
This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2013-07-12 06:54:47 +01:00
parent 5d69715a50
commit 67f01872dd

View file

@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ decodeHandshakeHeader = do
return (ty, content)
decodeHandshakes :: ByteString -> Either TLSError [(HandshakeType, Bytes)]
decodeHandshakes b = runGetErr "handshakes" getAll b where
getAll = do
decodeHandshakes b = runGetErr "handshakes" getAll b
where getAll = do
x <- decodeHandshakeHeader
empty <- isEmpty
if empty
@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ decodeHandshake cp ty = runGetErr "handshake" $ case ty of
decodeDeprecatedHandshake :: ByteString -> Either TLSError Handshake
decodeDeprecatedHandshake b = runGetErr "deprecatedhandshake" getDeprecated b where
getDeprecated = do
decodeDeprecatedHandshake b = runGetErr "deprecatedhandshake" getDeprecated b
where getDeprecated = do
1 <- getWord8
ver <- getVersion
cipherSpecLen <- fromEnum <$> getWord16
@ -277,8 +277,7 @@ decodeCertRequest cp = do
-- when (cParamsVersion cp < TLS12 && dNameLen < 3) $ fail "certrequest distinguishname not of the correct size"
dNames <- getList (fromIntegral dNameLen) getDName
return $ CertRequest certTypes sigHashAlgs dNames
getSignatureHashAlgorithms len = getList (fromIntegral len) (getSignatureHashAlgorithm >>= \sh -> return (2, sh))
where getSignatureHashAlgorithms len = getList (fromIntegral len) (getSignatureHashAlgorithm >>= \sh -> return (2, sh))
getDName = do
dName <- getOpaque16
when (B.length dName == 0) $ fail "certrequest: invalid DN length"
@ -384,8 +383,7 @@ encodeHandshakeContent (CertRequest certTypes sigAlgs certAuthorities) = do
Nothing -> return ()
Just l -> putWords16 $ map (\(x,y) -> (fromIntegral $ valOfType x) * 256 + (fromIntegral $ valOfType y)) l
encodeCertAuthorities certAuthorities
-- Convert a distinguished name to its DER encoding.
where -- Convert a distinguished name to its DER encoding.
encodeCA dn = return $ encodeASN1' DER (toASN1 dn []) --B.concat $ L.toChunks $ encodeDN dn
-- Encode a list of distinguished names.
@ -486,15 +484,13 @@ type PRF = Bytes -> Bytes -> Int -> Bytes
generateMasterSecret_SSL :: Bytes -> ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes
generateMasterSecret_SSL premasterSecret (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) =
B.concat $ map (computeMD5) ["A","BB","CCC"]
computeMD5 label = MD5.hash $ B.concat [ premasterSecret, computeSHA1 label ]
where computeMD5 label = MD5.hash $ B.concat [ premasterSecret, computeSHA1 label ]
computeSHA1 label = SHA1.hash $ B.concat [ label, premasterSecret, c, s ]
generateMasterSecret_TLS :: PRF -> Bytes -> ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes
generateMasterSecret_TLS prf premasterSecret (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) =
prf premasterSecret seed 48
seed = B.concat [ "master secret", c, s ]
where seed = B.concat [ "master secret", c, s ]
generateMasterSecret :: Version -> Bytes -> ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes
generateMasterSecret SSL2 = generateMasterSecret_SSL
@ -510,8 +506,7 @@ generateKeyBlock_TLS prf (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) mastersecret kbsize =
generateKeyBlock_SSL :: ClientRandom -> ServerRandom -> Bytes -> Int -> Bytes
generateKeyBlock_SSL (ClientRandom c) (ServerRandom s) mastersecret kbsize =
B.concat $ map computeMD5 $ take ((kbsize `div` 16) + 1) labels
labels = [ uncurry BC.replicate x | x <- zip [1..] ['A'..'Z'] ]
where labels = [ uncurry BC.replicate x | x <- zip [1..] ['A'..'Z'] ]
computeMD5 label = MD5.hash $ B.concat [ mastersecret, computeSHA1 label ]
computeSHA1 label = SHA1.hash $ B.concat [ label, mastersecret, s, c ]
@ -524,13 +519,11 @@ generateKeyBlock TLS12 = generateKeyBlock_TLS prf_SHA256
generateFinished_TLS :: PRF -> Bytes -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> Bytes
generateFinished_TLS prf label mastersecret hashctx = prf mastersecret seed 12
seed = B.concat [ label, hashFinal hashctx ]
where seed = B.concat [ label, hashFinal hashctx ]
generateFinished_SSL :: Bytes -> Bytes -> HashCtx -> Bytes
generateFinished_SSL sender mastersecret hashctx = B.concat [md5hash, sha1hash]
md5hash = MD5.hash $ B.concat [ mastersecret, pad2, md5left ]
where md5hash = MD5.hash $ B.concat [ mastersecret, pad2, md5left ]
sha1hash = SHA1.hash $ B.concat [ mastersecret, B.take 40 pad2, sha1left ]
lefthash = hashFinal $ flip hashUpdateSSL (pad1, B.take 40 pad1)