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2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Receiving
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- the Receiving module contains calls related to unmarshalling packets according
-- to the TLS state
module Network.TLS.Receiving (
) where
2010-10-02 21:02:37 +00:00
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Maybe
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.Cap
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.SRandom
import Data.Certificate.X509
newtype TLSRead a = TLSR { runTLSR :: ErrorT TLSError (State TLSState) a }
deriving (Monad, MonadError TLSError)
instance Functor TLSRead where
fmap f = TLSR . fmap f . runTLSR
instance MonadTLSState TLSRead where
putTLSState x = TLSR (lift $ put x)
getTLSState = TLSR (lift get)
runTLSRead :: MonadTLSState m => TLSRead a -> m (Either TLSError a)
runTLSRead f = do
st <- getTLSState
let (a, newst) = runState (runErrorT (runTLSR f)) st
putTLSState newst
return a
returnEither :: Either TLSError a -> TLSRead a
returnEither (Left err) = throwError err
returnEither (Right a) = return a
readPacket :: MonadTLSState m => Header -> EncryptedData -> m (Either TLSError [Packet])
2010-10-02 21:02:37 +00:00
readPacket hdr content = runTLSRead (checkState hdr >> decryptContent hdr content >>= processPacket hdr)
checkState :: Header -> TLSRead ()
checkState (Header pt _ _) =
stStatus <$> getTLSState >>= \status -> unless (allowed pt status) $ throwError $ Error_Packet_unexpected (show status) (show pt)
allowed :: ProtocolType -> TLSStatus -> Bool
allowed ProtocolType_Alert _ = True
allowed ProtocolType_Handshake _ = True
allowed ProtocolType_AppData StatusHandshakeReq = True
allowed ProtocolType_AppData StatusOk = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientFinished) = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientKeyXchg) = True
allowed ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec (StatusHandshake HsStatusClientCertificateVerify) = True
allowed _ _ = False
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
processPacket :: Header -> Bytes -> TLSRead [Packet]
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_AppData _ _) content = return [AppData content]
2010-10-02 08:09:46 +00:00
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_Alert _ _) content = return . (:[]) . Alert =<< returnEither (decodeAlert content)
2010-10-02 08:09:46 +00:00
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_ChangeCipherSpec _ _) content = do
2010-10-02 21:02:37 +00:00
e <- updateStatusCC False
when (isJust e) $ throwError (fromJust e)
2010-10-02 08:09:46 +00:00
returnEither $ decodeChangeCipherSpec content
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
isClientContext >>= \cc -> when (not cc) setKeyBlock
return [ChangeCipherSpec]
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
2010-10-02 08:09:46 +00:00
processPacket (Header ProtocolType_Handshake ver _) dcontent = do
handshakes <- returnEither (decodeHandshakes dcontent)
forM handshakes $ \(ty, content) -> do
hs <- processHandshake ver ty content
when (finishHandshakeTypeMaterial ty) $ updateHandshakeDigestSplitted ty content
return hs
processHandshake :: Version -> HandshakeType -> ByteString -> TLSRead Packet
processHandshake ver ty econtent = do
2010-10-02 08:09:46 +00:00
-- SECURITY FIXME if RSA fail, we need to generate a random master secret and not fail.
2010-10-02 21:02:37 +00:00
e <- updateStatusHs ty
when (isJust e) $ throwError (fromJust e)
2010-10-02 08:09:46 +00:00
content <- case ty of
HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg -> do
copt <- decryptRSA econtent
return $ maybe econtent id copt
_ ->
return econtent
hs <- case (ty, decodeHandshake ver ty content) of
(_, Right x) -> return x
(HandshakeType_ClientKeyXchg, Left _) -> return $ ClientKeyXchg SSL2 (ClientKeyData $ B.replicate 46 0xff)
(_, Left err) -> throwError err
clientmode <- isClientContext
case hs of
ClientHello cver ran _ _ _ _ -> unless clientmode $ do
startHandshakeClient cver ran
ServerHello sver ran _ _ _ _ -> when clientmode $ do
setServerRandom ran
setVersion sver
Certificates certs -> when clientmode $ do processCertificates certs
ClientKeyXchg cver _ -> unless clientmode $ do
processClientKeyXchg cver content
Finished fdata -> processClientFinished fdata
_ -> return ()
return $ Handshake hs
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
decryptRSA :: MonadTLSState m => ByteString -> m (Maybe ByteString)
decryptRSA econtent = do
ver <- return . stVersion =<< getTLSState
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
rsapriv <- getTLSState >>= return . fromJust . hstRSAPrivateKey . fromJust . stHandshake
return $ rsaDecrypt rsapriv (if ver < TLS10 then econtent else B.drop 2 econtent)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
setMasterSecretRandom :: ByteString -> TLSRead ()
setMasterSecretRandom content = do
st <- getTLSState
let (bytes, g') = getRandomBytes (stRandomGen st) (fromIntegral $ B.length content)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
putTLSState $ st { stRandomGen = g' }
setMasterSecret (B.pack bytes)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
processClientKeyXchg :: Version -> ByteString -> TLSRead ()
processClientKeyXchg ver content = do
{- the TLS protocol expect the initial client version received in the ClientHello, not the negociated version -}
expectedVer <- getTLSState >>= return . hstClientVersion . fromJust . stHandshake
if expectedVer /= ver
then setMasterSecretRandom content
else setMasterSecret content
processClientFinished :: FinishedData -> TLSRead ()
processClientFinished fdata = do
cc <- getTLSState >>= return . stClientContext
expected <- getHandshakeDigest (not cc)
when (expected /= B.pack fdata) $ do
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
-- FIXME don't fail, but report the error so that the code can send a BadMac Alert.
