refactor exn handling function.

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2011-11-16 21:14:32 +00:00
parent 147f1edfbf
commit 69e16aa056

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@ -143,14 +143,8 @@ prop_handshake_initiate = do
params <- pick arbitraryPairParams
(cCtx, sCtx) <- run $ newPairContext pipe params
run $ forkIO $ do
catch (tlsServer sCtx resultQueue)
(\e -> putStrLn ("server exception: " ++ show e) >> throw (e :: SomeException))
return ()
run $ forkIO $ do
catch (tlsClient startQueue cCtx)
(\e -> putStrLn ("client exception: " ++ show e) >> throw (e :: SomeException))
return ()
run $ forkIO $ catch (tlsServer sCtx resultQueue) (printAndRaise "server")
run $ forkIO $ catch (tlsClient startQueue cCtx) (printAndRaise "client")
{- the test involves writing data on one side of the data "pipe" and
- then checking we received them on the other side of the data "pipe" -}
@ -162,6 +156,9 @@ prop_handshake_initiate = do
return ()
printAndRaise :: String -> SomeException -> IO ()
printAndRaise s e = putStrLn (s ++ " exception: " ++ show e) >> throw e
someWords8 :: Int -> Gen [Word8]
someWords8 i = replicateM i (fromIntegral <$> (choose (0,255) :: Gen Int))