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2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}
2012-04-27 06:29:35 +00:00
-- |
-- Module : Network.TLS.Handshake
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
module Network.TLS.Handshake
( handshake
, handshakeServerWith
, handshakeClient
, HandshakeFailed(..)
) where
import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Session
2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Compression
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.Extension
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import Network.TLS.IO
import Network.TLS.State hiding (getNegotiatedProtocol)
import Network.TLS.Sending
import Network.TLS.Receiving
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.Wire (encodeWord16)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Data
import Data.List (intersect, find)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception(), fromException, catch, SomeException)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
data HandshakeFailed = HandshakeFailed TLSError
deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable)
instance Exception HandshakeFailed
handshakeFailed :: TLSError -> IO ()
handshakeFailed err = throwIO $ HandshakeFailed err
recvPacketHandshake :: MonadIO m => Context -> m [Handshake]
recvPacketHandshake ctx = do
pkts <- recvPacket ctx
case pkts of
Right (Handshake l) -> return l
Right x -> fail ("unexpected type received. expecting handshake and got: " ++ show x)
Left err -> throwCore err
errorToAlert :: TLSError -> Packet
errorToAlert (Error_Protocol (_, _, ad)) = Alert [(AlertLevel_Fatal, ad)]
errorToAlert _ = Alert [(AlertLevel_Fatal, InternalError)]
data RecvState m =
RecvStateNext (Packet -> m (RecvState m))
| RecvStateHandshake (Handshake -> m (RecvState m))
| RecvStateDone
runRecvState :: MonadIO m => Context -> RecvState m -> m ()
runRecvState _ (RecvStateDone) = return ()
runRecvState ctx (RecvStateNext f) = recvPacket ctx >>= either throwCore f >>= runRecvState ctx
runRecvState ctx iniState = recvPacketHandshake ctx >>= loop iniState >>= runRecvState ctx
loop :: MonadIO m => RecvState m -> [Handshake] -> m (RecvState m)
loop recvState [] = return recvState
loop (RecvStateHandshake f) (x:xs) = do
nstate <- f x
usingState_ ctx $ processHandshake x
loop nstate xs
loop _ _ = unexpected "spurious handshake" Nothing
sendChangeCipherAndFinish :: MonadIO m => Context -> Bool -> m ()
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx isClient = do
sendPacket ctx ChangeCipherSpec
when isClient $ do
suggest <- usingState_ ctx $ getServerNextProtocolSuggest
case (onNPNServerSuggest (ctxParams ctx), suggest) of
-- client offered, server picked up. send NPN handshake.
(Just io, Just protos) -> do proto <- liftIO $ io protos
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [HsNextProtocolNegotiation proto])
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usingState_ ctx $ setNegotiatedProtocol proto
-- client offered, server didn't pick up. do nothing.
(Just _, Nothing) -> return ()
-- client didn't offer. do nothing.
(Nothing, _) -> return ()
liftIO $ contextFlush ctx
cf <- usingState_ ctx $ getHandshakeDigest isClient
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [Finished cf])
liftIO $ contextFlush ctx
recvChangeCipherAndFinish :: MonadIO m => Context -> m ()
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher)
expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
expectChangeCipher p = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")
expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
expectFinish p = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")
unexpected :: MonadIO m => String -> Maybe [Char] -> m a
unexpected msg expected = throwCore $ Error_Packet_unexpected msg (maybe "" (" expected: " ++) expected)
newSession :: MonadIO m => Context -> m Session
newSession ctx
| pUseSession $ ctxParams ctx = getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . Session . Just
| otherwise = return $ Session Nothing
-- | when a new handshake is done, wrap up & clean up.
handshakeTerminate :: MonadIO m => Context -> m ()
handshakeTerminate ctx = do
session <- usingState_ ctx getSession
-- only callback the session established if we have a session
case session of
Session (Just sessionId) -> do
sessionData <- usingState_ ctx getSessionData
withSessionManager (ctxParams ctx) (\s -> liftIO $ sessionEstablish s sessionId (fromJust sessionData))
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_ -> return ()
-- forget all handshake data now and reset bytes counters.
