Change the way parameters are created.

This is still WIP and this commit is truly horrific. Sadly, it's just
too much effort to do clean commit with this, and it doesn't mix with
experimentation either.
This commit is contained in:
Vincent Hanquez 2014-01-25 16:51:51 +00:00
parent 8e128a0412
commit 4e5ff7f53d
23 changed files with 697 additions and 511 deletions

View file

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import Criterion.Main
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Network.TLS
import Data.X509
import Data.X509.Validation
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
@ -15,14 +17,21 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
recvDataNonNull ctx = recvData ctx >>= \l -> if B.null l then recvDataNonNull ctx else return l
getParams connectVer cipher = (cParams, sParams)
where sParams = defaultParamsServer
{ pAllowedVersions = [connectVer]
, pCiphers = [cipher]
, pCredentials = Credentials [ (CertificateChain [simpleX509 $ PubKeyRSA pubKey], PrivKeyRSA privKey) ]
where sParams = def { serverSupported = supported
, serverShared = def {
sharedCredentials = Credentials [ (CertificateChain [simpleX509 $ PubKeyRSA pubKey], PrivKeyRSA privKey) ]
cParams = defaultParamsClient
{ pAllowedVersions = [connectVer]
, pCiphers = [cipher]
cParams = (defaultParamsClient "" B.empty)
{ clientSupported = supported
, clientShared = def { sharedValidationCache = ValidationCache
{ cacheAdd = \_ _ _ -> return ()
, cacheQuery = \_ _ _ -> return ValidationCachePass
supported = def { supportedCiphers = [cipher]
, supportedVersions = [connectVer]
(pubKey, privKey) = getGlobalRSAPair

View file

@ -8,19 +8,17 @@
module Network.TLS
-- * Context configuration
, RoleParams(..)
, ClientParams(..)
, ServerParams(..)
, updateClientParams
, updateServerParams
, ClientHooks(..)
, ServerHooks(..)
, Supported(..)
, Shared(..)
, Logging(..)
, Measurement(..)
, CertificateUsage(..)
, CertificateRejectReason(..)
, defaultParamsClient
, defaultParamsServer
, defaultLogging
, MaxFragmentEnum(..)
, HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
, HashAlgorithm(..)
@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ module Network.TLS
, SessionData(..)
, SessionManager(..)
, noSessionManager
, setSessionManager
-- * Backend abstraction
, Backend(..)
@ -94,18 +91,27 @@ module Network.TLS
-- * Exceptions
, TLSException(..)
-- * Validation Cache
, ValidationCache
, exceptionValidationCache
) where
import Network.TLS.Backend (Backend(..))
import Network.TLS.Struct ( Version(..), TLSError(..), TLSException(..)
import Network.TLS.Struct ( TLSError(..), TLSException(..)
, HashAndSignatureAlgorithm, HashAlgorithm(..), SignatureAlgorithm(..)
, Header(..), ProtocolType(..), CertificateType(..)
, AlertDescription(..))
import Network.TLS.Crypto (KxError(..))
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Hooks
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.Credentials
import Network.TLS.Compression (CompressionC(..), Compression(..), nullCompression)
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Core
import Network.TLS.Session
import Network.TLS.X509
import Network.TLS.Types
import Data.X509 (PubKey(..), PrivKey(..))

