update hash interface to hide the state through typeclass and existentialquantification.

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2011-08-14 14:34:34 +01:00
parent d5ebf32b7f
commit 68be94060e
3 changed files with 65 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Network.TLS.Crypto
( HashType(..)
, HashCtx
( HashCtx(..)
, hashInit
, hashUpdate
, hashFinal
-- * incremental interface with algorithm type wrapping for genericity
, initHash
, updateHash
, finalizeHash
-- * single pass lazy bytestring interface for each algorithm
, hashMD5
-- * constructor
, hashSHA1
-- * incremental interface for each algorithm
, initMD5
, updateMD5
, finalizeMD5
, initSHA1
, updateSHA1
, finalizeSHA1
, hashMD5
, hashMD5SHA1
-- * key exchange generic interface
, PublicKey(..)
@ -47,61 +39,75 @@ instance Show PrivateKey where
data KxError = RSAError RSA.Error
deriving (Show)
data HashCtx =
SHA1 !SHA1.Ctx
| MD5 !MD5.Ctx
data KeyXchg =
KxRSA RSA.PublicKey RSA.PrivateKey
deriving (Show)
instance Show HashCtx where
show (SHA1 _) = "sha1"
show (MD5 _) = "md5"
class HashCtxC a where
hashCName :: a -> String
hashCInit :: a -> a
hashCUpdate :: a -> B.ByteString -> a
hashCFinal :: a -> B.ByteString
data HashType = HashTypeSHA1 | HashTypeMD5
data HashCtx = forall h . HashCtxC h => HashCtx h
instance Show HashCtx where
show (HashCtx c) = hashCName c
{- MD5 -}
data HashMD5 = HashMD5 MD5.Ctx
initMD5 :: MD5.Ctx
initMD5 = MD5.init
updateMD5 :: MD5.Ctx -> ByteString -> MD5.Ctx
updateMD5 = MD5.update
finalizeMD5 :: MD5.Ctx -> ByteString
finalizeMD5 = MD5.finalize
hashMD5 :: ByteString -> ByteString
hashMD5 = MD5.hash
instance HashCtxC HashMD5 where
hashCName _ = "MD5"
hashCInit _ = HashMD5 MD5.init
hashCUpdate (HashMD5 ctx) b = HashMD5 (MD5.update ctx b)
hashCFinal (HashMD5 ctx) = MD5.finalize ctx
{- SHA1 -}
data HashSHA1 = HashSHA1 SHA1.Ctx
initSHA1 :: SHA1.Ctx
initSHA1 = SHA1.init
instance HashCtxC HashSHA1 where
hashCName _ = "SHA1"
hashCInit _ = HashSHA1 SHA1.init
hashCUpdate (HashSHA1 ctx) b = HashSHA1 (SHA1.update ctx b)
hashCFinal (HashSHA1 ctx) = SHA1.finalize ctx
updateSHA1 :: SHA1.Ctx -> ByteString -> SHA1.Ctx
updateSHA1 = SHA1.update
{- MD5 & SHA1 joined -}
data HashMD5SHA1 = HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.Ctx MD5.Ctx
finalizeSHA1 :: SHA1.Ctx -> ByteString
finalizeSHA1 = SHA1.finalize
instance HashCtxC HashMD5SHA1 where
hashCName _ = "MD5-SHA1"
hashCInit _ = HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.init MD5.init
hashCUpdate (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) b = HashMD5SHA1 (SHA1.update sha1ctx b) (MD5.update md5ctx b)
hashCFinal (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) = B.concat [MD5.finalize md5ctx, SHA1.finalize sha1ctx]
hashSHA1 :: ByteString -> ByteString
hashSHA1 = SHA1.hash
{- MD5 & SHA1 joined specially for old SSL3 -}
data HashMD5SHA1SSL = HashMD5SHA1SSL SHA1.Ctx MD5.Ctx
{- generic Hashing -}
instance HashCtxC HashMD5SHA1SSL where
hashCName _ = "MD5-SHA1-SSL"
hashCInit _ = HashMD5SHA1SSL SHA1.init MD5.init
hashCUpdate (HashMD5SHA1SSL sha1ctx md5ctx) b = HashMD5SHA1SSL (SHA1.update sha1ctx b) (MD5.update md5ctx b)
hashCFinal (HashMD5SHA1SSL sha1ctx md5ctx) =
B.concat [MD5.finalize md5ctx, SHA1.finalize sha1ctx]
initHash :: HashType -> HashCtx
initHash HashTypeSHA1 = SHA1 (initSHA1)
initHash HashTypeMD5 = MD5 (initMD5)
-- functions to use the hidden class.
hashInit :: HashCtx -> HashCtx
hashInit (HashCtx h) = HashCtx $ hashCInit h
updateHash :: HashCtx -> B.ByteString -> HashCtx
updateHash (SHA1 ctx) = SHA1 . updateSHA1 ctx
updateHash (MD5 ctx) = MD5 . updateMD5 ctx
hashUpdate :: HashCtx -> B.ByteString -> HashCtx
hashUpdate (HashCtx h) b = HashCtx $ hashCUpdate h b
finalizeHash :: HashCtx -> B.ByteString
finalizeHash (SHA1 ctx) = finalizeSHA1 ctx
finalizeHash (MD5 ctx) = finalizeMD5 ctx
hashFinal :: HashCtx -> B.ByteString
hashFinal (HashCtx h) = hashCFinal h
-- real hash constructors
hashSHA1, hashMD5, hashMD5SHA1 :: HashCtx
hashSHA1 = HashCtx (HashSHA1 SHA1.init)
hashMD5 = HashCtx (HashMD5 MD5.init)
hashMD5SHA1 = HashCtx (HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.init MD5.init)
{- key exchange methods encrypt and decrypt for each supported algorithm -}
generalizeRSAError :: Either RSA.Error a -> Either KxError a