usingState_ ctx endHandshake
updateMeasure ctx resetBytesCounters
-- mark the secure connection up and running.
setEstablished ctx True
return ()
-- client part of handshake. send a bunch of handshake of client
-- values intertwined with response from the server.
handshakeClient :: MonadIO m => ClientParams -> Context -> m ()
handshakeClient cparams ctx = do
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updateMeasure ctx incrementNbHandshakes
sessionResuming <- usingState_ ctx isSessionResuming
if sessionResuming
then sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx True
else do
sendCertificate >> sendClientKeyXchg >> sendCertificateVerify
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx True
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
handshakeTerminate ctx
params = ctxParams ctx
ver = pConnectVersion params
allowedvers = pAllowedVersions params
ciphers = pCiphers params
compressions = pCompressions params
clientCerts = map fst $ pCertificates params
getExtensions = sequence [secureReneg,npnExtention] >>= return . catMaybes
toExtensionRaw :: Extension e => e -> ExtensionRaw
toExtensionRaw ext = (extensionID ext, extensionEncode ext)
2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
secureReneg =
if pUseSecureRenegotiation params
then usingState_ ctx (getVerifiedData True) >>= \vd -> return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ SecureRenegotiation vd Nothing
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else return Nothing
npnExtention = if isJust $ onNPNServerSuggest params
then return $ Just $ toExtensionRaw $ NextProtocolNegotiation []
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else return Nothing
sendClientHello = do
crand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ClientRandom
let clientSession = Session . maybe Nothing (Just . fst) $ clientWantSessionResume cparams
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extensions <- getExtensions
usingState_ ctx (startHandshakeClient ver crand)
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake
[ ClientHello ver crand clientSession (map cipherID ciphers)
(map compressionID compressions) extensions
expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
expectChangeCipher p = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")
expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
expectFinish p = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")
sendCertificate = do
-- Send Certificate if requested. XXX disabled for now.
certRequested <- return False
when certRequested (sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [Certificates clientCerts])
sendCertificateVerify =
{- maybe send certificateVerify -}
{- FIXME not implemented yet -}
return ()
recvServerHello = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake onServerHello)
onServerHello :: MonadIO m => Handshake -> m (RecvState m)
onServerHello sh@(ServerHello rver _ serverSession cipher _ exts) = do
when (rver == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("ssl2 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
case find ((==) rver) allowedvers of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("version " ++ show ver ++ "is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
Just _ -> usingState_ ctx $ setVersion ver
case find ((==) cipher . cipherID) ciphers of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no cipher in common with the server", True, HandshakeFailure)
Just c -> usingState_ ctx $ setCipher c
let resumingSession = case clientWantSessionResume cparams of
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Just (sessionId, sessionData) -> if serverSession == Session (Just sessionId) then Just sessionData else Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
usingState_ ctx $ setSession serverSession (isJust resumingSession)
usingState_ ctx $ processServerHello sh
case extensionDecode False `fmap` (lookup extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation exts) of
Just (Just (NextProtocolNegotiation protos)) -> usingState_ ctx $ do
setExtensionNPN True
setServerNextProtocolSuggest protos
_ -> return ()
2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
case resumingSession of
Nothing -> return $ RecvStateHandshake processCertificate
Just sessionData -> do
usingState_ ctx (setMasterSecret $ sessionSecret sessionData)
return $ RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher
onServerHello p = unexpected (show p) (Just "server hello")
processCertificate :: MonadIO m => Handshake -> m (RecvState m)
processCertificate (Certificates certs) = do
usage <- liftIO $ catch (onCertificatesRecv params $ certs) rejectOnException
case usage of
CertificateUsageAccept -> return ()
CertificateUsageReject reason -> certificateRejected reason
return $ RecvStateHandshake processServerKeyExchange
rejectOnException :: SomeException -> IO TLSCertificateUsage
rejectOnException e = return $ CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectOther $ show e
processCertificate p = processServerKeyExchange p
processServerKeyExchange :: MonadIO m => Handshake -> m (RecvState m)
processServerKeyExchange (ServerKeyXchg _) = return $ RecvStateHandshake processCertificateRequest
processServerKeyExchange p = processCertificateRequest p
processCertificateRequest (CertRequest _ _ _) = do
--modify (\sc -> sc { scCertRequested = True })
return $ RecvStateHandshake processServerHelloDone
processCertificateRequest p = processServerHelloDone p
processServerHelloDone ServerHelloDone = return RecvStateDone
processServerHelloDone p = unexpected (show p) (Just "server hello data")
sendClientKeyXchg = do
encryptedPreMaster <- usingState_ ctx $ do
xver <- stVersion <$> get
prerand <- genTLSRandom 46
let premaster = encodePreMasterSecret xver prerand
setMasterSecretFromPre premaster
-- SSL3 implementation generally forget this length field since it's redundant,
-- however TLS10 make it clear that the length field need to be present.