View file

@ -8,44 +8,18 @@
module Network.TLS.Context
-- * Context configuration
, RoleParams(..)
, ClientParams(..)
, ServerParams(..)
, updateClientParams
, updateServerParams
, Logging(..)
, SessionID
, SessionData(..)
, MaxFragmentEnum(..)
, Measurement(..)
, CertificateUsage(..)
, CertificateRejectReason(..)
, defaultLogging
, defaultParamsClient
, defaultParamsServer
, withSessionManager
, setSessionManager
, getClientParams
, getServerParams
, credentialsGet
-- * Context object and accessor
, Context
, Context(..)
, Hooks(..)
, ctxParams
, ctxConnection
, ctxEOF
, ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello
, ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello
, ctxEstablished
, ctxCiphers
, ctxLogging
, ctxWithHooks
, ctxRxState
, ctxTxState
, ctxHandshake
, ctxNeedEmptyPacket
, modifyHooks
, setEOF
, setEstablished
, contextFlush
@ -63,13 +37,6 @@ module Network.TLS.Context
, Information(..)
, contextGetInformation
-- * deprecated types
, TLSParams
, TLSLogging
, TLSCertificateUsage
, TLSCertificateRejectReason
, TLSCtx
-- * New contexts
, contextNew
-- * Deprecated new contexts methods
@ -91,177 +58,55 @@ module Network.TLS.Context
) where
import Network.TLS.Backend
import Network.TLS.Extension
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Cipher (Cipher(..), CipherKeyExchangeType(..))
import Network.TLS.Compression (Compression)
import Network.TLS.Credentials
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Hooks
import Network.TLS.Record.State
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.Types (Role(..))
import Network.TLS.Handshake (handshakeClient, handshakeClientWith, handshakeServer, handshakeServerWith)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Crypto.Random
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception())
import Data.IORef
import Data.Tuple
-- deprecated imports
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import System.IO (Handle)
-- | Information related to a running context, e.g. current cipher
data Information = Information
{ infoVersion :: Version
, infoCipher :: Cipher
, infoCompression :: Compression
} deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | A TLS Context keep tls specific state, parameters and backend information.
data Context = Context
{ ctxConnection :: Backend -- ^ return the backend object associated with this context
, ctxParams :: Params
, ctxCiphers :: [Cipher] -- ^ prepared list of allowed ciphers according to parameters
, ctxState :: MVar TLSState
, ctxMeasurement :: IORef Measurement
, ctxEOF_ :: IORef Bool -- ^ has the handle EOFed or not.
, ctxEstablished_ :: IORef Bool -- ^ has the handshake been done and been successful.
, ctxNeedEmptyPacket :: IORef Bool -- ^ empty packet workaround for CBC guessability.
, ctxSSLv2ClientHello :: IORef Bool -- ^ enable the reception of compatibility SSLv2 client hello.
-- the flag will be set to false regardless of its initial value
-- after the first packet received.
, ctxTxState :: MVar RecordState -- ^ current tx state
, ctxRxState :: MVar RecordState -- ^ current rx state
, ctxHandshake :: MVar (Maybe HandshakeState) -- ^ optional handshake state
, ctxHooks :: IORef Hooks -- ^ hooks for this context
, ctxLockWrite :: MVar () -- ^ lock to use for writing data (including updating the state)
, ctxLockRead :: MVar () -- ^ lock to use for reading data (including updating the state)
, ctxLockState :: MVar () -- ^ lock used during read/write when receiving and sending packet.
-- it is usually nested in a write or read lock.
class TLSParams a where
getTLSCommonParams :: a -> CommonParams
getTLSRole :: a -> Role
getCiphers :: a -> [Cipher]
doHandshake :: a -> Context -> IO ()
doHandshakeWith :: a -> Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
-- deprecated types, setup as aliases for compatibility.
type TLSParams = Params
type TLSCtx = Context
type TLSLogging = Logging
type TLSCertificateUsage = CertificateUsage
type TLSCertificateRejectReason = CertificateRejectReason
instance TLSParams ClientParams where
getTLSCommonParams cparams = ( clientSupported cparams
, clientShared cparams
, clientCommonHooks cparams
getTLSRole _ = ClientRole
getCiphers cparams = supportedCiphers $ clientSupported cparams
doHandshake = handshakeClient
doHandshakeWith = handshakeClientWith
updateMeasure :: Context -> (Measurement -> Measurement) -> IO ()
updateMeasure ctx f = do
x <- readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx)
writeIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) $! f x
withMeasure :: Context -> (Measurement -> IO a) -> IO a
withMeasure ctx f = readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) >>= f
contextFlush :: Context -> IO ()
contextFlush = backendFlush . ctxConnection
contextClose :: Context -> IO ()
contextClose = backendClose . ctxConnection
-- | Information about the current context
contextGetInformation :: Context -> IO (Maybe Information)
contextGetInformation ctx = do
ver <- usingState_ ctx $ gets stVersion
(cipher,comp) <- failOnEitherError $ runRxState ctx $ gets $ \st -> (stCipher st, stCompression st)
case (ver, cipher) of
(Just v, Just c) -> return $ Just $ Information v c comp
_ -> return Nothing
contextSend :: Context -> Bytes -> IO ()
contextSend c b = updateMeasure c (addBytesSent $ B.length b) >> (backendSend $ ctxConnection c) b
contextRecv :: Context -> Int -> IO Bytes
contextRecv c sz = updateMeasure c (addBytesReceived sz) >> (backendRecv $ ctxConnection c) sz
ctxEOF :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxEOF ctx = readIORef $ ctxEOF_ ctx
ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello ctx = readIORef $ ctxSSLv2ClientHello ctx
ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello :: Context -> IO ()
ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello ctx = writeIORef (ctxSSLv2ClientHello ctx) False
setEOF :: Context -> IO ()
setEOF ctx = writeIORef (ctxEOF_ ctx) True
ctxEstablished :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxEstablished ctx = readIORef $ ctxEstablished_ ctx
ctxWithHooks :: Context -> (Hooks -> IO a) -> IO a
ctxWithHooks ctx f = readIORef (ctxHooks ctx) >>= f
setEstablished :: Context -> Bool -> IO ()
setEstablished ctx v = writeIORef (ctxEstablished_ ctx) v
ctxLogging :: Context -> Logging
ctxLogging = pLogging . ctxParams
-- | create a new context using the backend and parameters specified.
contextNew :: (MonadIO m, CPRG rng, HasBackend backend)
=> backend -- ^ Backend abstraction with specific method to interact with the connection type.
-> Params -- ^ Parameters of the context.
-> rng -- ^ Random number generator associated with this context.
-> m Context
contextNew backend params rng = liftIO $ do
initializeBackend backend
let role = case roleParams params of
Client {} -> ClientRole
Server {} -> ServerRole
let st = newTLSState rng role
stvar <- newMVar st
eof <- newIORef False
established <- newIORef False
stats <- newIORef newMeasurement
-- we enable the reception of SSLv2 ClientHello message only in the
-- server context, where we might be dealing with an old/compat client.
sslv2Compat <- newIORef (role == ServerRole)
needEmptyPacket <- newIORef False
hooks <- newIORef defaultHooks
tx <- newMVar newRecordState
rx <- newMVar newRecordState
hs <- newMVar Nothing
instance TLSParams ServerParams where
getTLSCommonParams sparams = ( serverSupported sparams
, serverShared sparams
, serverCommonHooks sparams
getTLSRole _ = ServerRole
-- on the server we filter our allowed ciphers here according
-- to the credentials and DHE parameters loaded
let ciphers = case roleParams params of
Client {} -> pCiphers params
Server sParams -> filterServer sParams $ pCiphers params
lockWrite <- newMVar ()
lockRead <- newMVar ()
lockState <- newMVar ()
when (null ciphers) $ error "no ciphers available with those parameters"
return $ Context
{ ctxConnection = getBackend backend
, ctxParams = params
, ctxCiphers = ciphers
, ctxState = stvar
, ctxTxState = tx
, ctxRxState = rx
, ctxHandshake = hs
, ctxMeasurement = stats
, ctxEOF_ = eof
, ctxEstablished_ = established
, ctxSSLv2ClientHello = sslv2Compat
, ctxNeedEmptyPacket = needEmptyPacket
, ctxHooks = hooks
, ctxLockWrite = lockWrite
, ctxLockRead = lockRead
, ctxLockState = lockState
where filterServer sParams ciphers = filter authorizedCKE ciphers
getCiphers sparams = filter authorizedCKE (supportedCiphers $ serverSupported sparams)
where authorizedCKE cipher =
case cipherKeyExchange cipher of
CipherKeyExchange_RSA -> canEncryptRSA
@ -277,26 +122,83 @@ contextNew backend params rng = liftIO $ do
CipherKeyExchange_ECDH_RSA -> False
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA -> False
canDHE = isJust $ serverDHEParams sParams
canDHE = isJust $ serverDHEParams sparams
canSignDSS = SignatureDSS `elem` signingAlgs
canSignRSA = SignatureRSA `elem` signingAlgs
canEncryptRSA = isJust $ credentialsFindForDecrypting creds
signingAlgs = credentialsListSigningAlgorithms creds
creds = credentialsGet params
creds = sharedCredentials $ serverShared sparams
doHandshake = handshakeServer
doHandshakeWith = handshakeServerWith
-- | create a new context using the backend and parameters specified.
contextNew :: (MonadIO m, CPRG rng, HasBackend backend, TLSParams params)
=> backend -- ^ Backend abstraction with specific method to interact with the connection type.
-> params -- ^ Parameters of the context.
-> rng -- ^ Random number generator associated with this context.
-> m Context
contextNew backend params rng = liftIO $ do
initializeBackend backend
let role = getTLSRole params
st = newTLSState rng role
(supported, shared, commonHooks) = getTLSCommonParams params
ciphers = getCiphers params
when (null ciphers) $ error "no ciphers available with those parameters"
stvar <- newMVar st
eof <- newIORef False
established <- newIORef False
stats <- newIORef newMeasurement
-- we enable the reception of SSLv2 ClientHello message only in the
-- server context, where we might be dealing with an old/compat client.
sslv2Compat <- newIORef (role == ServerRole)
needEmptyPacket <- newIORef False
hooks <- newIORef defaultHooks
tx <- newMVar newRecordState
rx <- newMVar newRecordState
hs <- newMVar Nothing
lockWrite <- newMVar ()
lockRead <- newMVar ()
lockState <- newMVar ()
return $ Context
{ ctxConnection = getBackend backend
, ctxShared = shared
, ctxSupported = supported
, ctxCommonHooks = commonHooks
, ctxCiphers = ciphers
, ctxState = stvar
, ctxTxState = tx
, ctxRxState = rx
, ctxHandshake = hs
, ctxDoHandshake = doHandshake params
, ctxDoHandshakeWith = doHandshakeWith params
, ctxMeasurement = stats
, ctxEOF_ = eof
, ctxEstablished_ = established
, ctxSSLv2ClientHello = sslv2Compat
, ctxNeedEmptyPacket = needEmptyPacket
, ctxHooks = hooks
