSA_Sign ]
let creq = CertRequest certTypes Nothing [0,0,0]
sendPacket ctx (Handshake creq)
-- Send HelloDone
sendPacket ctx (Handshake ServerHelloDone)
handshakeServerWith _ _ = do
fail "unexpected handshake type received. expecting client hello"
{- after receiving a client hello, we need to redo a handshake -}
handshakeServer :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> m ()
handshakeServer ctx = do
pkts <- recvPacket ctx
case pkts of
Right [Handshake hs] -> handshakeServerWith ctx hs
x -> fail ("unexpected type received. expecting handshake ++ " ++ show x)
{-| Handshake for a new TLS connection
- This is to be called at the beGinning of a connection, and during renegociation -}
handshake :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> m ()
@ -228,7 +305,7 @@ handshake ctx = do
cc <- usingState_ ctx (stClientContext <$> get)
if cc
then handshakeClient ctx
else undefined
else handshakeServer ctx
{- | sendData sends a bunch of data -}
sendData :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> L.ByteString -> m ()

View file

@ -1,115 +1,9 @@
-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Server
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- the Server module contains the necessary calls to create a listening TLS socket
-- aka. a server socket.
module Network.TLS.Server (recvData) where
module Network.TLS.Server
( listen
, recvData
) where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (intersect, find)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Network.TLS.Core
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.State
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import System.IO (hFlush)
handleClientHello :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> Handshake -> m ()
handleClientHello ctx (ClientHello ver _ _ ciphers compressionID _) = do
let cfg = getParams ctx
when (not $ elem ver (pAllowedVersions cfg)) $ do
{- unsupported version -}
fail "unsupported version"
let commonCiphers = intersect ciphers (map cipherID $ pCiphers cfg)
when (commonCiphers == []) $ do
{- unsupported cipher -}
fail ("unsupported cipher: " ++ show ciphers ++ " : server : " ++ (show $ map cipherID $ pCiphers cfg))
when (not $ elem 0 compressionID) $ do
{- unsupported compression -}
fail "unsupported compression"
usingState_ ctx $ modify (\st -> st
{ stVersion = ver
, stCipher = find (\c -> cipherID c == (head commonCiphers)) (pCiphers cfg)
handleClientHello _ _ = do
fail "unexpected handshake type received. expecting client hello"
handshakeSendServerData :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> m ()
handshakeSendServerData ctx = do
srand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ServerRandom
let sp = getParams ctx
--st <- get >>= return . scTLSState
cipher <- usingState_ ctx (fromJust . stCipher <$> get)
ver <- usingState_ ctx (stVersion <$> get)
let srvhello = ServerHello ver srand (Session Nothing) (cipherID cipher) 0 Nothing
let srvCerts = Certificates $ map fst $ pCertificates sp
case map snd $ pCertificates sp of
(Just privkey : _) -> usingState_ ctx $ setPrivateKey privkey
_ -> return () -- return a sensible error
-- in TLS12, we need to check as well the certificates we are sending if they have in the extension
-- the necessary bits set.
let needkeyxchg = cipherExchangeNeedMoreData $ cipherKeyExchange cipher
sendPacket ctx (Handshake srvhello)
sendPacket ctx (Handshake srvCerts)
when needkeyxchg $ do
let skg = SKX_RSA Nothing
sendPacket ctx (Handshake $ ServerKeyXchg skg)
-- FIXME we don't do this on a Anonymous server
when (pWantClientCert sp) $ do
let certTypes = [ CertificateType_RSA_Sign ]
let creq = CertRequest certTypes Nothing [0,0,0]
sendPacket ctx (Handshake creq)
sendPacket ctx (Handshake ServerHelloDone)
handshakeSendFinish :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> m ()
handshakeSendFinish ctx = do
cf <- usingState_ ctx $ getHandshakeDigest False
sendPacket ctx (Handshake $ Finished $ B.unpack cf)
{- after receiving a client hello, we need to redo a handshake -}
handshakeServer :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> m ()
handshakeServer ctx = do
handshakeSendServerData ctx
liftIO $ hFlush $ getHandle ctx
whileStatus ctx (/= (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientFinished)) (recvPacket ctx)
sendPacket ctx ChangeCipherSpec
handshakeSendFinish ctx
liftIO $ hFlush $ getHandle ctx
return ()
{- | listen on a handle to a new TLS connection. -}
listen :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx -> m ()
listen ctx = do
pkts <- recvPacket ctx
case pkts of
Right [Handshake hs] -> handleClientHello ctx hs
x -> fail ("unexpected type received. expecting handshake ++ " ++ show x)
handshakeServer ctx
{- | recvData get data out of Data packet, and automatically renegociate if
- a Handshake ClientHello is received -}

View file

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import Network.TLS.SRandom
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Core
import qualified Network.TLS.Client as C
import qualified Network.TLS.Server as S
ciphers :: [Cipher]
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ getRandomGen = makeSRandomGen >>= either (fail . show) (return . id)
tlsserver srchandle dsthandle = do
hSetBuffering dsthandle NoBuffering
S.listen srchandle
handshake srchandle
loopUntil $ do
d <- S.recvData srchandle

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@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ testInitiate spCert = do
tlsServer handle queue = do
S.listen handle
handshake handle
d <- S.recvData handle
writeChan queue d
return ()