e <- encryptRSA premaster
let extra = if xver < TLS10
then B.empty
else encodeWord16 $ fromIntegral $ B.length e
return $ extra `B.append` e
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [ClientKeyXchg encryptedPreMaster]
-- on certificate reject, throw an exception with the proper protocol alert error.
certificateRejected CertificateRejectRevoked =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate is revoked", True, CertificateRevoked)
certificateRejected CertificateRejectExpired =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate has expired", True, CertificateExpired)
certificateRejected CertificateRejectUnknownCA =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate has unknown CA", True, UnknownCa)
certificateRejected (CertificateRejectOther s) =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate rejected: " ++ s, True, CertificateUnknown)
handshakeServerWith :: MonadIO m => ServerParams -> Context -> Handshake -> m ()
handshakeServerWith sparams ctx clientHello@(ClientHello ver _ clientSession ciphers compressions exts) = do
2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
-- check if policy allow this new handshake to happens
handshakeAuthorized <- withMeasure ctx (onHandshake $ ctxParams ctx)
unless handshakeAuthorized (throwCore $ Error_HandshakePolicy "server: handshake denied")
updateMeasure ctx incrementNbHandshakes
-- Handle Client hello
usingState_ ctx $ processHandshake clientHello
when (ver == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("ssl2 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
when (not $ elem ver (pAllowedVersions params)) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("version " ++ show ver ++ "is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
when (commonCiphers == []) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no cipher in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
when (null commonCompressions) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no compression in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
usingState_ ctx $ modify (\st -> st
{ stVersion = ver
, stCipher = Just usedCipher
, stCompression = usedCompression
resumeSessionData <- case clientSession of
(Session (Just clientSessionId)) -> withSessionManager params (\s -> liftIO $ sessionResume s clientSessionId)
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(Session Nothing) -> return Nothing
case resumeSessionData of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ contextFlush ctx
-- Receive client info until client Finished.
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx False
Just sessionData -> do
usingState_ ctx (setSession clientSession True)
serverhello <- makeServerHello clientSession
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [serverhello]
usingState_ ctx $ setMasterSecret $ sessionSecret sessionData
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx False
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
handshakeTerminate ctx
params = ctxParams ctx
commonCiphers = intersect ciphers (map cipherID $ pCiphers params)
usedCipher = fromJust $ find (\c -> cipherID c == head commonCiphers) (pCiphers params)
commonCompressions = compressionIntersectID (pCompressions params) compressions
usedCompression = head commonCompressions
srvCerts = map fst $ pCertificates params
privKeys = map snd $ pCertificates params
needKeyXchg = cipherExchangeNeedMoreData $ cipherKeyExchange usedCipher
clientRequestedNPN = isJust $ lookup extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation exts
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recvClientData = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake processClientCertificate)
processClientCertificate (Certificates _) = return $ RecvStateHandshake processClientKeyExchange
processClientCertificate p = processClientKeyExchange p
processClientKeyExchange (ClientKeyXchg _) = return $ RecvStateNext processCertificateVerify
processClientKeyExchange p = unexpected (show p) (Just "client key exchange")
processCertificateVerify (Handshake [CertVerify _]) = return $ RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher
processCertificateVerify p = expectChangeCipher p
expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = do npn <- usingState_ ctx getExtensionNPN
return $ RecvStateHandshake $ if npn
then expectNPN
else expectFinish
expectChangeCipher p = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")
expectNPN (HsNextProtocolNegotiation _) = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
expectNPN p = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake NextProtocolNegotiation")
2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
expectFinish p = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")
makeServerHello session = do
srand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ServerRandom
case privKeys of
(Just privkey : _) -> usingState_ ctx $ setPrivateKey privkey
_ -> return () -- return a sensible error
-- in TLS12, we need to check as well the certificates we are sending if they have in the extension
-- the necessary bits set.