, ctxLockWrite = lockWrite
, ctxLockRead = lockRead
, ctxLockState = lockState
-- | create a new context on an handle.
contextNewOnHandle :: (MonadIO m, CPRG rng)
contextNewOnHandle :: (MonadIO m, CPRG rng, TLSParams params)
=> Handle -- ^ Handle of the connection.
-> Params -- ^ Parameters of the context.
-> params -- ^ Parameters of the context.
-> rng -- ^ Random number generator associated with this context.
-> m Context
contextNewOnHandle handle params st = contextNew handle params st
{-# DEPRECATED contextNewOnHandle "use contextNew" #-}
-- | create a new context on a socket.
contextNewOnSocket :: (MonadIO m, CPRG rng)
contextNewOnSocket :: (MonadIO m, CPRG rng, TLSParams params)
=> Socket -- ^ Socket of the connection.
-> Params -- ^ Parameters of the context.
-> params -- ^ Parameters of the context.
-> rng -- ^ Random number generator associated with this context.
-> m Context
contextNewOnSocket sock params st = contextNew sock params st
@ -305,62 +207,3 @@ contextNewOnSocket sock params st = contextNew sock params st
contextHookSetHandshakeRecv :: Context -> (Handshake -> IO Handshake) -> IO ()
contextHookSetHandshakeRecv context f =
liftIO $ modifyIORef (ctxHooks context) (\hooks -> hooks { hookRecvHandshake = f })
throwCore :: (MonadIO m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwCore = liftIO . throwIO
failOnEitherError :: MonadIO m => m (Either TLSError a) -> m a
failOnEitherError f = do
ret <- f
case ret of
Left err -> throwCore err
Right r -> return r
usingState :: Context -> TLSSt a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
usingState ctx f =
modifyMVar (ctxState ctx) $ \st ->
let (a, newst) = runTLSState f st
in newst `seq` return (newst, a)
usingState_ :: Context -> TLSSt a -> IO a
usingState_ ctx f = failOnEitherError $ usingState ctx f
usingHState :: Context -> HandshakeM a -> IO a
usingHState ctx f = liftIO $ modifyMVar (ctxHandshake ctx) $ \mst ->
case mst of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Misc "missing handshake"
Just st -> return $ swap (Just `fmap` runHandshake st f)
getHState :: Context -> IO (Maybe HandshakeState)
getHState ctx = liftIO $ readMVar (ctxHandshake ctx)
runTxState :: Context -> RecordM a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
runTxState ctx f = do
ver <- usingState_ ctx (getVersionWithDefault $ maximum $ pAllowedVersions $ ctxParams ctx)
modifyMVar (ctxTxState ctx) $ \st ->
case runRecordM f ver st of
Left err -> return (st, Left err)
Right (a, newSt) -> return (newSt, Right a)
runRxState :: Context -> RecordM a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
runRxState ctx f = do
ver <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
modifyMVar (ctxRxState ctx) $ \st ->
case runRecordM f ver st of
Left err -> return (st, Left err)
Right (a, newSt) -> return (newSt, Right a)
getStateRNG :: Context -> Int -> IO Bytes
getStateRNG ctx n = usingState_ ctx $ genRandom n
withReadLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withReadLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockRead ctx) (const f)
withWriteLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withWriteLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockWrite ctx) (const f)
withRWLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withRWLock ctx f = withReadLock ctx $ withWriteLock ctx f
withStateLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withStateLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockState ctx) (const f)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Context.Internal
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Context.Internal
-- * Context configuration
, ServerParams(..)
, defaultParamsClient
, SessionID
, SessionData(..)
, MaxFragmentEnum(..)
, Measurement(..)
-- * Context object and accessor
, Context(..)
, Hooks(..)
, ctxEOF
, ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello
, ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello
, ctxEstablished
, ctxLogging
, ctxWithHooks
, modifyHooks
, setEOF
, setEstablished
, contextFlush
, contextClose
, contextSend
, contextRecv
, updateMeasure
, withMeasure
, withReadLock
, withWriteLock
, withStateLock
, withRWLock
-- * information
, Information(..)
, contextGetInformation
-- * Using context states
, throwCore
, usingState
, usingState_
, runTxState
, runRxState
, usingHState
, getHState
, getStateRNG
) where
import Network.TLS.Backend
import Network.TLS.Extension
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Compression (Compression)
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Hooks
import Network.TLS.Record.State
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception())
import Data.IORef
import Data.Tuple
-- | Information related to a running context, e.g. current cipher
data Information = Information
{ infoVersion :: Version
, infoCipher :: Cipher
, infoCompression :: Compression
} deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | A TLS Context keep tls specific state, parameters and backend information.
data Context = Context
{ ctxConnection :: Backend -- ^ return the backend object associated with this context
, ctxSupported :: Supported
, ctxShared :: Shared
, ctxCommonHooks :: CommonHooks
, ctxCiphers :: [Cipher] -- ^ prepared list of allowed ciphers according to parameters
, ctxState :: MVar TLSState
, ctxMeasurement :: IORef Measurement
, ctxEOF_ :: IORef Bool -- ^ has the handle EOFed or not.
, ctxEstablished_ :: IORef Bool -- ^ has the handshake been done and been successful.
, ctxNeedEmptyPacket :: IORef Bool -- ^ empty packet workaround for CBC guessability.
, ctxSSLv2ClientHello :: IORef Bool -- ^ enable the reception of compatibility SSLv2 client hello.
-- the flag will be set to false regardless of its initial value
-- after the first packet received.
, ctxTxState :: MVar RecordState -- ^ current tx state
, ctxRxState :: MVar RecordState -- ^ current rx state
, ctxHandshake :: MVar (Maybe HandshakeState) -- ^ optional handshake state
, ctxDoHandshake :: Context -> IO ()
, ctxDoHandshakeWith :: Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
, ctxHooks :: IORef Hooks -- ^ hooks for this context
, ctxLockWrite :: MVar () -- ^ lock to use for writing data (including updating the state)
, ctxLockRead :: MVar () -- ^ lock to use for reading data (including updating the state)
, ctxLockState :: MVar () -- ^ lock used during read/write when receiving and sending packet.
-- it is usually nested in a write or read lock.
updateMeasure :: Context -> (Measurement -> Measurement) -> IO ()
updateMeasure ctx f = do
x <- readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx)
writeIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) $! f x
withMeasure :: Context -> (Measurement -> IO a) -> IO a
withMeasure ctx f = readIORef (ctxMeasurement ctx) >>= f
contextFlush :: Context -> IO ()
contextFlush = backendFlush . ctxConnection
contextClose :: Context -> IO ()
contextClose = backendClose . ctxConnection
-- | Information about the current context
contextGetInformation :: Context -> IO (Maybe Information)
contextGetInformation ctx = do
ver <- usingState_ ctx $ gets stVersion
(cipher,comp) <- failOnEitherError $ runRxState ctx $ gets $ \st -> (stCipher st, stCompression st)
case (ver, cipher) of
(Just v, Just c) -> return $ Just $ Information v c comp
_ -> return Nothing
contextSend :: Context -> Bytes -> IO ()
contextSend c b = updateMeasure c (addBytesSent $ B.length b) >> (backendSend $ ctxConnection c) b
contextRecv :: Context -> Int -> IO Bytes
contextRecv c sz = updateMeasure c (addBytesReceived sz) >> (backendRecv $ ctxConnection c) sz
ctxEOF :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxEOF ctx = readIORef $ ctxEOF_ ctx
ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxHasSSLv2ClientHello ctx = readIORef $ ctxSSLv2ClientHello ctx
ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello :: Context -> IO ()
ctxDisableSSLv2ClientHello ctx = writeIORef (ctxSSLv2ClientHello ctx) False
setEOF :: Context -> IO ()
setEOF ctx = writeIORef (ctxEOF_ ctx) True
ctxEstablished :: Context -> IO Bool
ctxEstablished ctx = readIORef $ ctxEstablished_ ctx
ctxWithHooks :: Context -> (Hooks -> IO a) -> IO a
ctxWithHooks ctx f = readIORef (ctxHooks ctx) >>= f
modifyHooks :: Context -> (Hooks -> Hooks) -> IO ()
modifyHooks ctx f = modifyIORef (ctxHooks ctx) f
setEstablished :: Context -> Bool -> IO ()
setEstablished ctx v = writeIORef (ctxEstablished_ ctx) v
ctxLogging :: Context -> Logging
ctxLogging = logging . ctxCommonHooks
throwCore :: (MonadIO m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwCore = liftIO . throwIO
failOnEitherError :: MonadIO m => m (Either TLSError a) -> m a
failOnEitherError f = do
ret <- f
case ret of
Left err -> throwCore err
Right r -> return r
usingState :: Context -> TLSSt a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
usingState ctx f =
modifyMVar (ctxState ctx) $ \st ->
let (a, newst) = runTLSState f st
in newst `seq` return (newst, a)
usingState_ :: Context -> TLSSt a -> IO a
usingState_ ctx f = failOnEitherError $ usingState ctx f
usingHState :: Context -> HandshakeM a -> IO a
usingHState ctx f = liftIO $ modifyMVar (ctxHandshake ctx) $ \mst ->
case mst of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Misc "missing handshake"
Just st -> return $ swap (Just `fmap` runHandshake st f)
getHState :: Context -> IO (Maybe HandshakeState)
getHState ctx = liftIO $ readMVar (ctxHandshake ctx)
runTxState :: Context -> RecordM a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
runTxState ctx f = do
ver <- usingState_ ctx (getVersionWithDefault $ maximum $ supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx)
modifyMVar (ctxTxState ctx) $ \st ->
case runRecordM f ver st of
Left err -> return (st, Left err)
Right (a, newSt) -> return (newSt, Right a)
runRxState :: Context -> RecordM a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
runRxState ctx f = do
ver <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
modifyMVar (ctxRxState ctx) $ \st ->
case runRecordM f ver st of
Left err -> return (st, Left err)
Right (a, newSt) -> return (newSt, Right a)
getStateRNG :: Context -> Int -> IO Bytes
getStateRNG ctx n = usingState_ ctx $ genRandom n
withReadLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withReadLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockRead ctx) (const f)
withWriteLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withWriteLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockWrite ctx) (const f)
withRWLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withRWLock ctx f = withReadLock ctx $ withWriteLock ctx f
withStateLock :: Context -> IO a -> IO a
withStateLock ctx f = withMVar (ctxLockState ctx) (const f)