fail ("client mac failure: expecting " ++ show expected ++ " received " ++ (show $L.pack fdata))
return ()
decryptContent :: Header -> EncryptedData -> TLSRead ByteString
decryptContent hdr e@(EncryptedData b) = do
st <- getTLSState
if stRxEncrypted st
then decryptData e >>= getCipherData hdr
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
else return b
getCipherData :: Header -> CipherData -> TLSRead ByteString
getCipherData hdr cdata = do
-- check if the MAC is valid.
macValid <- case cipherDataMAC cdata of
Nothing -> return True
Just digest -> do
let (Header pt ver _) = hdr
let new_hdr = Header pt ver (fromIntegral $ B.length $ cipherDataContent cdata)
expected_digest <- makeDigest False new_hdr $ cipherDataContent cdata
if expected_digest == digest
then return True
else return False
-- check if the padding is filled with the correct pattern if it exists
paddingValid <- case cipherDataPadding cdata of
Nothing -> return True
Just pad -> do
ver <- stVersion <$> getTLSState
let b = B.length pad - 1
if ver < TLS10
then return True
else return $ maybe True (const False) $ B.find (/= fromIntegral b) pad
unless (and $! [ macValid, paddingValid ]) $ do
throwError $ Error_Digest ([], [])
return $ cipherDataContent cdata
decryptData :: EncryptedData -> TLSRead CipherData
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
decryptData (EncryptedData econtent) = do
st <- getTLSState
assert "decrypt data"
[ ("cipher", isNothing $ stCipher st)
, ("crypt state", isNothing $ stRxCryptState st) ]
let cipher = fromJust $ stCipher st
let cst = fromJust $ stRxCryptState st
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
let padding_size = fromIntegral $ cipherPaddingSize cipher
let digestSize = fromIntegral $ cipherDigestSize cipher
let writekey = cstKey cst
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
case cipherF cipher of
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
CipherNoneF -> fail "none decrypt"
CipherBlockF _ decryptF -> do
{- update IV -}
let (iv, econtent') =
if hasExplicitBlockIV $ stVersion st
then B.splitAt (fromIntegral $ cipherIVSize cipher) econtent
else (cstIV cst, econtent)
let newiv = fromJust $ takelast padding_size econtent'
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
putTLSState $ st { stRxCryptState = Just $ cst { cstIV = newiv } }
let content' = decryptF writekey iv econtent'
let paddinglength = fromIntegral (B.last content') + 1
let contentlen = B.length content' - paddinglength - digestSize
let (content, mac, padding) = fromJust $ partition3 content' (contentlen, digestSize, paddinglength)
return $ CipherData
{ cipherDataContent = content
, cipherDataMAC = Just mac
, cipherDataPadding = Just padding
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
CipherStreamF initF _ decryptF -> do
let iv = cstIV cst
let (content', newiv) = decryptF (if iv /= B.empty then iv else initF writekey) econtent
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
{- update Ctx -}
let contentlen = B.length content' - digestSize
let (content, mac, _) = fromJust $ partition3 content' (contentlen, digestSize, 0)
putTLSState $ st { stRxCryptState = Just $ cst { cstIV = newiv } }
return $ CipherData
{ cipherDataContent = content
, cipherDataMAC = Just mac
, cipherDataPadding = Nothing
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
processCertificates :: [Certificate] -> TLSRead ()
processCertificates certs = do
case certPubKey $ head certs of
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
PubKey _ (PubKeyRSA (lm, m, e)) -> do
let pk = PublicKey { public_size = fromIntegral lm, public_n = m, public_e = e }
setPublicKey pk
_ -> return ()