secReneg <- usingState_ ctx getSecureRenegotiation
secRengExt <- if secReneg
then do
vf <- usingState_ ctx $ do
cvf <- getVerifiedData True
svf <- getVerifiedData False
return $ extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cvf $ Just svf)
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return [ (0xff01, vf) ]
else return []
nextProtocols <-
if clientRequestedNPN
then liftIO $ onSuggestNextProtocols params
else return Nothing
npnExt <- case nextProtocols of
Just protos -> do usingState_ ctx $ do setExtensionNPN True
setServerNextProtocolSuggest protos
return [ ( extensionID_NextProtocolNegotiation
, extensionEncode $ NextProtocolNegotiation protos) ]
2012-04-27 06:28:17 +00:00
Nothing -> return []
let extensions = secRengExt ++ npnExt
usingState_ ctx (setVersion ver >> setServerRandom srand)
return $ ServerHello ver srand session (cipherID usedCipher)
(compressionID usedCompression) extensions
handshakeSendServerData = do
serverSession <- newSession ctx
usingState_ ctx (setSession serverSession False)
serverhello <- makeServerHello serverSession
-- send ServerHello & Certificate & ServerKeyXchg & CertReq
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [ serverhello, Certificates srvCerts ]
when needKeyXchg $ do
let skg = SKX_RSA Nothing
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [ServerKeyXchg skg])
-- FIXME we don't do this on a Anonymous server
when (serverWantClientCert sparams) $ do
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let certTypes = [ CertificateType_RSA_Sign ]
let creq = CertRequest certTypes Nothing [] -- FIXME: get client cert names.
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sendPacket ctx (Handshake [creq])
-- Send HelloDone
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [ServerHelloDone])
handshakeServerWith _ _ _ = fail "unexpected handshake type received. expecting client hello"
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-- after receiving a client hello, we need to redo a handshake
handshakeServer :: MonadIO m => ServerParams -> Context -> m ()
handshakeServer sparams ctx = do
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hss <- recvPacketHandshake ctx
case hss of
[ch] -> handshakeServerWith sparams ctx ch
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_ -> fail ("unexpected handshake received, excepting client hello and received " ++ show hss)
-- | Handshake for a new TLS connection
-- This is to be called at the beginning of a connection, and during renegotiation
handshake :: MonadIO m => Context -> m ()
handshake ctx = do
let handshakeF = case roleParams $ ctxParams ctx of
Server sparams -> handshakeServer sparams
Client cparams -> handshakeClient cparams
liftIO $ handleException $ handshakeF ctx
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handleException f = catch f $ \exception -> do
let tlserror = maybe (Error_Misc $ show exception) id $ fromException exception
setEstablished ctx False
sendPacket ctx (errorToAlert tlserror)
handshakeFailed tlserror
withClientCertServer :: MonadIO m => Context -> (ClientCertParamsServer -> m a) -> m a
withClientCertServer ctx f =
case pClientCertParamsServer $ ctxParams ctx of
Nothing ->
throwCore $ Error_Misc "client certificates not configured"
Just cpp ->
f cpp
withClientCertClient :: MonadIO m => Context -> (ClientCertParamsClient -> m a) -> m a
withClientCertClient ctx f =
case pClientCertParamsClient $ ctxParams ctx of
Nothing ->
throwCore $ Error_Misc "client certificates not configured"
Just cpp ->
f cpp
throwMiscErrorOnException :: MonadIO m => String -> SomeException -> m a
throwMiscErrorOnException msg e =
throwCore $ Error_Misc $ msg ++ ": " ++ show e