View file

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module Network.TLS.Core
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.State (getSession)
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.IO
import Network.TLS.Session
import Network.TLS.Handshake
@ -79,17 +80,22 @@ recvData ctx = liftIO $ do
terminate err AlertLevel_Fatal InternalError (show err)
process (Handshake [ch@(ClientHello {})]) =
-- on server context receiving a client hello == renegotiation
withRWLock ctx ((ctxDoHandshakeWith ctx) ctx ch) >> recvData ctx
case roleParams $ ctxParams ctx of
Server sparams -> withRWLock ctx (handshakeServerWith sparams ctx ch) >> recvData ctx
Client {} -> let reason = "unexpected client hello in client context" in
terminate (Error_Misc reason) AlertLevel_Fatal UnexpectedMessage reason
process (Handshake [HelloRequest]) =
process (Handshake [hr@HelloRequest]) =
withRWLock ctx ((ctxDoHandshakeWith ctx) ctx hr) >> recvData ctx
-- on client context, receiving a hello request == renegotiation
case roleParams $ ctxParams ctx of
Server {} -> let reason = "unexpected hello request in server context" in
terminate (Error_Misc reason) AlertLevel_Fatal UnexpectedMessage reason
Client cparams -> withRWLock ctx (handshakeClient cparams ctx) >> recvData ctx
process (Alert [(AlertLevel_Warning, CloseNotify)]) = tryBye >> setEOF ctx >> return B.empty
process (Alert [(AlertLevel_Fatal, desc)]) = do
@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ recvData ctx = liftIO $ do
session <- usingState_ ctx getSession
case session of
Session Nothing -> return ()
Session (Just sid) -> withSessionManager (ctxParams ctx) (\s -> sessionInvalidate s sid)
Session (Just sid) -> sessionInvalidate (sharedSessionManager $ ctxShared ctx) sid
catchException (sendPacket ctx $ Alert [(level, desc)]) (\_ -> return ())
setEOF ctx
E.throwIO (Terminated False reason err)

View file

@ -7,11 +7,13 @@
module Network.TLS.Handshake
( handshake
, handshakeClientWith
, handshakeServerWith
, handshakeClient
, handshakeServer
) where
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.IO
import Network.TLS.Util (catchException)
@ -26,11 +28,8 @@ import Control.Exception (fromException)
-- | Handshake for a new TLS connection
-- This is to be called at the beginning of a connection, and during renegotiation
handshake :: MonadIO m => Context -> m ()
handshake ctx = do
let handshakeF = case roleParams $ ctxParams ctx of
Server sparams -> handshakeServer sparams
Client cparams -> handshakeClient cparams
liftIO $ handleException $ withRWLock ctx (handshakeF ctx)
handshake ctx =
liftIO $ handleException $ withRWLock ctx (ctxDoHandshake ctx $ ctx)
where handleException f = catchException f $ \exception -> do
let tlserror = maybe (Error_Misc $ show exception) id $ fromException exception
setEstablished ctx False

View file

@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ module Network.TLS.Handshake.Certificate
, rejectOnException
) where
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.X509
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
@ -26,5 +27,5 @@ certificateRejected CertificateRejectUnknownCA =
certificateRejected (CertificateRejectOther s) =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate rejected: " ++ s, True, CertificateUnknown)
rejectOnException :: SomeException -> IO TLSCertificateUsage
rejectOnException :: SomeException -> IO CertificateUsage
rejectOnException e = return $ CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectOther $ show e

View file

@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
module Network.TLS.Handshake.Client
( handshakeClient
, handshakeClientWith
) where
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Compression
@ -41,6 +43,10 @@ import Network.TLS.Handshake.Signature
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Key
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
handshakeClientWith :: ClientParams -> Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
handshakeClientWith cparams ctx HelloRequest = handshakeClient cparams ctx
handshakeClientWith _ _ _ = throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unexpected handshake message received in handshakeClientWith", True, HandshakeFailure)
-- client part of handshake. send a bunch of handshake of client
-- values intertwined with response from the server.
handshakeClient :: ClientParams -> Context -> IO ()
@ -50,31 +56,32 @@ handshakeClient cparams ctx = do
recvServerHello sentExtensions
sessionResuming <- usingState_ ctx isSessionResuming
if sessionResuming
then sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx ClientRole
then sendChangeCipherAndFinish sendMaybeNPN ctx ClientRole
else do sendClientData cparams ctx
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx ClientRole
sendChangeCipherAndFinish sendMaybeNPN ctx ClientRole
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
handshakeTerminate ctx
where params = ctxParams ctx
ciphers = pCiphers params
compressions = pCompressions params
where ciphers = ctxCiphers ctx
compressions = supportedCompressions $ ctxSupported ctx
getExtensions = sequence [sniExtension,secureReneg,npnExtention] >>= return . catMaybes
toExtensionRaw :: Extension e => e -> ExtensionRaw
toExtensionRaw ext = (extensionID ext, extensionEncode ext)
secureReneg =
if pUseSecureRenegotiation params
if supportedSecureRenegotiation $ ctxSupported ctx
then usingState_ ctx (getVerifiedData ClientRole) >>= \vd -> return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ SecureRenegotiation vd Nothing
else return Nothing
npnExtention = if isJust $ onNPNServerSuggest cparams
npnExtention = if isJust $ onNPNServerSuggest $ clientHooks cparams
then return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ NextProtocolNegotiation []
else return Nothing
sniExtension = return ((\h -> toExtensionRaw $ ServerName [(ServerNameHostName h)]) <$> clientUseServerName cparams)
sniExtension = if clientUseServerNameIndication cparams
then return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ ServerName [ServerNameHostName $ fst $ clientServerIdentification cparams]
else return Nothing
sendClientHello = do
crand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ClientRandom
let clientSession = Session . maybe Nothing (Just . fst) $ clientWantSessionResume cparams
highestVer = maximum $ pAllowedVersions params
highestVer = maximum $ supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx
extensions <- getExtensions
startHandshake ctx highestVer crand
usingState_ ctx $ setVersionIfUnset highestVer
@ -84,6 +91,18 @@ handshakeClient cparams ctx = do
return $ map fst extensions
sendMaybeNPN = do
suggest <- usingState_ ctx $ getServerNextProtocolSuggest
case (onNPNServerSuggest $ clientHooks cparams, suggest) of
-- client offered, server picked up. send NPN handshake.
(Just io, Just protos) -> do proto <- liftIO $ io protos
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [HsNextProtocolNegotiation proto])
usingState_ ctx $ setNegotiatedProtocol proto
-- client offered, server didn't pick up. do nothing.
(Just _, Nothing) -> return ()
-- client didn't offer. do nothing.
(Nothing, _) -> return ()
recvServerHello sentExts = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake $ onServerHello ctx cparams sentExts)
-- | send client Data after receiving all server data (hello/certificates/key).
@ -108,7 +127,7 @@ sendClientData cparams ctx = sendCertificate >> sendClientKeyXchg >> sendCertifi
return ()
Just req -> do
certChain <- liftIO $ onCertificateRequest cparams req `catchException`
certChain <- liftIO $ (onCertificateRequest $ clientHooks cparams) req `catchException`
throwMiscErrorOnException "certificate request callback failed"
usingHState ctx $ setClientCertSent False
@ -176,7 +195,7 @@ sendClientData cparams ctx = sendCertificate >> sendClientKeyXchg >> sendCertifi
malg <- case usedVersion of
TLS12 -> do
Just (_, Just hashSigs, _) <- usingHState ctx $ getClientCertRequest
let suppHashSigs = pHashSignatures $ ctxParams ctx
let suppHashSigs = supportedHashSignatures $ ctxSupported ctx
hashSigs' = filter (\ a -> a `elem` hashSigs) suppHashSigs
when (null hashSigs') $
@ -218,14 +237,14 @@ throwMiscErrorOnException msg e =
onServerHello :: Context -> ClientParams -> [ExtensionID] -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
onServerHello ctx cparams sentExts (ServerHello rver serverRan serverSession cipher compression exts) = do
when (rver == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("ssl2 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
case find ((==) rver) allowedvers of
case find ((==) rver) (supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx) of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server version " ++ show rver ++ " is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
Just _ -> return ()
-- find the compression and cipher methods that the server want to use.
cipherAlg <- case find ((==) cipher . cipherID) ciphers of
cipherAlg <- case find ((==) cipher . cipherID) (ctxCiphers ctx) of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server choose unknown cipher", True, HandshakeFailure)
Just alg -> return alg
compressAlg <- case find ((==) compression . compressionID) compressions of
compressAlg <- case find ((==) compression . compressionID) (supportedCompressions $ ctxSupported ctx) of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("server choose unknown compression", True, HandshakeFailure)
Just alg -> return alg
@ -251,25 +270,25 @@ onServerHello ctx cparams sentExts (ServerHello rver serverRan serverSession cip
_ -> return ()
case resumingSession of
Nothing -> return $ RecvStateHandshake (processCertificate ctx)
Nothing -> return $ RecvStateHandshake (processCertificate cparams ctx)
Just sessionData -> do
usingHState ctx (setMasterSecret rver ClientRole $ sessionSecret sessionData)
return $ RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher
where params = ctxParams ctx
allowedvers = pAllowedVersions params
ciphers = pCiphers params
compressions = pCompressions params
onServerHello _ _ _ p = unexpected (show p) (Just "server hello")
processCertificate :: Context -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
processCertificate ctx (Certificates certs) = do
usage <- liftIO $ catchException (onCertificatesRecv params certs) rejectOnException
processCertificate :: ClientParams -> Context -> Handshake -> IO (RecvState IO)
processCertificate cparams ctx (Certificates certs) = do
usage <- catchException (wrapCertificateChecks <$> checkCert) rejectOnException
case usage of
CertificateUsageAccept -> return ()
CertificateUsageReject reason -> certificateRejected reason
return $ RecvStateHandshake (processServerKeyExchange ctx)
where params = ctxParams ctx
processCertificate ctx p = processServerKeyExchange ctx p
where shared = clientShared cparams
checkCert = (onServerCertificate $ clientHooks cparams) (sharedCAStore shared)
(sharedValidationCache shared)
(clientServerIdentification cparams)
processCertificate _ ctx p = processServerKeyExchange ctx p
expectChangeCipher :: Packet -> IO (RecvState IO)
expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish

View file

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module Network.TLS.Handshake.Common
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Session
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.IO
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ unexpected msg expected = throwCore $ Error_Packet_unexpected msg (maybe "" (" e
newSession :: Context -> IO Session
newSession ctx
| pUseSession $ ctxParams ctx = getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . Session . Just
| supportedSession $ ctxSupported ctx = getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . Session . Just
| otherwise = return $ Session Nothing
-- | when a new handshake is done, wrap up & clean up.
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ handshakeTerminate ctx = do
case session of
Session (Just sessionId) -> do
sessionData <- getSessionData ctx
withSessionManager (ctxParams ctx) (\s -> liftIO $ sessionEstablish s sessionId (fromJust "session-data" sessionData))
liftIO $ sessionEstablish (sharedSessionManager $ ctxShared ctx) sessionId (fromJust "session-data" sessionData)
_ -> return ()
-- forget all handshake data now and reset bytes counters.
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ (ctxHandshake ctx) (return . const Nothing)
@ -65,24 +66,14 @@ handshakeTerminate ctx = do
setEstablished ctx True
return ()
sendChangeCipherAndFinish :: Context -> Role -> IO ()
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx role = do
sendChangeCipherAndFinish :: IO () -- ^ message possibly sent between ChangeCipherSpec and Finished.
-> Context
-> Role
-> IO ()
sendChangeCipherAndFinish betweenCall ctx role = do
sendPacket ctx ChangeCipherSpec
when (role == ClientRole) $ do
let cparams = getClientParams $ ctxParams ctx
suggest <- usingState_ ctx $ getServerNextProtocolSuggest
case (onNPNServerSuggest cparams, suggest) of
-- client offered, server picked up. send NPN handshake.
(Just io, Just protos) -> do proto <- liftIO $ io protos
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [HsNextProtocolNegotiation proto])
usingState_ ctx $ setNegotiatedProtocol proto
-- client offered, server didn't pick up. do nothing.
(Just _, Nothing) -> return ()
-- client didn't offer. do nothing.
(Nothing, _) -> return ()
liftIO $ contextFlush ctx
cf <- usingState_ ctx getVersion >>= \ver -> usingHState ctx $ getHandshakeDigest ver role
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [Finished cf])
liftIO $ contextFlush ctx

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.State (withRNG, getVersion)
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Types
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
{- if the RSA encryption fails we just return an empty bytestring, and let the protocol
- fail by itself; however it would be probably better to just report it since it's an internal problem.

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Key

View file

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ module Network.TLS.Handshake.Server
, handshakeServerWith
) where
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Session
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Cipher
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ handshakeServer sparams ctx = liftIO $ do
handshakeServerWith :: ServerParams -> Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
handshakeServerWith sparams ctx clientHello@(ClientHello clientVersion _ clientSession ciphers compressions exts _) = do
-- check if policy allow this new handshake to happens
handshakeAuthorized <- withMeasure ctx (onHandshake $ ctxParams ctx)
handshakeAuthorized <- withMeasure ctx (onHandshake $ ctxCommonHooks ctx)
unless handshakeAuthorized (throwCore $ Error_HandshakePolicy "server: handshake denied")
updateMeasure ctx incrementNbHandshakes
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ handshakeServerWith sparams ctx clientHello@(ClientHello clientVersion _ clientS
processHandshake ctx clientHello
when (clientVersion == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("ssl2 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
chosenVersion <- case findHighestVersionFrom clientVersion (pAllowedVersions params) of
chosenVersion <- case findHighestVersionFrom clientVersion (supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx) of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("client version " ++ show clientVersion ++ " is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
Just v -> return v
@ -98,8 +99,8 @@ handshakeServerWith sparams ctx clientHello@(ClientHello clientVersion _ clientS
Error_Protocol ("no compression in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
let ciphersFilteredVersion = filter (cipherAllowedForVersion chosenVersion) commonCiphers
usedCipher = (onCipherChoosing sparams) chosenVersion ciphersFilteredVersion
creds = credentialsGet params
usedCipher = (onCipherChoosing $ serverHooks sparams) chosenVersion ciphersFilteredVersion
creds = sharedCredentials $ ctxShared ctx
cred <- case cipherKeyExchange usedCipher of
CipherKeyExchange_RSA -> return $ credentialsFindForDecrypting creds
CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon -> return $ Nothing
@ -108,20 +109,19 @@ handshakeServerWith sparams ctx clientHello@(ClientHello clientVersion _ clientS
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("key exchange algorithm not implemented", True, HandshakeFailure)
resumeSessionData <- case clientSession of
(Session (Just clientSessionId)) -> withSessionManager params (\s -> liftIO $ sessionResume s clientSessionId)
(Session (Just clientSessionId)) -> liftIO $ sessionResume (sharedSessionManager $ ctxShared ctx) clientSessionId
(Session Nothing) -> return Nothing
doHandshake sparams cred ctx chosenVersion usedCipher usedCompression clientSession resumeSessionData exts
params = ctxParams ctx
commonCipherIDs = intersect ciphers (map cipherID $ ctxCiphers ctx)
commonCiphers = filter (flip elem commonCipherIDs . cipherID) (ctxCiphers ctx)
commonCompressions = compressionIntersectID (pCompressions params) compressions
commonCompressions = compressionIntersectID (supportedCompressions $ ctxSupported ctx) compressions
usedCompression = head commonCompressions
handshakeServerWith _ _ _ = fail "unexpected handshake type received. expecting client hello"
handshakeServerWith _ _ _ = throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unexpected handshake message received in handshakeServerWith", True, HandshakeFailure)
doHandshake :: ServerParams -> Maybe Credential -> Context -> Version -> Cipher
-> Compression -> Session -> Maybe SessionData
@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ doHandshake sparams mcred ctx chosenVersion usedCipher usedCompression clientSes
liftIO $ contextFlush ctx
-- Receive client info until client Finished.
recvClientData sparams ctx
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx ServerRole
sendChangeCipherAndFinish (return ()) ctx ServerRole
Just sessionData -> do
usingState_ ctx (setSession clientSession True)
serverhello <- makeServerHello clientSession
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [serverhello]
usingHState ctx $ setMasterSecret chosenVersion ServerRole $ sessionSecret sessionData
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx ServerRole
sendChangeCipherAndFinish (return ()) ctx ServerRole
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
handshakeTerminate ctx
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ doHandshake sparams mcred ctx chosenVersion usedCipher usedCompression clientSes
else return []
nextProtocols <-
if clientRequestedNPN
then liftIO $ onSuggestNextProtocols sparams
then liftIO $ onSuggestNextProtocols $ serverHooks sparams
else return Nothing
npnExt <- case nextProtocols of
Just protos -> do usingState_ ctx $ do setExtensionNPN True
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ doHandshake sparams mcred ctx chosenVersion usedCipher usedCompression clientSes
let certTypes = [ CertificateType_RSA_Sign ]
hashSigs = if usedVersion < TLS12
then Nothing
else Just (pHashSignatures $ ctxParams ctx)
else Just (supportedHashSignatures $ ctxSupported ctx)
creq = CertRequest certTypes hashSigs
(map extractCAname $ serverCACertificates sparams)
usingHState ctx $ setCertReqSent True
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ doHandshake sparams mcred ctx chosenVersion usedCipher usedCompression clientSes
usedVersion <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
let mhash = case usedVersion of
TLS12 -> case filter ((==) sigAlg . snd) $ pHashSignatures $ ctxParams ctx of
TLS12 -> case filter ((==) sigAlg . snd) $ supportedHashSignatures $ ctxSupported ctx of
[] -> error ("no hash signature for " ++ show sigAlg)
x:_ -> Just (fst x)
_ -> Nothing
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ recvClientData sparams ctx = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake processClientC
-- Call application callback to see whether the
-- certificate chain is acceptable.
usage <- liftIO $ catchException (onClientCertificate sparams certs) rejectOnException
usage <- liftIO $ catchException (onClientCertificate (serverHooks sparams) certs) rejectOnException
case usage of
CertificateUsageAccept -> return ()
CertificateUsageReject reason -> certificateRejected reason
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ recvClientData sparams ctx = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake processClientC
-- the signature is wrong. In either case,
-- ask the application if it wants to
-- proceed, we will do that.
res <- liftIO $ onUnverifiedClientCert sparams
res <- liftIO $ onUnverifiedClientCert (serverHooks sparams)
if res
then do
-- When verification fails, but the

