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2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
-- this is probably not a very good random interface, nor it has any good randomness capability.
-- the module is just here until a really good CPRNG implementation come up..
module Network.TLS.SRandom
( SRandomGen
, makeSRandomGen
, getRandomBytes
) where
import Data.Word
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Crypto.Random
import System.Random
import System.Crypto.Random (getEntropy)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Codec.Crypto.AES as AES
import Data.Bits (xor, shiftL)
import Data.Serialize
- the following CPRNG is an AES cbc based counter system.
- 16 bytes IV, 16 bytes counter, 32 bytes key
- (IV `xor` counter) `aes` key -> 16 bytes output
data Word128 = Word128 !Word64 !Word64
data SRandomGen = RNG !ByteString !Word128 !ByteString
instance Show SRandomGen where
show _ = "srandomgen[..]"
put128 :: Word128 -> ByteString
put128 (Word128 a b) = runPut (putWord64host a >> putWord64host b)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
get128 :: ByteString -> Word128
get128 = either (\_ -> Word128 0 0) id . runGet (getWord64host >>= \a -> (getWord64host >>= \b -> return $ Word128 a b))
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
add1 :: Word128 -> Word128
add1 (Word128 a b) = if b == 0xffffffffffffffff then Word128 (a+1) 0 else Word128 a (b+1)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
toBigInt :: Word128 -> Integer
toBigInt (Word128 a b) = ((fromIntegral a) `shiftL` 64) + fromIntegral b
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
make :: B.ByteString -> Either GenError SRandomGen
make b
| B.length b < 64 = Left NotEnoughEntropy
| otherwise = Right $ RNG iv (get128 cnt) key
key = B.take 32 left2
(cnt, left2) = B.splitAt 16 left1
(iv, left1) = B.splitAt 16 b
chunkSize :: Int
chunkSize = 16
nextChunk :: SRandomGen -> (ByteString, SRandomGen)
nextChunk (RNG iv counter key) = (chunk, newrng)
newrng = RNG chunk (add1 counter) key
chunk = AES.crypt' AES.CBC key iv AES.Encrypt bytes
bytes = iv `bxor` (put128 counter)
bxor a b = B.pack $ B.zipWith xor a b
makeSRandomGen :: IO (Either GenError SRandomGen)
makeSRandomGen = getEntropy 64 >>= return . make
getRandomBytes :: SRandomGen -> Int -> (ByteString, SRandomGen)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
getRandomBytes rng n =
let list = helper rng n in
(B.concat $ map fst list, snd $ last list)
2010-09-09 21:47:19 +00:00
helper _ 0 = []
helper g i =
let (b, g') = nextChunk g in
if chunkSize >= i
then [ (B.take i b, g') ]
else (b, g') : helper g' (i-chunkSize)
instance CryptoRandomGen SRandomGen where
newGen = make
genSeedLength = 64
genBytes len rng = Right $ getRandomBytes rng len
reseed b rng = Right rng
instance RandomGen SRandomGen where
split _ = error "split not supported on SRandomGen"
next rng = (fromIntegral $ toBigInt w, rng')
(w, rng') = first get128 $ nextChunk rng