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@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ generateKeyBlock TLS12 = generateKeyBlock_TLS prf_SHA256
generateFinished_TLS :: PRF -> Bytes -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> HashCtx -> Bytes
generateFinished_TLS prf label mastersecret md5ctx sha1ctx = prf mastersecret seed 12
seed = B.concat [ label, finalizeHash md5ctx, finalizeHash sha1ctx ]
seed = B.concat [ label, hashFinal md5ctx, hashFinal sha1ctx ]
generateFinished_SSL :: Bytes -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> HashCtx -> Bytes
generateFinished_SSL sender mastersecret md5ctx sha1ctx =
@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ generateFinished_SSL sender mastersecret md5ctx sha1ctx =
md5hash = MD5.hash $ B.concat [ mastersecret, pad2, md5left ]
sha1hash = SHA1.hash $ B.concat [ mastersecret, B.take 40 pad2, sha1left ]
md5left = finalizeHash $ foldl updateHash md5ctx [ sender, mastersecret, pad1 ]
sha1left = finalizeHash $ foldl updateHash sha1ctx [ sender, mastersecret, B.take 40 pad1 ]
md5left = hashFinal $ foldl hashUpdate md5ctx [ sender, mastersecret, pad1 ]
sha1left = hashFinal $ foldl hashUpdate sha1ctx [ sender, mastersecret, B.take 40 pad1 ]
pad2 = B.replicate 48 0x5c
pad1 = B.replicate 48 0x36

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@ -406,10 +406,10 @@ updateHandshake n f = do
updateHandshakeDigest :: MonadState TLSState m => Bytes -> m ()
updateHandshakeDigest content = updateHandshake "update digest" (\hs ->
let (c1, c2) = case hstHandshakeDigest hs of
Nothing -> (initHash HashTypeSHA1, initHash HashTypeMD5)
Nothing -> (hashSHA1, hashMD5)
Just (sha1ctx, md5ctx) -> (sha1ctx, md5ctx) in
let nc1 = updateHash c1 content in
let nc2 = updateHash c2 content in
let nc1 = hashUpdate c1 content in
let nc2 = hashUpdate c2 content in
hs { hstHandshakeDigest = Just (nc1, nc2) }