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Network.TLS.Handshake.Signature
import Crypto.PubKey.HashDescr
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Packet (generateCertificateVerify_SSL, encodeSignedDHParams)
import Network.TLS.State

View file

@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
module Network.TLS.Hooks
( Logging(..)
, defaultLogging
, Hooks(..)
, defaultHooks
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Network.TLS.Struct (Header, Handshake(..))
import Data.Default.Class
-- | Hooks for logging
data Logging = Logging
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ defaultLogging = Logging
, loggingIORecv = (\_ _ -> return ())
instance Default Logging where
def = defaultLogging
-- | A collection of hooks actions.
data Hooks = Hooks
{ hookRecvHandshake :: Handshake -> IO Handshake
@ -41,3 +44,5 @@ defaultHooks = Hooks
{ hookRecvHandshake = \hs -> return hs
instance Default Hooks where
def = defaultHooks

View file

@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ module Network.TLS.IO
, recvPacket
) where
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Record
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.Hooks
import Network.TLS.Sending
import Network.TLS.Receiving
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

View file

@ -5,33 +5,23 @@
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- extension RecordWildCards only needed because of some GHC bug
-- relative to insufficient polymorphic field
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.TLS.Parameters
-- * Parameters
, RoleParams(..)
, ClientParams(..)
, ServerParams(..)
, updateClientParams
, updateServerParams
, Logging(..)
, SessionID
, SessionData(..)
, CommonParams
, ClientHooks(..)
, ServerHooks(..)
, CommonHooks(..)
, Supported(..)
, Shared(..)
-- * special default
, defaultParamsClient
-- * Parameters
, MaxFragmentEnum(..)
, Measurement(..)
, Logging(..)
, CertificateUsage(..)
, CertificateRejectReason(..)
, defaultLogging
, defaultParamsClient
, defaultParamsServer
, withSessionManager
, setSessionManager
, getClientParams
, getServerParams
, credentialsGet
) where
import Network.BSD (HostName)
@ -48,15 +38,137 @@ import Network.TLS.Hooks
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.X509
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
type CommonParams = (Supported, Shared, CommonHooks)
data ClientParams = ClientParams
{ clientUseMaxFragmentLength :: Maybe MaxFragmentEnum
, clientUseServerName :: Maybe HostName
, clientWantSessionResume :: Maybe (SessionID, SessionData) -- ^ try to establish a connection using this session.
-- | Define the name of the server, along with an extra service identification blob.
-- this is important that the hostname part is properly filled for security reason,
-- as it allow to properly associate the remote side with the given certificate
-- during a handshake.
-- The extra blob is useful to differentiate services running on the same host, but that
-- might have different certificates given. It's only used as part of the X509 validation
-- infrastructure.
, clientServerIdentification :: (HostName, Bytes)
-- | Allow the use of the Server Name Indication TLS extension during handshake, which allow
-- the client to specify which host name, it's trying to access. This is useful to distinguish
-- CNAME aliasing (e.g. web virtual host).
, clientUseServerNameIndication :: Bool
-- | try to establish a connection using this session.
, clientWantSessionResume :: Maybe (SessionID, SessionData)
, clientShared :: Shared
, clientHooks :: ClientHooks
, clientCommonHooks :: CommonHooks
, clientSupported :: Supported
} deriving (Show)
-- | This action is called when the server sends a
defaultParamsClient :: HostName -> Bytes -> ClientParams
defaultParamsClient serverName serverId = ClientParams
{ clientWantSessionResume = Nothing
, clientUseMaxFragmentLength = Nothing
, clientServerIdentification = (serverName, serverId)
, clientUseServerNameIndication = True
, clientShared = def
, clientHooks = def
, clientCommonHooks = def
, clientSupported = def
data ServerParams = ServerParams
{ -- | request a certificate from client.
serverWantClientCert :: Bool
-- | This is a list of certificates from which the
-- disinguished names are sent in certificate request
-- messages. For TLS1.0, it should not be empty.
, serverCACertificates :: [SignedCertificate]
-- | Server Optional Diffie Hellman parameters. If this value is not
-- properly set, no Diffie Hellman key exchange will take place.
, serverDHEParams :: Maybe DHParams
, serverShared :: Shared
, serverHooks :: ServerHooks
, serverCommonHooks :: CommonHooks
, serverSupported :: Supported
} deriving (Show)
defaultParamsServer :: ServerParams
defaultParamsServer = ServerParams
{ serverWantClientCert = False
, serverCACertificates = []
, serverDHEParams = Nothing
, serverHooks = def
, serverShared = def
, serverCommonHooks = def
, serverSupported = def
instance Default ServerParams where
def = defaultParamsServer
-- | List all the supported algorithms, versions, ciphers, etc supported.
data Supported = Supported
-- | Supported Versions by this context
-- On the client side, the highest version will be used to establish the connection.
-- On the server side, the highest version that is less or equal than the client version will be chosed.
supportedVersions :: [Version]
-- | Supported cipher methods
, supportedCiphers :: [Cipher]
-- | supported compressions methods
, supportedCompressions :: [Compression]
-- | All supported hash/signature algorithms pair for client
-- certificate verification, ordered by decreasing priority.
, supportedHashSignatures :: [HashAndSignatureAlgorithm]
-- | Set if we support secure renegotiation.
, supportedSecureRenegotiation :: Bool
-- | Set if we support session.
, supportedSession :: Bool
} deriving (Show,Eq)
defaultSupported :: Supported
defaultSupported = Supported
{ supportedVersions = [TLS10,TLS11,TLS12]
, supportedCiphers = []
, supportedCompressions = [nullCompression]
, supportedHashSignatures = [ (Struct.HashSHA512, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA384, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA256, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA224, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA1, SignatureDSS)
, supportedSecureRenegotiation = True
, supportedSession = True
instance Default Supported where
def = defaultSupported
data Shared = Shared
{ sharedCredentials :: Credentials
, sharedSessionManager :: SessionManager
, sharedCAStore :: CertificateStore
, sharedValidationCache :: ValidationCache
instance Show Shared where
show _ = "Shared"
instance Default Shared where
def = Shared
{ sharedCAStore = mempty
, sharedCredentials = mempty
, sharedSessionManager = noSessionManager
, sharedValidationCache = def
-- | A set of callbacks run by the clients for various corners of TLS establishment
data ClientHooks = ClientHooks
{ -- | This action is called when the server sends a
-- certificate request. The parameter is the information
-- from the request. The action should select a certificate
-- chain of one of the given certificate types where the
@ -75,24 +187,32 @@ data ClientParams = ClientParams
-- Returning a certificate chain not matching the
-- distinguished names may lead to problems or not,
-- depending whether the server accepts it.
, onCertificateRequest :: ([CertificateType],
onCertificateRequest :: ([CertificateType],
Maybe [HashAndSignatureAlgorithm],
[DistinguishedName]) -> IO (Maybe (CertificateChain, PrivKey))
, onNPNServerSuggest :: Maybe ([B.ByteString] -> IO B.ByteString)
, onServerCertificate :: CertificateStore -> ValidationCache -> ServiceID -> CertificateChain -> IO [FailedReason]
data ServerParams = ServerParams
{ serverWantClientCert :: Bool -- ^ request a certificate from client.
defaultClientHooks :: ClientHooks
defaultClientHooks = ClientHooks
{ onCertificateRequest = \ _ -> return Nothing
, onNPNServerSuggest = Nothing
, onServerCertificate = validateDefault
-- | This is a list of certificates from which the
-- disinguished names are sent in certificate request
-- messages. For TLS1.0, it should not be empty.
, serverCACertificates :: [SignedCertificate]
instance Show ClientHooks where
show _ = "ClientHooks"
instance Default ClientHooks where
def = defaultClientHooks
-- | A set of callbacks run by the server for various corners of the TLS establishment
data ServerHooks = ServerHooks
-- | This action is called when a client certificate chain
-- is received from the client. When it returns a
-- CertificateUsageReject value, the handshake is aborted.
, onClientCertificate :: CertificateChain -> IO CertificateUsage
onClientCertificate :: CertificateChain -> IO CertificateUsage
-- | This action is called when the client certificate
-- cannot be verified. A 'Nothing' argument indicates a
@ -109,113 +229,35 @@ data ServerParams = ServerParams
-- The client cipher list cannot be empty.
, onCipherChoosing :: Version -> [Cipher] -> Cipher
-- | Server Optional Diffie Hellman parameters
, serverDHEParams :: Maybe DHParams
-- | suggested next protocols accoring to the next protocol negotiation extension.
, onSuggestNextProtocols :: IO (Maybe [B.ByteString])
data RoleParams = Client ClientParams | Server ServerParams
data Params = Params
{ pAllowedVersions :: [Version] -- ^ allowed versions that we can use.
-- the default version used for connection is the highest version in the list
, pCiphers :: [Cipher] -- ^ all ciphers supported ordered by priority.
, pCompressions :: [Compression] -- ^ all compression supported ordered by priority.
, pHashSignatures :: [HashAndSignatureAlgorithm] -- ^ All supported hash/signature algorithms pair for client certificate verification, ordered by decreasing priority.
, pUseSecureRenegotiation :: Bool -- ^ notify that we want to use secure renegotation
, pUseSession :: Bool -- ^ generate new session if specified
, pCertificates :: Maybe (CertificateChain, Maybe PrivKey) -- ^ the cert chain for this context with the associated keys if any.
, pCredentials :: Credentials -- ^ credentials
, pLogging :: Logging -- ^ callback for logging
, onHandshake :: Measurement -> IO Bool -- ^ callback on a beggining of handshake
, onCertificatesRecv :: CertificateChain -> IO CertificateUsage -- ^ callback to verify received cert chain.
, pSessionManager :: SessionManager
, roleParams :: RoleParams
{-# DEPRECATED pCertificates "use pCredentials instead of pCertificates. removed in tls-1.3" #-}
credentialsGet :: Params -> Credentials
credentialsGet params = pCredentials params `mappend`
case pCertificates params of
Just (cchain, Just priv) -> Credentials [(cchain, priv)]
_ -> Credentials []
-- | Set a new session manager in a parameters structure.
setSessionManager :: SessionManager -> Params -> Params
setSessionManager manager (Params {..}) = Params { pSessionManager = manager, .. }
withSessionManager :: Params -> (SessionManager -> a) -> a
withSessionManager (Params { pSessionManager = man }) f = f man
getClientParams :: Params -> ClientParams
getClientParams params =
case roleParams params of
Client clientParams -> clientParams
_ -> error "server params in client context"
getServerParams :: Params -> ServerParams
getServerParams params =
case roleParams params of
Server serverParams -> serverParams
_ -> error "client params in server context"
defaultParamsClient :: Params
defaultParamsClient = Params
{ pAllowedVersions = [TLS10,TLS11,TLS12]
, pCiphers = []
, pCompressions = [nullCompression]
, pHashSignatures = [ (Struct.HashSHA512, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA384, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA256, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA224, SignatureRSA)
, (Struct.HashSHA1, SignatureDSS)
, pUseSecureRenegotiation = True
, pUseSession = True
, pCertificates = Nothing
, pCredentials = mempty
, pLogging = defaultLogging
, onHandshake = (\_ -> return True)
, onCertificatesRecv = (\_ -> return CertificateUsageAccept)
, pSessionManager = noSessionManager
, roleParams = Client $ ClientParams
{ clientWantSessionResume = Nothing
, clientUseMaxFragmentLength = Nothing
, clientUseServerName = Nothing
, onCertificateRequest = \ _ -> return Nothing
, onNPNServerSuggest = Nothing
defaultParamsServer :: Params
defaultParamsServer = defaultParamsClient { roleParams = Server role }
where role = ServerParams
{ serverWantClientCert = False
, onCipherChoosing = \_ -> head
, serverCACertificates = []
, serverDHEParams = Nothing
defaultServerHooks :: ServerHooks
defaultServerHooks = ServerHooks
{ onCipherChoosing = \_ -> head
, onClientCertificate = \_ -> return $ CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectOther "no client certificates expected"
, onUnverifiedClientCert = return False
, onSuggestNextProtocols = return Nothing
updateRoleParams :: (ClientParams -> ClientParams) -> (ServerParams -> ServerParams) -> Params -> Params
updateRoleParams fc fs params = case roleParams params of
Client c -> params { roleParams = Client (fc c) }
Server s -> params { roleParams = Server (fs s) }
instance Show ServerHooks where
show _ = "ClientHooks"
instance Default ServerHooks where
def = defaultServerHooks
updateClientParams :: (ClientParams -> ClientParams) -> Params -> Params
updateClientParams f = updateRoleParams f id
data CommonHooks = CommonHooks
{ onCertificatesRecv :: CertificateChain -> IO CertificateUsage -- ^ callback to verify received cert chain.
, onHandshake :: Measurement -> IO Bool -- ^ callback on a beggining of handshake
, logging :: Logging -- ^ callback for logging
updateServerParams :: (ServerParams -> ServerParams) -> Params -> Params
updateServerParams f = updateRoleParams id f
instance Show CommonHooks where
show _ = "CommonHooks"
instance Show Params where
show p = "Params { " ++ (intercalate "," $ map (\(k,v) -> k ++ "=" ++ v)
[ ("allowedVersions", show $ pAllowedVersions p)
, ("ciphers", show $ pCiphers p)
, ("compressions", show $ pCompressions p)
, ("certificates", show $ pCertificates p)
]) ++ " }"
instance Default CommonHooks where
def = CommonHooks
{ onCertificatesRecv = \_ -> return CertificateUsageAccept
, logging = def
, onHandshake = \_ -> return True

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Record
import Network.TLS.Packet

View file

@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ import Network.TLS.Cap
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Record
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Cipher
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ writePacket ctx pkt = do
-- so we use cstIV as is, however in other case we generate an explicit IV
prepareRecord :: Context -> RecordM a -> IO (Either TLSError a)
prepareRecord ctx f = do
ver <- usingState_ ctx (getVersionWithDefault $ maximum $ pAllowedVersions $ ctxParams ctx)
ver <- usingState_ ctx (getVersionWithDefault $ maximum $ supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx)
txState <- readMVar $ ctxTxState ctx
let sz = case stCipher $ txState of
Nothing -> 0

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ data SessionData = SessionData
{ sessionVersion :: Version
, sessionCipher :: CipherID
, sessionSecret :: ByteString
} deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | Cipher identification
type CipherID = Word16

View file

@ -16,9 +16,18 @@ module Network.TLS.X509
, getCertificateChainLeaf
, CertificateRejectReason(..)
, CertificateUsage(..)
, CertificateStore
, ValidationCache
, exceptionValidationCache
, validateDefault
, FailedReason
, ServiceID
, wrapCertificateChecks
) where
import Data.X509
import Data.X509.Validation
import Data.X509.CertificateStore
isNullCertificateChain :: CertificateChain -> Bool
isNullCertificateChain (CertificateChain l) = null l
@ -41,3 +50,10 @@ data CertificateUsage =
| CertificateUsageReject CertificateRejectReason -- ^ usage of certificate rejected
deriving (Show,Eq)
wrapCertificateChecks :: [FailedReason] -> CertificateUsage
wrapCertificateChecks [] = CertificateUsageAccept
wrapCertificateChecks l
| Expired `elem` l = CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectExpired
| InFuture `elem` l = CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectExpired
| UnknownCA `elem` l = CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectUnknownCA
| otherwise = CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectOther (show l)

View file

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import PubKey
import PipeChan
import Network.TLS
import Data.X509
import Data.X509.Validation
import Data.Default.Class
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent
@ -70,11 +72,11 @@ streamCipher = blockCipher
supportedCiphers :: [Cipher]
supportedCiphers = [blockCipher,blockCipherDHE_RSA,blockCipherDHE_DSS,streamCipher]
knownCiphers :: [Cipher]
knownCiphers = [blockCipher,blockCipherDHE_RSA,blockCipherDHE_DSS,streamCipher]
supportedVersions :: [Version]
supportedVersions = [SSL3,TLS10,TLS11,TLS12]
knownVersions :: [Version]
knownVersions = [SSL3,TLS10,TLS11,TLS12]
arbitraryPairParams = do
(dsaPub, dsaPriv) <- (\(p,r) -> (PubKeyDSA p, PrivKeyDSA r)) <$> arbitraryDSAPair
@ -83,44 +85,54 @@ arbitraryPairParams = do
cert <- arbitraryX509WithKey (pub, priv)
return (CertificateChain [cert], priv)
) [ (pubKey, privKey), (dsaPub, dsaPriv) ]
connectVersion <- elements supportedVersions
let allowedVersions = [ v | v <- supportedVersions, v <= connectVersion ]
connectVersion <- elements knownVersions
let allowedVersions = [ v | v <- knownVersions, v <= connectVersion ]
serAllowedVersions <- (:[]) `fmap` elements allowedVersions
serverCiphers <- arbitraryCiphers
clientCiphers <- oneof [arbitraryCiphers] `suchThat` (\cs -> or [x `elem` serverCiphers | x <- cs])
secNeg <- arbitrary
--let cred = (CertificateChain [servCert], PrivKeyRSA privKey)
let serverState = defaultParamsServer
{ pAllowedVersions = serAllowedVersions
, pCiphers = serverCiphers
, pCredentials = Credentials creds
, pUseSecureRenegotiation = secNeg
, pLogging = logging "server: "
, roleParams = roleParams $ updateServerParams (\sp -> sp { serverDHEParams = Just dhParams }) defaultParamsServer
-- , pLogging = logging "server: "
-- , pLogging = logging "client: "
let serverState = def
{ serverSupported = def { supportedCiphers = serverCiphers
, supportedVersions = serAllowedVersions
, supportedSecureRenegotiation = secNeg
, serverDHEParams = Just dhParams
, serverShared = def { sharedCredentials = Credentials creds }
let clientState = (defaultParamsClient "" B.empty)
{ clientSupported = def { supportedCiphers = clientCiphers
, supportedVersions = allowedVersions
, supportedSecureRenegotiation = secNeg
, clientShared = def { sharedValidationCache = ValidationCache
{ cacheAdd = \_ _ _ -> return ()
, cacheQuery = \_ _ _ -> return ValidationCachePass
let clientState = defaultParamsClient
{ pAllowedVersions = allowedVersions
, pCiphers = clientCiphers
, pUseSecureRenegotiation = secNeg
, pLogging = logging "client: "
return (clientState, serverState)
logging pre =
if debug
then defaultLogging { loggingPacketSent = putStrLn . ((pre ++ ">> ") ++)
then def { loggingPacketSent = putStrLn . ((pre ++ ">> ") ++)
, loggingPacketRecv = putStrLn . ((pre ++ "<< ") ++) }
else defaultLogging
arbitraryCiphers = resize (length supportedCiphers + 1) $ listOf1 (elements supportedCiphers)
else def
arbitraryCiphers = resize (length knownCiphers + 1) $ listOf1 (elements knownCiphers)
setPairParamsSessionManager :: SessionManager -> (Params, Params) -> (Params, Params)
setPairParamsSessionManager :: SessionManager -> (ClientParams, ServerParams) -> (ClientParams, ServerParams)
setPairParamsSessionManager manager (clientState, serverState) = (nc,ns)
where nc = setSessionManager manager clientState
ns = setSessionManager manager serverState
where nc = clientState { clientShared = updateSessionManager $ clientShared clientState }
ns = serverState { serverShared = updateSessionManager $ serverShared serverState }
updateSessionManager shared = shared { sharedSessionManager = manager }
setPairParamsSessionResuming sessionStuff (clientState, serverState) = (nc,serverState)
where nc = updateClientParams (\cparams -> cparams { clientWantSessionResume = Just sessionStuff }) clientState
setPairParamsSessionResuming sessionStuff (clientState, serverState) =
( clientState { clientWantSessionResume = Just sessionStuff }
, serverState)
newPairContext pipe (cParams, sParams) = do
let noFlush = return ()

View file

@ -72,8 +72,12 @@ prop_handshake_initiate = do
prop_handshake_npn_initiate :: PropertyM IO ()
prop_handshake_npn_initiate = do
(clientParam,serverParam) <- pick arbitraryPairParams
let clientParam' = updateClientParams (\cp -> cp { onNPNServerSuggest = Just $ \protos -> return (head protos) }) clientParam
serverParam' = updateServerParams (\sp -> sp { onSuggestNextProtocols = return $ Just [C8.pack "spdy/2", C8.pack "http/1.1"] }) serverParam
let clientParam' = clientParam { clientHooks = (clientHooks clientParam)
{ onNPNServerSuggest = Just $ \protos -> return (head protos) }
serverParam' = serverParam { serverHooks = (serverHooks serverParam)
{ onSuggestNextProtocols = return $ Just [C8.pack "spdy/2", C8.pack "http/1.1"] }
params' = (clientParam',serverParam')
runTLSPipe params' tlsServer tlsClient
where tlsServer ctx queue = do

View file

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Library
, cereal >= 0.3
, bytestring
, network
, data-default-class
, crypto-random >= 0.0 && < 0.1
, crypto-numbers
, crypto-pubkey-types >= 0.4
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ Library
, asn1-encoding
, x509 >= 1.4.3 && < 1.5.0
, x509-store
, x509-validation >= 1.5.0 && < 1.6.0
Exposed-modules: Network.TLS
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ Library
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ Test-Suite test-tls
Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5
, mtl
, cereal >= 0.3
, data-default-class
, QuickCheck >= 2
, test-framework
, test-framework-quickcheck2
@ -109,6 +113,7 @@ Test-Suite test-tls
, crypto-pubkey >= 0.2
, bytestring
, x509
, x509-validation
, tls
, time
, crypto-random
@ -122,6 +127,8 @@ Benchmark bench-tls
Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5
, tls
, x509
, x509-validation
, data-default-class
, crypto-random
, criterion
, cprng-aes